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A form of reworking, in which a section of an originating page is extracted to another, sometimes new, target page. Typically, a few sentences are left to explain how the pages are connected. Often, we stop there.
The immediate problem is ContextSwizzling: I say "There's a fuller explanation on BiggishProblem", someone else extracts my explanation to BiggishProblemExplanation, and we have broken links. Therefore, after doing an ExtractPage you should check the BackLinks, and update them to point to the extracted page, where that is appropriate. This often entails ReworkingSignedContributions?. This is an example of one of the key ReworkingProblems - largely uncontroversial reworkings like ExtractPage seem to require somewhat more controversial reworkings.
This is all no real problem, provided the folks who are being reworked are willing to AssumeGoodFaith.
- When the originating page is too long.
- When you can find a section that can be grouped together. You might need to GroupRelatedComments? before you can apply ExtractPage.
- When extracting the page would fill in one of the WantedPages.
- When the section's topic is more appropriate for another page. (see CommunityWiki:OnAndOffTopic)
- When the section refers to ThreadMode further up the originating page. Consider applying ConvertThreadModeToDocumentMode? first.
- When doing so would make the originating page a ShallowPage. Consider applying RenamePage when the target page is new, or MergePages? when the target page exists.
- When doing so would make the new target page a ShallowPage. Consider using a PermanentAnchor instead.
Voir une traduction en français sur ExtractionPage.