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In response to this [this excellent article] on KuroShin about censorship of children's works, [dirkmuon] writes:

A work of literature changes over time. The relationship between text and reader is two-way, not one-way: readers ascribe meanings to texts that authors did not, could not imagine. An author's intention may become changed or lost across the years even though the text is fixed. An author's intention becomes, in some sense, irrelevant. We do not read old texts because of an author's intention. We read them because we respond to them in some appealing way.

ReaderSwizzling is when the outer context of a work changes. In this way, it is a form of ContextSwizzling. That is, the author and reader no longer share a CommonContext as the reader has changed. Or the work is extended to a culture outside the author's intended circle. So, instead of the ContentSwizzling, the reader is different in some way.

See also the related AuthorSwizzling, and the wider ContextSwizzling.


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