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Mark easily won the "friendliest face of WikiSym" award. Thank you for your kindness. -- HelmutLeitner
- Helmut, it was a pleasure to be around so many wonderful people, and finally really good to meet you, thank you.
=== Micro-Micro Weblog===
- I feel with you. Being not yet a competent p2p chat partner myself,
- I can only amplify the wish for a chat with a DiigoClipThisPage
- On the DiigoService we as a community effort can archive infos in many ways to reduce the risk of possible disasters.
- -- FridemarPache
- 05-Mar-2006: RealName conversation happening at WikiIndex
- I need to do more research, but the things I have been grapleing with the internet is the idea of OldInternet? and NewAndImprovedInternet?. What I understand about some of the reasons for UseRealNames is [this]. But many of us don't know this viscerally. We did not experience it. Others had experiences that mean they are trying to pass this peiece of knowledge. This is the struggle that I am trying to suss out in ExperiencedInteractionWithInexperience. The struggle to provide information about what works, while allaying your fears and not pushing too hard for the information you, yourself are attached to. (Just opening up and letting collaboration happen with interested parties. - RadicalInclusion?? - collaborating with people who express wanting to collaborate. i dunno. )
- 25-Feb-2006: [WikiWednesday]
- 25-Feb-2006: Several ideas perculating. [OptOut], Sunir's nice PlatformAsPeople, and [WikiIsaVerb]
- 22-Feb-2006:
- "He reasoned that keeping things secret meant extra unnecessary worry, was troublesome on the practical level, and above all inefficient."
- lucian read photos -->
- 11-Feb-2006: CohesionTensionTheory? as it relates to OptingOut?.
- 22-Jan-2006: Been trying to get this out for a while - ExperiencedInteractionWithInexperience
- 21-Jan-2006: Stumbled across one of my first wiki pages, it is awful, I must organize my thoughts better on it! OneBigWiki (p.s. the wiki is slow for me currently, I am on a mac using camino.
- 07-Jan-2006: [online identity on weblogs]
- 18-Dec-2005: [CJR Daily: In Defense of Wikipedia]: "Wikipedia itself has a list of errors in EB that readers have discovered. Some of these are disputed, but it proves that you must still not believe everything you read." -- I imagine this would be a useful tool for any wiki, keep a list of mistakes. Obviously we want to ForgiveAndForget. How would those things coexist? Can they?
- 2005-12-1: like the clean look of KeithBurnett's page...
- ...continued below...
About this fellow worker
- RadicalInclusion?
- We want to *capture* interested people who come here, this is the group that I include in my idea of RadicalInclusiveness, (not everyone in the world, or on the internet, but folks that come to meatball because they are excited about the possibilities this tool has. How can we retain them? Obviously we are looking for certain values. Alex has suggested * the RightKindsOfPeople?. That kind of irks me, because I don*t feel like I would fit into anything that we came up with. I write poorly and rushed, I don*t have much experience online except for wiki.
- OverTheTop? -- DoesNotPlayWellWithOthers? and other elementary school sayings
- At the very least, despite however little it shows, I think Alex and Sunir and Helmut have really thought me about the value of writing and being clear in what I write. (I also have a friend at work that is pushing me on this also) It is hard for me, I don't consider myself a writer. I avoid it. Putting spurts of writing on postit notes all over the wall. Then organizing them into a story to talk to folks about in the emotionally rich RealWorld/MeatSpace.
- From EightSecondRule? page
- Why do you want to capture their attention? I would think: To pass along information, to educate. To agitate? To organize? We want community to grow. We think that wiki is a tool for this to happen. Right now we are experimenting at trying to build a community of interested people. I think we need to build up a *ToolBox* of memes about our ideas. We already have a few: UseRealNames, ForestFire, ShallowPage <<more>>. Then when someone comes into our community, we should ask them to read about the MeatballCommunity? and it*s standards and values, how beautifully diverse they are.
- Example * *Lion, you are starting a ForestFire here, why don't you LurkBeforeYouLeap? a little here? How long have you been using wiki? The internet? Best. MarkDilley
- ErnestGruber?*s OmWiki? is not something that fits here, but he may learning or he may be an AntiPattern in helping to grow communites. I like his energy and commitment. I wish him well in figuring out how to build his idea. But he may fail. So may I, but I think it is the effort and the possibility to learn from mistakes that allows for growth and esteem.
