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There is a [Wikipedia article on Warren Buffet], the author invites to be discussed within a [Wiki Trail starting here].


Copy of the author's Wiki Trail intro: For convenience of readers, not yet using the social annotation engine FireTrail, the author leaves a copy of his Wiki Trail info here:

We all can learn from the successful businessman and philantropist WarrenBuffett how to CreateAndShareWealth. Perhaps some time we will even interact with this prominent personality, who easily could give the SocialCommonWealth a headstart.

The [WikipediaArticleOnWarrenBuffett] contains nuggets of insights, worth to be discussed "in an unobtrusive way" by way of threaded (trailed) annotations. Therefore the author initiated this TrailfireTrail? as an open WikiTrail to invite wikizen from different wikis, where we can leave additional contributions, linked from the WikiTrail.





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