To see how any page is formatted, just follow the link "Edit text of this page" at the bottom of the page.
This is a simple sample paragraph. Paragraphs can have line breaks internally. To separate paragraphs, use a blank line.
Here is another paragraph. Note that HTML-special characters like <, >, and & are not special in wiki. (This also means that special sequences like < do not work in wiki.)
Do not indent paragraphs, or
your text might look like this.
To create a horizontal line, type four (or more) minus/dash/hyphen (-) characters:
---- becomes:
You can link to a page by removing the spaces between two or more words, and starting each word with a capital letter. For instance, WikiName and TextFormattingExamples are samples of page links.
Non-existing pages, like SampleUndefinedPage?, will be displayed with a question-mark for a link. The question mark link indicates the page doesn't exist yet -- others can follow the link to create and edit the page. Don't do it here or you'll break this particular example. ^_^
Inline image:
Inline link:
InterWiki link: UseMod:InterWiki
Sample use of the "" delimiter: Plural forms of page links, like UseModWikis.
Avoid linking using nowiki tags: StartingPoints
To mark text as bold or italic, you can use the HTML <b> and <i> tags. For example:
Sample bold, italic, and bold+italic.
UseModWiki also implements the old "quote style" of text formatting, which is used on several wikis. Briefly:
Two single quotes are italics, three single quotes are bold, five single quotes are bold and italic.
Pre-formatted section here. No other link or format processing is done on pre-formatted sections. For instance, UseModWiki is not a link here.
This is the starting-spaces version of preformatted text. Note that links like UseModWiki still work.