This exchange of the ExpertModel? that much of life is based on. Here I treat Sunir as an expert and thus he may feel like I am pushing GodKing status on him, when I am really just setting him OnaPedestal?. This is an AntiPattern. Certainly he has much more experience with the internet and wiki than I do, but by my valuing my instincts and experience I actually help the community grow by BeingEqual? on wiki, that is the beauty of it.
To help me, it would be great if we had a tool called UnfairCritique? or something like that so we can more clearly discuss conflict.
From: History of PetitionToReleaseMeatBallCopyrights?
I'm often in the situation of being the inexperienced in a wiki community, because I participate in many communities that have special topics. For example at DorfWiki there are many experts of rural development and sustainability. But I do not feel that my contributions are less important or valuable, because I'm in the position to see where the expert position is hard to understand. I can ask the simple questions and in a way represent the non-experienced readers. So I think there is no difference in value. We have just to understand that, accept that and incorporate it into our communication habits. So I just act from the basic assumption and expectation that we are all equals. -- HelmutLeitner
Yes, it happens all the time. I think we have pages about BackStage or BackStageCommunication containing some background about this special situation. Do you see this as a AntiPattern or can there be a GoldenMix? If you are in the situation of being wiki-experienced and local-inexperienced, how much of your wiki knowledge can you bring in - by example or explicitely - and still be well-received and perceived as helpful? I think this is a difficult problem. There is a kind of MindTheGap and all the general problems of OnlineCommunication. -- HelmutLeitner
Wiki experienced / local inexperienced is a nice clarification. The interesting thing about this WikiPractice is that nearly everyone that starts with wiki is interested in how it works, how does the collaborating happen? That interest can turn into excitement easily as WikiIsAbstract?. Because there are no other language ques to help people understand their ideas online, this makes So creative problem solving is needed. Along with stories about peoples experiences with this type of issue are. Thanks for yours Helmut. This is an organizing challenge that I face on a daily basis in the real world, but WikiIsHard?'er, ability to wound others egos is hightened. So there needs to be a set of tools to help people understand how to communicate in this medium. HistoryLessons? (FlameWars?, TheSeptemberThatNeverEnded,etc.) and storys about what things do work. That way, when we start to recongize AntiPatterns? we can reference the community to what we thing might be going on. Ask people to SlowDown?. Learn TheWikiWay. Best, MarkDilley
I think there is the problem of UnwantedAdvice?. Some people don't want to be taught, want to make their own experiences and judgements. I had a discussion with MattisManzel about that and he used the example of skiing: some people want to learn it systematically in a course, other just put on their equipment and rush downhill, knowing that they will crash and - !!! - wanting to know how that feels. The other problem is authority: if you come to a community and show your experience, the leader of this community will feel weakened in his authority, maybe even threatened in his leadership. It sometimes seems to help me, if I put some explicite distance between me and the community saying "I'm an outsider coming for a look and I'm not here to stay ... I just notized that ... are you aware that ..." signalling that I do not want to move into the community and go for leadership. Maybe its just another facet of the RoleModel and the need to make the social situation clear for all those participating. -- HelmutLeitner
I don't know. Perhaps there is always the threat, maybe as the other side of the coin. You meet people and they can turn out friendly or hostile, help you or hinder you in whatever you intend to do. Some people also think in terms of social status and go into "fighting mode" to get clearness about their relative ranking, as part of their competitive attitude. -- HelmutLeitner
see also
How do you provide the inexperience with the tools that allow them to participate without hand-holding and without disruption? Or with limited hand-holding and limited disruption? And if there needs to be handholding and disruption, how do we deal with that? [The question that occurs to me now, as I sit in this airport and type, is: Might disruption be something that is, at times, in some ways, desirable? Does disruption produce anything that’s valuable to the community? So that it’s not just something to be weathered or managed, but something to be wanted, even sought. And then my next question is: if there is such a thing as desirable disruption, what conditions make that possible? I’m not sure if my line of questioning makes sense or if it’s interesting to you, but it’s what I find myself wondering right now. I’m thinking again of teaching. There is such a thing as a too-docile student. You want a degree of resistance. But the right kind of resistance!