- I can be frustrating to work with because I am an IdeaGenerator and don't know much about SoftwarePrograming? or the internet, just a little about wiki. I do appreciate when people gently ask me to get back to BasicBuildingBlocks?
Micro Weblog
older entries
- 30-Nov-2005: Helmut, would WikiMoment? be in the spirit of what you are saying? -- MarkDilley
- 29-Oct-2005: Been thinking of EditThisPage for a while and BrandonCsSanders rifed off of it and came up with the simplier EditThis?, very interesting how to mere these ideas. Also, rifing off of the George Hoteling conversation earlier this year, FutureLink using the tried and true computer science skill, BludgeonTheData?. Also want to write about TedErnst and BrandonCsSander?'s SuggestedEdit? philosophy.
- 25-Oct-2005: "Just wanted to reminded people that today is the anniversary of the first week in which a 40 hour work week was the law. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 - the law that stopped the 30 hour work week movement, gave us the 40 hour work week and our first true weekend, the 65 anniversay of which will be this Friday. "
- 02-Oct-2005: "Dumping your own information into a service is always a concern. What if the service goes belly-up? You need an exit strategy, and provides exactly the right kind. A simple URL retrieves all your posts as an XML file. I now run a scheduled daily fetch of that URL, so that everything I add to is backed up locally." [JonUdell].
- This is a problem that I have encountered in half a dozen wikis and I think is a real important discussion. Is there some way to encourage wiki owners to make a committment to not taking a site down until people can remove there info?
- 18-Jun-2005: I really dislike the RecentChanges format, is there a way for me to customize it?
- Not yet, no. It'd be easier to plan customization options with constructive criticism. Do you just want the old look back, with clusters completely hidden? -- ChrisPurcell
- Constructive critism (from my posts below)
- I think the new version allows too much white space, is not compact enough and spreads some of the features that I use most inside the string, rather than keeping them neatly in one place. I don't use clusters yet, so have no opinion on them.
- That's what's wrong with it. How can I best fix it, in your opinion? (Ignore the moved diff, I'll be sure to put an option in to put that back.) I've put [four variants] up, including the original MB style, the new style, and two others. Which do you prefer? Are there other alternatives you'd like to see? -- ChrisPurcell
- Chris, I thank you for your work on this. Seriously you rock! I fear that I am stuck with the original inline bold as my preference. I am excited about the possibility of an option, like you mention for (diff) and hopefully (n changes). I am currently not a programmer, so I don't even begin to have a clue about difficulties and possibilities. Again, thanks for taking the time to listen to my concerns. Best, Mark
- I hope you're using a modern browser, Mark :) The original look is available once again, if you can use AJAX. -- ChrisPurcell
- Hey Chris, I am using the latest stable version of Camino for mac. good enough?
- You tell me :) I expect so, but couldn't say for sure, as I haven't tested it. Have you got the option on RecentChanges to display in 'Bold inline'? (Look at the bottom of the listing.) If not I'll install the browser and take a look at what's going wrong. -- ChrisPurcell
- Will check it out, thanks.
- I'm posting this from Camino 0.8.4; that seems to handle things fine. YMMV, of course - this is Javascript ;) -- ChrisPurcell
- 05-Jun-2005: easy made wiki, password protected and all.
- 02-Jun-2005: ChrisPurcell, Take for example, June 1st. There are 6 lines of info, lots of white space. Under the old system, it would have been tighter, 4 lines. less white space. Also, I use (diff) and with this new system I don't have a consistent spot for it, I need to search (however slightly) for it in the text line. My two cents... Best, MarkDilley
- 27-May-2005: (diff) MarkDilley 3:11 pm (2 changes) [test the summary section, to see how it differs from the new way meatball looks] . . . . . MarkDilley
- 24-May-2005: (diff) JoshBenner? 2:10 pm . . . . .
- 20-May-2005: ChrisPurcell, I like this version (current) better. Not so much contrast. I also like the original way, referenced in the journal post below.
- 20-May-2005: I would like to know how to get RecentChanges back to what I grew up on.
- 12-May-2005: [George Hotelling] posted about wikis and weblogs. We discussed my ideas of WikiWeblogs -
- "Mark is looking for a tool to organize blogs and he thinks in wikis. He wants interlinking, backlinks and recent changes distributed across a network of blogs." - the reason is to introduce wiki thinking to people I feel have the best chance to understand it.
