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In a SlideWiki each slide page has an additional OverflowPage, which is not restricted to the size of one screen.

Although this concept could be nicely supported by the underlying wiki-engine, there is an easy workaround to make each wiki (at least partially) work like a Slidewiki:

For each page, e.g. "SlideWiki", that doesn't fit into a slide, create an OverflowPage, named "SlideWikiO", with a trailing capital"O".

In a TechnologySolution each slidepage would present the page in a kind of Powerpoint fullscreen format, giving free the additional window and wiki control-links, when hovering over them with the cursor. The OverflowPage should at least be supported by an automatic backlink to the slide. Date Time support like done in the CommunityWiki for automatic update info and Date Time Stamps could be helpful and motivating for authors to introduce new date/time-stamped ideas.

The OverflowPage is primarily for ThreadMode, whereas the slidepage is for DocumentMode. If new (unexperienced) authors insert slide breaking postings without refactoring into the slide, then each peer, who likes slides, are invited to

-- FridemarPache


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