Hello out there,
Just another wiki enthusiast.
I am a chemistry [licentiate] currently working in University Computer Labs from Spain
My focuses are wikis based on Perl, see UseMod:JuanmaMP
Hello Juanma, nice to see you here too and thanks for trying out the 1.0.1 version of usemod -- MarkusLude
Hello, Juan Manuel, and welcome to the community. -- NathanielThurston
Juanma, welcome, it's great to see a new face. :-) I was a chemist in a former life. I wrote ProWiki, a perl derivatice of UseMod, which happens to have an inbuilt Spanish translation. :-) Seems, we should have a similar wave-length. -- HelmutLeitner
F: You might wonder, why I attribute names to the ShortDigest. It is the merit of ChrisPurcell, who convinced me, that this is a good practice and even to complete entries of my fellow writers with their names. So I try to fit the guidelines in the "Therefore" part (not always perfectly), when I write my Digest entries, sometimes adapting the often not attributed and plain English parts of my peers. But who dares say that to Sunir, hey, hey ... :-)
J: I think it is more readable when the content is near to conversation but also in general, attributing names. I'm with you.
F: Juanma, did you receive an invite to GoogleWave? I am also interested to participate. BTW do you have a FaceBook account?
J: Fridemar, no, but I do not mind tell you when it happen. In regard to FaceBook, we have wp-mu at job , with add-ons that automate publishing on twitter and FaceBook, thus increasing visibility. Please, tell me if you're interested in more details.
F: Juanma, yes please. Do you have a personal Twitter account, to RT you?
J:Fridemar, I have little activity on TwitteR & FaceBook in the personal sphere, anyway approx. [Google:JuanmaMP]