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This page was inspired by NatalieBrown, asking for a little help on editing the page NapsterDotCom, so to say as a warming up exercise for bigger requests.

As BarnRaising is one of the core values of MeatballWiki and AboutusOrg, here comes a dedicated page for collecting all actual CallsForCollaboration (to focus on things, that were so essential as barns were to the farmers in the past).

Call for supporting a free public ConceptMaps Server with a dedicated forum

  Please help to influence or build the concept map community initiative at   http://cmapforum.ihmc.us/viewforum.php?f=6 . 

  ConceptMaps help to build the vision of connected wikis, like started with TourBus, WikiNodes, BiLinks, UnifiedRecentChanges, etc.
  We can "much more achieve with less", yes we can .. if only each wikizen does some tiny incremental contribution. In this case I ask for some [forum contribution] to the new (May2009) official IHMC CMaps forum, that
  helps to build a dedicated subforum and an appropriate Cmap Server, that we all can use for the benefit of the Cmappers and/or all wikizens.

  CMaps allow actually minuscule but very efficient contributions and besides that easy refactoring, once they are in our use. Did I mention: easy translation in different languages and easy processing by algorithms?

  For the author it's a pain
  alone to be left in the rain.   (Sic!)  -- FridemarPache

  Meanwhile the Call is extended to Weave The Web by means of Cmaps. Feel free to play at least a bit in the Sandbox Map there.


NathanielThurston: Fridemar, from looking at the forum, I'm starting to wonder if it might not be easier to re-implement the needed portions of the software than to try and convince IHMC to open their codebase.

FridemarPache: Nathaniel, that would be great in the longer run. Did you notice the example http://cmap.ihmc.us/xml/ClientNet.html. Currently however we need to have an immediate available Google:CmapServer and a dedicated forum with IHMC approval or wiki to build the Cmappers community, collaborating with the Wiki communities. Wikis have the advantage that you can leave links on Wiki pages to the Cmaps, hovering over them. It is compliant with the MeatballMission to foster the Cmapper community and its tools. Please help to fill the gap here and now. If you (or anybody else) have some experience with the Apache Server (I guess) you can enter the hall of fame, being the first to offer a public Cmap server now, ... in the next minutes. Ask the Admin there for getting a Google:CmapServer with IHMC approval and I am sure you will get it in no time. Based on Wikis, there are good chances that the wiki-based Cmapper community will grow faster than a forum-only based Cmapper community.

NathanielThurston: Fridemar, I don't have access to a server which fits the requirements (in particular, the ability to start a background server). Can anyone else do this?

FridemarPache: Nathaniel, due to the extremely felt urgency of the need and the weak reaction in Meatball to barnraise, I've meanwhile posted an explicit [query to the admin Rodrigo] .

NathanielThurston: Fridemar, this is an ambitious and interesting project, and I will be following your progress and looking out for ways in which I can effectively assist. Have you explored the other knowledge/concept map engines to see if they are more community-friendly? Ideally, I'd like to see a situation where each individual map was controlled by a wiki community rather than a single person, with some sort of community consensus process to decide how the map is presented. I'm also wondering about having a single place(wiki?) to concentrate all of the interest in promoting the project, with a mandate that encompasses all of the providers of software of this type.

FridemarPache: Nathaniel, agreed; for maximal efficiency each Cmap can and should be handled as a Wiki page. But not each community has the maturity as Meatball to build on SoftSecurity. So at least in the beginning it appears to me an advantage of the fledgeling Cmappers community to have Cmappers group permission or single user permission. You (and hopefully many other people here) might want to see (and contribute) to the growing Cmap, that has a SandBox now too. To you other question, I have put a lot of search into (free) Concept Maps for collaborative use, but Cmaps could not be topped. Here is a comparison chart: http://fr.dokupedia.org/index.php/Cmap_Tools#Conclusion.

NathanielThurston: I looked at the chart, and noticed OmniGraffle?. I used this quite a lot last year, and really liked it. Downsides: no collaborative server support, mac-only, and not free.

FridemarPache: Yes those downsides inhibit the mass collaboration effect, which Cmaps has the chance to bring about.

NathanielThurston: Fridemar, could we have a link to the "growing Cmap"?

FridemarPache: See <-> http://cmapforum.ihmc.us/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=81. You (or any other peer) would do (not only) to me a great favor, if you opened a Cmappers account, just as I did, trying to bilink each others Cmap, as I don't know yet, if this is easily possible.

NathanielThurston: I spent some time trying, so far without success. Is there a way I can find an editable version of your CMAP (or the soup containing it?

FridemarPache: Nathaniel, I have set the edit permissions to "All in the Directory", that means you must have an account at http://Cmappers.net, coupled with an account at http://cmapforum.ihmc.us, using the same name/psw pair. I suppose you have the CmapTools? client successfully installed on your computer .. then you open Places/IHMC Cmappers/users/fridemar/CmappersCommunityInitiative/Sandbox.cmap, There you can make your warming up. I had the same problems to start on my own, but the admin at the Cmap forum gave me a jumpstart. As I prefer social symmetry, I would like to see you there optionally on Places/IHMC Cmappers/users/Nathaniel/... to be free to connect with each other. (There is also a Places/IHMC Cmappers/users/fridemar/CmappersCommunityInitiative/CmappersCommunityInitiative.cmap)

Nathaniel, thank you for your help here and at CmapSandbox and thank you to the whole Meatball community who helped to reach indirectly this goal, by giving ample space and SilentAgreement to work for this goal.


Now that we have the official blessing to use the Ihmc Cmappers Server for the advancement of Cmapping in online-communities, we call for helping to barnraise such a worldwide community using Cmaps. -- FridemarPache

Next Call please ..

BiLinks <->


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