Consulta TextFormattingExamples para ver ejemplos sin el texto de explicaci¨®n. Si deseas probar estas reglas t¨² mismo, puedes editar la p¨¢gina SandBox. Para ver el formato de cualquier p¨¢gina, sigue el enlace "Edit text of this page" (Editar texto de esta p¨¢gina) de la parte inferior de la p¨¢gina. El bot¨®n "Preview" (Vista preliminar) de la p¨¢gina que se est¨¢ editando tambi¨¦n resulta ¨²til para encontrar los errores de formato antes de guardar la p¨¢gina.
La mayor parte del texto no necesita ning¨²n cambio especial para el formato de wiki. Estas son algunas de las reglas b¨¢sicas:
MeatballWiki no permite el HTML crudo en las p¨¢ginas. Por tanto, el c¨®digo siguiente no producir¨¢ el resultado previsto:
<nowiki><html><a href="">gnu</a></html> </nowiki>
<html><a href="">gnu</a></html>
A continuaci¨®n se detallan algunas excepciones a esta regla "no HTML".
Para marcar el texto como negrita o cursiva, puedes utilizar las etiquetas <b> e <i> de HTML. Por ejemplo:
Ejemplo de <b>negrita</b>, <i>cursiva</i> y <b><i>negrita y cursiva</i></b>.
Tiene el aspecto siguiente:
Ejemplo de negrita, cursiva y negrita y cursiva.
Toma nota de que UseModWiki (como casi todos los Wikis) procesan las p¨¢ginas l¨ªnea-por-l¨ªnea, as¨ª que si deseas tres l¨ªneas de texto en negritas , necesitar¨¢s poner tres etiquetas <b>...</b> separadas. Tambi¨¦n toma nota de que las etiquetas no cerradas o impares no ser¨¢n removidas de la p¨¢gina.
UseModWiki tambi¨¦n implementa la vieja "comilla de estilo" para formatear texto, que es usada en much¨ªsimos wikis. En breve:
''Dos comillas simples son cursivas'', '''tres comillas simples son negritas''', '''''cinco comillas simples son negritas y cursivas.'''''
es mostrado como:
Dos comillas simples son cursivas, tres comillas simples son negritas, cinco comillas simples son negritas y cursivas.
El formato "comilla de estilo" es a menudo confuso, sobre todo si se mezclan varias secciiones en negrita y/o cursiva en una l¨ªnea. Puede que ¨¦ste tipo de formeteo de texto sea eliminado de UseModWiki.
You can link to a page by removing the spaces between two or more words, and starting each word with a capital letter. For instance, WikiName and TextFormattingExamples are samples of page links.
Non-existing pages, like SampleUndefinedPage?, will be displayed with a question-mark for a link. The question mark link indicates the page doesn't exist yet -- follow the link to create and edit the page. [The sample page used here is a special example page -- you can't define it.]
Write the URL:
In nearly all cases trailing punctuation is ignored, so you can safely make links like, without the trailing comma being part of the link.
If the URL itself is long and ugly, you could use a bracketed link.
Just enclose a URL with square brackets, like this: []
Result: [1]
The URL will be replaced with a number. Note that is often considered bad style to replace the name of something (book, author, paper, web site) with the reference in square brackets.
If you can't read it out loud, don't write it. Use the active voice, instead.
Bracketed Links with Custom Text
Just follow the URL inside the square brackets with the text you want to act as the link, like this: [ Yahoo Search Engine]
Result: [Yahoo Search Engine]
Write the URL to the image:
These file types are recognized: gif, jpg, png, bmp and jpeg
Check the InterMap ( All the prefixes on the intermap can be used to link to pages on other wikis. Just write the prefix, a colon, and the name of the page on the other wiki like this: UseMod:InterWiki
Result: UseMod:InterWiki
Just write the ISBN Number, like this: ISBN 0-471-25311-1
Result: ISBN 0-471-25311-1 (alternate, search)
If you want to avoid linking, enclose the text with nowiki tags, like this: <nowiki>InterWiki</nowiki>
Result: InterWiki
You can separate links from adjacent text with spaces or the special "" (two double-quotes) delimiter, like this: UseModWiki""s
Result: UseModWikis
The "" delimiter is not displayed -- it is useful for cases like plural forms of page links (such as UseModWikis).
Simple lists:
* Text for a bulleted list item. * Text for another bulleted list item. * Text for a third bulleted list item. ** Text for second-level list. *** Text for third level, etc.
...which looks like:
Numbered lists:
# Text for a numbered list item. # Text for another numbered list item. # Text for a third numbered list item. ## Text for second-level list. ### Text for third level, etc.
...which looks like:
Definition lists
Terms with indented definitions: [without a blank line between term and definition]
;Term One:Definition for One (indented) ;Term Two:Definition for Two (indented) ;Term Three:Definition for Three (indented) ;;Term (indented):Definition (indented two levels) ;;;Term (indented twice):Definition (indented to third level)
...which looks like:
Simple indented text:
: Paragraph to be indented (quote-block) :: Paragraph indented more ::: Paragraph indented to third level
...which looks like:
Individual lines can be displayed as preformatted (fixed-width or "typewriter"-font) text by placing one or more spaces at the start of the line. Other wiki formatting (like links) will be applied to this kind of preformatted text.
Alternatively, multi-line sections can be marked as pre-formatted text with all other formatting suppressed by surrounding the text section with lines starting with <pre> (to start pre-formatted text), and </pre> (to end preformatted text). The <pre> and </pre> tags are not displayed. Wiki links and other formatting is not done within a <pre> formatted section. (If you want wiki formatting, use spaces at the start of the line instead of the <pre> and </pre> tags.)
For instance:
Pre-formatted section here. No other link or format processing is done on pre-formatted sections. For instance, UseModWiki is not a link here, and '''this is not bold'''.
This is the starting-spaces version of preformatted text. Note that links like UseModWiki still work and bolding works.