- May 6, 2005
- Thinking more about tags and categories..
- April 26, 2005
- Something that has been stirring in my mind for the last several weeks... I've talked to friends and it seems that we kind of have a similar characteristic. Nearly all of my friends are starters. We start things, and build them. It has been a pretty amazingly interesting discovery.
April 15, 2005
- Ponder more on what it means to strive for RadicalInclusiveness, maybe I need to learn more about ColdBlanket's.
- Re-found this on SunirShah's page:
- "What I most want in life is to do the right thing. To do good things and be known as being good. I feel a duty to preserve and improve the society I live in for those who come after me. At the same time, I feel that it is necessary to check those who wish to unravel it for selfish or negative reasons. I've found that online [many people] are still living out their high school traumas. These people often consider a lack of social skills to be a virtue; they create NeedlessConflict??s which drain me of energy. If I have to, I can build my own house, and if some people want to be the nails, they'll sure as punch get hammered. However, what I crave is BarnRaising. I prefer working with people who enjoy working with others, who are positive, supporting, cooperating, energizing, interesting, contributing, respectful, dutiful, and good. Even the dreariest work becomes fun when done in the company of friends.
- I made Meatball to attract the technically inclined who value and respect people. "People and people and computers and people." What's hard to understand about that? After a long time wandering the desert, I think the only answer for my life is to keep building Meatball bigger. Make a career out of it, some good friends, and a little peace of mind."
It is so true of my work in MeatSpace as well.
April 3, 2005
- HierarchicalFolksonomy? is DavidWeinberger? definition of the new wiki project: [Consumerpedia] (found via
April 2, 2005
- Another BarnRaising thought. What if a project started of taking a weblog post and comments and refactoring them to a wiki page? We just started to find some signal lead weblog posts and wikified them. Obviously the copyright issue needs to be thought about...
March 26, 2005
- [Think of it as an audio wiki or time-shifted unmoderated call-in show.]
March 17, 2005
- I don't understand why I can't edit the spammed MeatballWiki and FairSoftware.
- They make several edits, adding less than five links at a time. You are trying to revert more than five links of changes at a time. I've changed the ShotgunSpam filter so it doesn't protect against link removal attacks. -- SunirShah
February 25, 2005
- Maturity is pretty easy to identify. How to encourage OnlineMaturity? while not having a meatspace relationship, is it impossible? Found interesting pieces of this in TrustButVerify. Some other pages seemed to have this idea as well...
February 24, 2005
- Trying to communicate that I dodn't understand why certain words were used. I agree with the deletion. Not sure why MattisManzel gave out the award. That is what I was trying to convey with "Think about giving out Barn Stars" - not sure why he gave it out so quick. Confused, Mark
February 19, 2005
- The best wiki tutorial yet! A ScreenCast?, similar to a PodCast?, but for software, maybe even SocialSoftware.
January 22, 2005
- On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 04:08:27PM -0500, Mark Dilley wrote:
- How does it relate to wikis? best, Mark
- ''Hi, sorry for the delay in replying; I wanted to write back myself, and it's taking me a little while to dig out from the emails we got. :) Wikis may want to use nofollow for anonymous or untrusted editors. Once an editor or a link is approved, then the link would get full weight though. We'd like to get the full value of wiki links, but we've definitely seen wikis get spammed by malicious people as well.
- Best wishes,
- Matt Cutts''
January 19, 2005
- more on wikipedia -
January 17, 2005
- was unable to edit - EditThisPagePHP - trying to just link to screen shots page??
- Must be the ShotgunSpam filter. Try adding 3 links at a time. Sorry, I need to put in a warning screen. -- SunirShah
- Thanks for the clarification Sunir
December 28, 2004
- [RachelStruthers] has a WikiSpamBot? blocker patch in her UseMod code, [AddTheLinksTest] page.
- MeatballWiki has a similar patch as described on ShotgunSpam.
December 18, 2004
- is attempting to be a more user friendly wiki system - in beta
- I offered to review JotSpot for Meatball but they declined as I work for their competitor. Nonetheless, it's not really the case that JotSpot is attempting to be a more user-friendly wiki. They are rather trying to be a more user-friendly Twiki / LotusNotes. While Twiki has wiki elements to it, Twiki is way more than a wiki as we all know. -- SunirShah
- Sunir, thanks for the input. I have never used LotusNotes, I had heard that there was much FeatureCreep? and that was a thought when looking at JotSpot.
