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My, isn't this going to be fun....

Basically, the idea is that, in the early days of Unix, someone figured out that by combining the shell commands and pipes that make up the command line experience on a Unix system and placing them into an executable text file, you can make quick and easy dirty programs. Add some flow control, and you can really program.

Now, a Unix person like myself thinks of sh, bash, tsch or ksh as their shell, but Windows gamers refer to the windowing environment as the shell, and this leads to the idea of combining, for example, Netscape and Gimp, to download and make a thumbnail of every image on this LinuxUserGroup events page. Sure, the implementation of this in a command-line environment is simple, and

This, or something like it within an application, is available in Mobius software. I've also seen writing about it in Watch What I Do: Programming by Demonstration (ISBN 0262032139 (alternate, search)). The problem is, you'd have to tear your window manager down to the basics for it to work, so implementation would be difficult.


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