I can't link this name to my usual OnlineIdentity (whether I wanted to or not) because, in the words of that ErikDeBill guy I was just reading about, "U.S. courts seem to think that anything I type into a computer is supposed to be part of some of official record, and taken seriously in court."
But anyway, here I am.
Welcome Natalie, I learned from you via the VisitorsPage and some edits of you :-) -- FridemarPache
Hey there! -- NatalieBrown
Welcome to MeatBall, Nat! Nice spot of the GameMaker? Wiki:WalledGarden — how did you stumble across that? -- ChrisPurcell
Mashing the "random page" button, of course. - Nat
Welcome, Natalie. -- NathanielThurston
Bonsoir Natalie et bienvenue sur MeatballWiki. -- ChristopheDucamp
Thank you Natalie for barnraising. For some strange reason, GoogleSearchWiki didn't react on clicking your Helpful=YES button. I did it, and it worked only the first time by clicking on Nathaniel's contribution. You are right with Meatball is disseminating ideas/memes on the back of strategical search-terms. It's for the benefit of all parties involved. However what we did was only a tiny fraction of the barn :-) I would be very happy, if we could continue. -- FridemarPache
Natalie, welcome. Sorry for doing this so late. I visit mb only every other month in these days, so I hope you don't think me impolite. -- HelmutLeitner