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Hi, I am Larry Pieniazek. I like LEGO and I am not notable.

I am a long time reader of MeatBall and find it tres useful. Not sure how much I will contribute but if I can, I will.

My favorite page is DefendEachOther...

I have IDs on many other wikis, mostly MediaWiki based. You can find a full list at [My WikiMatrix] on [Meta]

Welcome to Meatball, Larry! -- ChrisPurcell

Hi, I am Larry Pieniazek. I like LEGO and I am not notable.

Damnit, I was just going to start writing a Wikipedia page about you, too ;-)

Just kidding, Welcome Larry! -- SamRose

Larry, welcome. -- HelmutLeitner

Bonjour Larry. Sens toi aussi le bienvenu en LangueFrançaise ! -- ChristopheDucamp



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