December 17, 2004
- to me is about why thread forums are awful. I do like the presentation and was wondering if anyone thought it might be a good idea to creat something like this for wiki?
December 14, 2004
- Seems as if my page on YpsilantiEyeball? was specifically targeted for one massive [chinese wiki spam] - does it look that way to others? It is kinda interesting. Some of the wikis I use are not on the figuring out how to deal with WikiSpam train. It is all manual, which is kinda like the Wobblies and their belief that automatic dues check off is a sure way to get to business unionism, so the idea is to keep it real and true by collecting dues each month, one person at a time. With these wikis, which don't have any fancy tech, it is all manual, real wiki.
- Note to self to check out NonProfit and
November 20, 2004
- a critique of wikipedia:
- Mark: Thanks for posting this. I found it quite intersting given the problems I have seen at WardsWiki too and my on-going ponderings about what could be done to improve these situations. At the very least, I plan to consider some of these points in the context of the WikiPediaIsNotTypical page that exists here. Regards, -- HansWobbe.
June 7, 2004
- Sunir, you really are an online inspiration! The way you can understand online issues is wonderful. It is awesome the work you have done to grow this wiki. I am confident that this community can figure out how to work this, especially with you here! ;-) - Sunir... you ROCK!
June 6, 2004
- UseMod:JerryMuelver has a scoop on the recent wiki spamming
June 5, 2004
- Implement an IP killfile.
May 27, 2004
- Not sure why TourBusChanges? keeps showing a change for eclectic wiki
May 20, 2004
May 13, 2004
- Running into a project on the web from a group of grad students in New Zealand. Looks interesting, they use a RecentChanges grouped together or seperate:
April 5, 2004
- I am excited about the ideas in WelcomePattern?, and I hope it will continue to lead us in a PostiveGrowthPattern? that others could learn from. (p.s. I am not fond of PatternRitual? as a meme, I rather like my mistake - WelcomePattern?)
April 1, 2004 -- Just wanted to make sure folks knew about this conference:
- [Wicked Wiki Rhetoric: How Fast, How Far]
- Chair: James Inman, University of South Florida, Tampa
- Joe Moxley, University of South Florida, Tampa, "Wicked and Not So Wicked Wikis"
- Matt Barton, University of Tampa, FL, "The Wiki as a Panoption"
- M.C. Morgan, Bemidji State University, MN, "Notes toward a Rhetoric of Wiki"
- Mike Palmquist, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, "WAC(Y) [Writing Across the Curriculum] Wikis"
- And the conference is CCCC (College Composition and Communication). It was in San Antonio last week.
- Saturday, March 27, 2004
- Couple of things, stream of consciousness: need to have a space to talk about EclecticWikiTour? (put all wikis that are linked up to it on the page and explain that until they get into one of the other tours, they have a home here. But if they could, when they got a home in another TourBus, remove themselves from Eclectic Wiki - after all it is a tour bus for wikis in que.) and the other tours? no? A wiki is a website, but instead of having an administrator controll all the pages, anyone can. Because this is built on trust, there is easy colaboration.
As for using a TourBusPointing? system pointing to Meatball such as a TourBusStopLocator? page that we placed on wikis in various states of repair. - this is part of the idea of RadicalInclusiveness, we could go out there and invite all the wiki people to participate in some online conference, or something-something and really has out somethings - like WikiEngines, CommonCode?, etc, etc. I wonder that if we don't do some organizing and take control more of wiki, that something like TheSeptemberThatNeverEnded will happen. I believe some think the damage has already started to occur. (:-) and I may add, some feel me to be part of that damage! :-)
- Monday, March 1, 2004
- It has been a while, and will probably be more of a while till I can spend time in this beautiful community. Looks like it has been stressed out lately. I have been thinking of this pattern for a while, in real life and for online communities. The idea of an InternalGrievanceProcedure?. Bascially it helps define a problem and works to figure out creative solutions. The problem is the same for on and offline communities. In offline, I am thinking about LaborUnions? and how they deal with internal strife. Currently, most unions have an established GrievanceProcedure? that is coveted in a contract. But there is no way to clearly and cleanly deal with problems with in the Union. Similary to online communities, there is not a clear established way to do this. Unions with there contractual GrievanceProcedure? have the option of third party arbitration, within Unions and online communities, that doesn't seem like a likely solution. How would these things work. Thanks to SunirShah for his StableBase idea.
