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These are books that are interesting to read in the context of Meatball. Hopefully they will enlighten us on our path to achieve the
MeatballMission. Or at least be entertaining to read!
Ce sont des livres qui sont intéressants à lire dans le contexte de Meatball. En espérant qu'ils nous éclaireront sur notre chemin pour parvenir à la MissionMeatball. Ou au moins qu'ils soient amusants à lire !
BruceBethke (The guy who coined the term "CyberPunk")
GregEgan (Generally about mathematics, simulation and artificial life.)
WilliamGibson (Early CyberPunk -- the dark side of high technology. More young adult, "guns are cool" though.)
EricNylund (Weird and whacky sci-fi/CyberPunk.)
NealStephenson (About quality and technology.)
TadWilliams (A fantasy author who dipped into cyberpunk for long enough to create a fantasy VirtualReality.)
Other books:
- DoAndroidsDreamOfElectricSheep (The lesser-known book that became the movie Blade Runner.)
- HitchHikersGuideToTheGalaxy (Classic works of humor.)
- DistractionBook (Distraction), and other books by BruceSterling. (His fiction often explores future social/cyberpunk ideas.)
- NaturalCapitalism (Argues that ecosystems provide valuable services which should be considered as capital and used efficiently.)
- HowBrainsThink (A high-level explanation of many current ideas for a general audience.)
- TheCerebralCode (A more technical explanation of an interesting neurological theory.)
- AppliedCryptography (Possibly the best detailed overview of modern cryptography.)
- SecretsAndLies (A look at what cryptography can't do, by the author of AppliedCryptography.)
- AliceInWonderland
- MirrorWorlds
- LeftHandOfDarkness by UrsulaKLeGuin
- CluetrainManifesto
- EsterDyson?, "Release 2.0: A design for living in the digital age". Broadway Books, 1997, ISBN 0-7679-0011-1 (alternate, search).
- NicholasNegroponte, "being digital". Vintage, 1995, 255 pages, ISBN 0-679-76290-6 (alternate, search).
- HackersBook? (Hackers, by Steven Levy). Pub. 1984, recently repub. A book about the culture, and how it all began, written before what we now think of as "it all" began.
- PoorRichardsBuildingOnlineCommunities
- JerryMander?, AbsenceOfTheSacred? - The Failure Of Technology And The Survival Of Indian Nations. an excellent basic history of technology. [review] ISBN 0871565099 (alternate, search)
- EspenAarseth?, CybertextPerspectivesOnErgodicLiterature. ISBN 0-8018-5579-9 (alternate, search).
- LisaNakamura?, CyberTypes: Race, Ethnicity, and Identity on the Internet. ISBN 0-415-93837-6 (alternate, search)
- PenWarmedUpInHell? by SamuelClemens? (MarkTwain?)
- ...
See also HumanComputerInteractionBibliography, RelatedConferences, RelatedJournals, CategoryBook.
En français voir DossierLivre