The term NooSphere was coined in 1922 by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955) as part of his philosophy and his intention to bridge evolutionary science and christian worldview.
[Noösphere] (diaeresis optional) is the ContentManagementSystem? used by [PlanetMath]. Very close to wiki in the collaborative and interlinked nature but with a much stronger authority model: [Noosphere's Authority Model]. This model is meant to be better oriented in the direction of producing high quality documents then the traditional wiki one.
It is in public domain (if I understand the licence well) — so no restrictions to use it.
You could implement the Noosphere authority model socially, rather than having to do it technically. For example, you might just write "Page owner: FredSmith" at the bottom of the page, and ask non-owners to make non-trivial suggestions via a CommentPage. This allows for much more fluid handling of orphaning, which seems to be a weakness in Noosphere.
I must admit that's a great point. This social implementation should really work for the ownership, but I don't think CommentPage can replace a good forum — forum usage is so different from wiki that emulation via simple indentation is not enough.
Yes. ThreadingForWiki has problems.
LionKimbro: I've tried to do some research into VladimirVernadsky?'s use of the term "Noosphere," but this research is troubled by the language barrier -- I haven't found anything yet that is translated into English, and costs less than $100 on Amazon. What is clear is that the Russian Cosmists (of which VladimirVernadsky? was a contributor) have a defensible claim to the term, or at the very least, the idea.