RadicalInclusiveness as it relates to - It's about barriers to entry, not power laws
- Friday, January 2, 2004
- What point in having a living document if it still feels static[?]
- Saturday, October 25, 2003''
- The need to define WikiStructure?
- Change EditTextOfThisPage? to simpiler EditThisPage
- LearnAbout? ThisCommunity?
- ReadTheFullMeatball?
- LearnAbout? WikiStructure?
- LearnAbout? EditThisPage
- WikiWord (CollectiveWords? or CollectiveMemes?) become just like single words like in a dictionary.
- ProjectFor? WikTionary?
- Adding CollectiveWords? or CollectiveMemes? to the dictionary.:Wow the posiblitles for searching, decide if you would like standard dictionary or a full wiktionary.
- The ability to create a page if your search in WikTionary? (for your pattern) was not already a WikiWord.
- Monday, October 20, 2003
- Mark asked me to let y'all know that he's got some family issues, work issues, and is moving right now, so he probably won't be online for a few weeks. -- LionKimbro
- Thanks, Lion. -- ChrisPurcell
- Tuesday, September 30, 2003
- Sunday, Septemper 14, 2003
- Whew, long weekend, little sleep (sleep is for weenies ;-) - Let's see if I can put into words what I was just able to vocalize to a few friends a little bit ago:
- I asked them if they knew about wiki, yes, because of me. Incmding one person that heard it through a different set of friends. I said cool, but I was done talking about wiki. A few days before the labor notes conference I had started to try and build something I talked with organizers about several weeks ago. A conference weblog, kinda like the one tech geeks that I have heard about over the last while. Anyway, I sat down to try and build a cool weblog - TheyCallUsTroubleMakers? - anyway, I quickly figured out that building a weblog was simple. I added to it comments and an RssFeed?. After figuring out how easy it was to do those two things, I was amazed. Wow! I can have a NewsAggregator? and I and anyone or anygroup can publish to the web. That means I can pick and choose what voices I want to hear.
- Then I figured out that you could make the page template act somewhat like that of a wiki easily. Wow, you could have a self organized set of weblogs that acted like a wiki in terms of self organized growth. I had heard that one of the problems of weblogs there were no RecentChanges. Well, with an RssFeed? there sort of is now. (NewsIsFree?)
- So I was at this LaborConference? all weekend, and I set up a one day InternetCafe? and asked people who using it for free email if they would listen to me for 5 minutes about two tools on the internet that they should be aware of, first:
- WebLogs.
- Not even 25% of the people I talked to said yes they had heard of them. Less than 5% had ever seen one. Some had used them. So I explained that it basically it was a website that ordered information by time. First at the top. Then I asked them about some issues that they cared about. I then asked if we could take five minutes to build a weblog, if they didn't like it we could erase it. Most said yes. So we built a weblog and made the page look like TheyCallUsTroubleMakers?. Nearly everyone I talked to understood the concept. But is all fine and dandy to read one good weblog, but two, three, one hundred? Eeeck! No thanks. All that time surfing around to see if anyone or any issue you care about has been updated. So then I told them about a basic thing that can detect changes in a site, called an RssFeed?. That lead me to the second thing on the internet they should be aware of:
- NewsAggregators?
- These are online or as downloadable programs that reads RssFeed?s from any source that has them that they picked. With a NewsAggregator?, you can pick and choose what and who your information is coming from. You can create and shape the news that you read.
So I was telling my friends this and it felt clearer then before I had ever said it. So I am talking about wikis, but in a drastic new sense. they can be virtually anything. virtually anyone can create a meme and others can link two it.
- I wonder how we can do versioning improvements on WebLogs. I wonder how we can have these new weblogs - say WikiWeblog - have a choice of what is in them. A cronological post, a true wiki, a fount? a calender. . .whatever.
- How about anonymous users?
Anyway I just got online after 12 of 14 hours running the InternetCafe? and sleeping and working till now and I see that Lion has posted somemore on the meme that I have been excited about with ErnstGruber and a few other people. I can't look at it now Lion, but I am excited by your post! Till soon - Best, MarkDilley
- Saturday, September 13, 2003
- While working the past 2 days on [a project], which is a little bit of a different take on a WikiWeblog, I found NewIsFree? and am intially very impressed.
