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My name is KarstenHoffmeyer aka Kghbln. I am very much into wikis, especially the [MediaWiki] wiki engine, which allows for using [Semantic MediaWiki].

I am co-owning [Professional Wiki] a [MediaWiki hosting] and [MediaWiki consultancy] company which provides [state-of-the-art MediaWiki hosting] with [many benefits] via [ProWiki]. If you are into [Wikibase], then [The Wikibase Consultancy] may be of [help for your project].

If you would like to contact me, please use [my talk page] or send me [an e-mail].


I am one of the most active editors on [MediaWiki.org] and the most active editor on [Semantic-MediaWiki.org] from where you most probably know me best.

I also help translate the system messages for MediaWiki, Semantic MediaWiki, and extensions at [TranslateWiki.net], where I also do translations for other free and Open-Source software projects. I am also active on [WikiIndex.org] and on [WikiAPIary.com]. In the [Free Software Directory], I see that the MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWiki listings are up-to-date.

In October 2015, I commenced providing [MediaWikiWidgets.org] for the community and, until March 2019, [Semantic MediaWiki—Sandbox]. In July 2016, the [MediaWiki Foreground Skin] and, in March 2017, the [MediaWiki Pivot Skin] demo wiki followed.

In December 2015, I took over administering [Semantic-MediaWiki.org] and in March 2019 [Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox].



Welcome Karsten in the Meatball community. It's nice so have such engaged people here. I am looking forward to inspiring and fruitful interactions. -- FridemarPache

PS.: What is the topic on EiKoLo?? And how did you manage to create a special mode in the Media Engine, which allows only reading the pages after having signed in?

Hello Karsten, welcome to MeatBall. -- MarkusLude



KarstenHoffmeyer -- Tue Nov 16 19:56:57 2010

Hello to Fridemar and Markus and thank you very much for your cordial welcome on this Wiki. I love wikis. They are very useful for all kinds of purposes and you can have exiting an good interaction with heaps of interesting people out there, e. g. MarkDilley who I met through [universaleditbutton.org] Cheers -- KarstenHoffmeyer

KarstenHoffmeyer -- Tue Nov 16 20:05:12 2010

PS eiKoLo will be a easily usable software (SaaS?) at affordable costs for small organisations to keep track and develop the relationship with donors and to do all sorts of tasks concerned with their fund-raising. / The MediaWiki engine allows you to do some settings to achieve this. If you are interested I can send you a link explaining this in detail. Cheers --KarstenHoffmeyer

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