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I am writing this with my work iPaq with a borrowed PC Card jacket and an 802.11b WirelessEthernet card. The worst possible RecentChangesJunkie would be adding content via WAP, but this is bad. --DaveJacoby

How recent is recent? now Sunday august 23, 2020 9:47 p.m

Sunir what about a user-editable section on RecentChanges with bilinks to Twin Wikis? -- FridemarPache

I'm sorry. My wiki jargon is rusty, but you mean like embedding the MeatballAlternatives on RecentChanges? For what it's worth, I truly hate the MeatballWiki codebase and user interface, and am more in favour of moving the whole thing to the Bibdex engine rather than extend the current codebase. -- SunirShah



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