- Wednesday, August 13, 2003
- Sunday, June 29, 2003
- You are definitely being trolled. I suggest doing what we do here at MeatballWiki: Make a single page for this person's comments, and move them all there. In that way, you prevent a ForestFire. -- StephenGilbert -- thanks Stephen
- Thursday, June 26, 2003
- Wiki-fy the internet, hightlight text then click and that text gets googled, and at the top of the page is the common wiki page, or a link to create one. [WorldWideWiki:InternetWiki]
- Sunday, June 15, 2003
- What is community, how is it defined. Should there be urges to "protect" something as such a vague notion as community. You have the whole internet to be a username, but here, be as real as you possibly can. Or just be a thoughtful helpful gardner to this garden. I find it difficult to be online. How do I ask questions about process in an online community, without being able to be face to face, which I am great at. But online. . .
- Tuesday, May 27, 2003
- Sunday, May 18, 2003
- I am thinking about the OneBigWiki project that we started discussing here. I am curious to hear if anybody has any concerns or thoughts about me moving it to the WorldWideWiki?? I didn't consider that the project had grown to include more than just me. I would like to hear thoughts, if anyone cares. Best, Mark
- Wednesday, May 7, 2003
- Sure, but aren't they advocating instead going for Wiki:RavioliCode? --ss
- Yes, it seems they are, thanks for the link, it was extremely useful in my understanding code a lit bit more. It sounds to me that you dislike Wiki:RavioliCode? no? --md
- My strength as a programmer is that my style is every style. I don't dislike ravioli if it is appropriate; but like any extreme, it isn't appropriate very often. See also Wiki:RavioliWiki. --ss
- Saturday, April 26, 2003
- Live Web, a search engine for real live people to ask your questions to. - I experienced problems with the live part though, good idea though. Interesting if they kept a wiki for answers to the questions. . .
- Friday, April 18, 2003
- Interesting app, [PurpleWiki] - first glance it looks to strip wiki of its wikiness
- Tuesday, April 1, 2003
- The changing of the MeatballFlag?, the image topright, signals a dreadful day, sadly Meatball has been fishbowled, just like Why, why? We worked on the problem, we just needed more time. Will the GodKing outlaw Weblogs too? Must try harder to solve UseRealName? problem. How much will I be offered to be in the Management of the Open?
- Friday, March 30, 2003
- Wednesday, March 26, 2003
- Testing, testing. . . RssFeeder?
- Monday, March 3, 2003
- Back from Philly, liked the town, spent a couple days in Baltimore, like that town too! The University of Pennsylvania is appealing the election (so the ballots are impounded), but we [won!]
- Saturday, February 8, 2003
- I am in Philildelphia for a month, have limited time/access to the web. best, mark [GET-UP]
- Monday, January 27, 2003 -- I will invite them here then.
- Question posed by a friend of mine: The most helpful thing at this point would be some suggestions of groups with active wikis (open or closed) -- While I think we can include GEO in our analysis (my unions closed wiki), I don't think it'd be sufficient alone. Any other group you know of maintain a wiki? - My question to you all, should I recommend Meatball? These are grad students in the School of Information at University of Michigan. I suggest already the list at YpsiEyeball?:PublicWikis?.
- Background to question: - One of the classes I'm taking this term is SI 689 "Computer Supported Cooperative Work" - Part of our assignment is to analyze computer applications that support group work in the context of their use.
- We're in the process of evaluating several alternatives for our project, but one of the top ones is a Wiki (could be the Wiki in general, but we'd also need some specific user groups) -- GEO would work, in part - unfortunately, mainly as an example of the barriers to adoption -- Do you know of any groups who use Wiki substantially to support their work?
- I'm still trying to figure out how we can craft this project to also encourage wiki use by GEO - but I think to get started it would help if we could talk to a group who's already gotten it off the ground...
- Sunday, January 26, 2003
- YpsiEyeball?:PublicWikis? is more organized, still need to add categories (for the day when it is not just a list, but a wiki) and clean up links, including renaming misnamed wikis.
