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WikiBiker born in 1961, non-programmer. Separated. 3 children. LangueFrançaise is my native language. Currently living in France (Paris 18). I would qualify as an independant researcher, wiki-explorator, fan of good wikipages explaining social dynamics in wikilandia.

I used to translate here some pages based on PageTranslation. In the WikiNow, time is scarce to follow the vibes and the wikirythm. Elsewhere in MeatSpace, I'm currently studying and discovering MediaWiki for personal uses (IndieWeb? explorations).

Experience in wikis

My first page on wikis was on StephanieBooth's personal wiki to organize a FrogLog dinner (blogger meetup in 2001). Here on mb, my first experience has been really funky. A translation of WebLog on CarnetWeb just created a lot of emotional reactions in the french blogosphere. Since, I think I could explain WhyWikiCreatesAddicts. Co-founder of CraoWiki in 2003, we've initiated with ArnaudFontaine some other public-web-based communities. (Some tests for the french army, Pages Jaunes, ... e-learning experience on a ProWiki system - thanks to HelmutLeitner).

Really learned with 3 failures in public wikis


Still believe strongly in wikis. Currently dreaming : build a cooperative via wikiway. (will give feedback soon). We have now in France a very nice small group of wikiactivists ready to make good work to promote this low-tech social system. I'd be happy to focus in learning how we could make people cooperate together in any wikispirit. Still really happy in making french people, organizations and companies understand Public-wikis, GatedCommunity, PersonalWiki, WikiNet and WikiFractality.

GoalStatement on mb :

Current goals in other wiki-communities : focus on LangueFrançaise

build a french LinkLanguage and tutorials via english resources translations (really helpful to develop TheWikiWay)

some affinities where I feel at ease to learn a lot with really good guys :

Real life, if you're visiting Paris

Please call me :

July 25, 2005: A BarnStar for your ceaseless energies on the PageTranslation project. Not only is it a constant inspiration for us all, but your exhaustive efforts also allowed the recovery of IndexingScheme. Many, many thanks. -- ChrisPurcell

Trop d'honneur Chris. I'll come back soon. Need to fuel energies in town. Thanks. - xtof

September 4, 2006: A BarnStar for your help recovering the LangueFrançaise pages after the database crash, and bringing us closer to WikiNow. Thank you! -- SunirShah

Je suis touché. -- ChristopheDucamp

Hi Christophe, it's great to see you back here, after such a long time. We need a bank with a transparent account option, i.e. all transactions and consolidations of such an account should be visible by all, if the transparency option is checked. Our PennyBank?.Biz needs an intermediate solution (that could converge into our ideal target solution). A SocialMoneyTransferTrackingService? would be ok too. Do you know something like that? -- FridemarPache

Hi Fridemar. I'm not aware of such solutions. As soon as FractalWiki will come back (No news of HelmutLeitner here ?), I could point you the "official list" omaintained and updated by the BarCampBank on a wiki-branch. I've heard of Wesabe[2] as a a community site that makes managing your money easy a sort of CommunityOfGlassHouses on your transactions just to get tips but I don't think it's still a bank? JeanChristopheCapelli could help but does not seem prolific ;) You could join directly FredericBaud for more expertise. Cheers, -- ChristopheDucamp

Hello Christophe, last weekend I tried to contact Helmut too, but no answer yet. I used the mail address from the error message, it hasn't bounced yet -- MarkusLude

Hey Christophe! I was wondering if you could read [CommunityWiki:CrossCommunitiesDigest?]

My hope is that you'll read it, and perhaps help contribute, by:

The idea is to see if we can develop [InterCommunityCooperation,] by creating a sort of newsletter of semi-informal Internet communities. -- LionKimbro

Hi Lion, think now it's time to open an OpenCamp? experience.. need human resources. Feel free to join. -- xtof

Hello Christophe, thanks for reverting all those spammed pages -- MarkusLude

Merci Markus. -- ChristopheDucamp

@Liona who are you a socket puppet :)

Anyway Gimme me your [[PenName]] and we could write to [[Helmut Leitner]] to explore WikiFractality -- ChristopheDucamp



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