- Friday, January 24, 2003
- What does the MeatballMission say? A community of communities. Well then, I would think we would need a plan for Meatball to move to a MultilingualWiki (Timeframe, change of wiki character sets, including Asian ones. ), but currently I am not sure it's a good idea. I also seem to remember there being a discussion here this last year on the topic of MultilingualWiki, but I couldn't find it. (think about RightToLeave)
- Thursday, January 23, 2003
- Sunday, January 19, 2003
- Thursday, January 16, 2003
- WhatIsaCommunity, seems to be thought that online and offline are seperated, what is the definition of them merged? Isn't that a burgeoning community in the world. A community that spends some portion of their time online, similar to many activities, no? Soccer, TV, Work, etc.
- Wednesday, January 15, 2003
- think about SocialDynamics?
- Saturaday, December 7, 2002
- Tired, just got back from Champaign Urbana Illinios, we won a union election there on Wednesday night, 1188 to 347. good hard work. then got back into Ann Arbor and the folks I had been working with at Borders store #1 won their election yesterday 51-4. good week for the labor movement. Happy to be back online, it was hard to not have regular access or the time to be online.
- Pre Saturaday, December 7, 2002
- goto YpsiEyeball?:MarkDilley
2005-12-1: just leave messages here, reverse cronological order, best, mark
[2] for how to change the main page in
MediaWiki. --
ChicagoHumanist has re-opened (Though you have to enter the admin password that's at the bottom of the page to be able to edit it. Nevertheless, I think it can go back into the eclectic tour
I've laid out the
MediaWiki tour you suggested I set up. Will that work? BTW, I don't particularly care where
HomestarRunnerWiki (or HRWiki, as we abbreviate it) goes in the eclectic tour, though first would rock! --
Mark, as a general rule, don't send immature teenager wiki vandals onto other wikis. That's not very neighbourly! (Although I suspect that you didn't realize.) --
Mark, I've to pass a similar request from Walter's TolkienWiki with respect to JonThompson?, who tried to open film fan pages there, which is clearly OT. They consider it rude that an obvious troublemaker is just sent on. Perhaps we all should be more careful when we send people, especially if they don't look desirable. -- HelmutLeitner
Maybe you might be interested in articulating some Patterns on welcoming newcomers? (vs.
OutcastNewcomer) You seem to be better at that than I am. --
- Yes Sunir, I have been thinking a bit about some patterns, and have random stuff above. One of my issues to work through is ExpertModel? stuff, meaning I place you on a pedestal and forget that you are human sometimes. (I do this with "strong" personalities) Thus getting overly critical at times, not thinking about the consequences. My apologies. There is no other place I would rather be than at MeatBall, and that is in a great part your doing. Best, Mark
In MeatSpace, ExpertModel? vs OrganizingModel? is something I think of often in context of my job.
- Top down
- Dependent on individual solutions
- Dehumanizing, too much pressure on individuals
- Trickle up
- Collective solutions focused.
- Empowering, spreading power
Mark, it's great to have you here again. Missed you. --
- Thanks Helmut. I appreciate that. I think I am back for at least the holdiay season. :-)
Hello Mark,
HelmutLeitner send me to you, talking about a busstop on your route through eclectic wikis on my
GeboGebo wiki. Perhaps you could review the entry on the
WikisInNeedForBusConnections and make a wise decision (-:
Thanks, Thomas
I answered you at GeboGebo concerning a missing tourbus stop page. Perhaps you could re-read it. Thanks in advance, Thomas
It would have been better to have waited two weeks until the person disappeared.
DissuadeInteraction. --
- Another way for me to think about telling someone about this might be: You might consider DissuadeInteraction when you deal with interactions similar to this one.
- Sunir, does that get the same message across, or did I miss something?
Mark, noticed you dropped by to tweak the
[ChicagoHumanist:TourBusStop] tonight. I couldn't tell what you did there. Drop me a note at
[ChicagoHumanist:TedErnst] when you get a chance? peace,
TedErnst Excellent. Thanks. I have a skype account but I've only used it once. I can't use it during the day at work so am not often signed on. After getting that account, I also signed up for an FWD account, you know, open source and all that. My number there is 605997. If I have that running, it also answers my skype, I think. I think my skype id is just my name. In fact, I think my fwd also answers my yahoo messenger. I'm chicagoted there. peace, Ted FWD is open source VOIP so there are lots of ways to hook into it. I'm using
- Bummer Ted! It isn't cross platform yet. :-( -- Best, Mark
Mark, have you (or someone else you agree with) written somewhere why you're recommending
WikiSym and why you're going yourself? --
- No I haven't, but it is the first wiki conference!!! But looks like you are going despite the heavy price. -- MarkDilley
Yes, I'm going mostly because of Brandon, but also because of all the other great people that will be there. Not sure how much interest the sessions will hold for me. Maybe you'll find me playing hopscotch in the lobby! :-) --
Thank you for writing such interesting things. --
I saw your name associated with SwitchWiki. I am looking for wikis focusing on "Application development (those involving teams for internal use)", and in particular, those that have MicrosoftDotNet? focus. I did not seem to find these in SwitchWiki. Do you have suggestions re: where to look? -- DavidLiu 9May05
Hi David, I am not sure, but have you checked - or to find one. I am sure I have seen one. Thought it was at SwitchWiki. Will keep an eye out. Best, Mark
Mark, got your message re: Tour
BusManagement and would love to learn more. I'm pretty busy
[3] but willing to help a bit if I can. Email works best for me (sam at Thanks! --
Thanks for the welcome, Mark! --
Ideas from a friend, new-ish to wiki: "This morning I met myself in a phone booth and I and I had a conversation with God."
This is not true. Actually it's total nonsense. Mark, please remind me to return to our discussion about UnintelligentDesign
? and various sundry topics: EvilWiki
?, BadWiki
?, DeviantWiki
?, WrongWayWiki
? (!), ImaginaryWiki
?, CrankySpies
?, FuckShitUp
?. Thanks for listening...CG
- April 24, 2003. I'm giving you a much belated BarnStar for your devoted effort to contruct the TourBus system. -- SunirShah
- September 9, 2003. For helping Ernst find a place for his PeaceWiki? idea. -- SunirShah
Quote from SunirShah -So edit it. I haven't reached nirvana yet; I am not transcendently detached! It's too bloody cold in Canada to wander around naked in the forest. -- SunirShah
Quote from Wiki:SunirShah -That's it, I figured. I'm going to build a community. Not only that, a community that builds communities. And damn us if we don't change the world.
Quote from an Amish man -We don't stop with asking what a tool does. We ask about what kind of people we become when we use it.
Quote from Wiki:UtahPhillips - ...get together and organize. Which is to say - learn how to get things done together that we can't get done alone. That's all a union was intended to be.
<Dubiosity Start>
As far as I can tell from the RC history, Fridemar deleted your page in temporary frustration at the anti-spam filter (some URL on it was being blocked), and it never got restored. Fortunately, we haven't purged the database in a looooong time, so I was able to grab the content back exactly. Hope you didn't spend too much time trying to restore it from the HTML cache! -- ChrisPurcell
Dear Mark, dear Chris, I am very surprised to find this shocking notice. I am sure, that it was not the real Fridemar, who "deleted your page". You do me wrong, that is totally not my style. Since the dawn of wikis, I promoted the idea of friendly Wiki:EditHint s, . Again one reason more to use a DomainBasedRealName and document all wiki contributions by public snapshots via WikiBlogging, WikiPosting, WikiMailing?, WikiArchiving?, Diigo annotations. From the friendly interactions with both of you, I suppose, that this never seen entry must be very old or faked, to defame "fridemar", so that I take only a private snapshot of this block of text, marked with "<Dubiosity Start>...<Dubiosity End>" and suggest to remove it in the sense of mutual help.
-- [fridemar]
<Dubiosity End>
"'RadicalInclusiveness at 1:47:05 PM (1 change) . . . . . MarkDilley
Is there a better way to state evilness?"
Mark, what the fuck does that even mean? Hit me up.
Mark, motivated by TedErnst, I left a comment for you at:, mirrored on my blog -- [fridemar]
Mark, I left a comment about WikiIndex at CommunityWiki:MarkDilley .
Hi Mark, I want to found a
TourBus "International Civil Rights Tour" what number should I use? And I want to add our Wiki to the
MediaWiki Tour too, Best Regards,
WolfPeuker from
CategoryHomePage |
GregoryVarnum -- Mon Aug 8 05:14:35 2011
I like the idea of the "International Civil Rights Tour" and was also hoping to add WikiQueer to the Eclectic Wiki Tour if possible...