See WikiSubcommunity for the social implications of subwikis.
See PageClusters for an alternative solution focussing on RecentChanges that doesn't provide a separate WikiNameSpace for the subwiki.
See FractalWiki for a discussion of the entire idea of having wikis within wikis. See WikiNameSpace for a more in-depth discussion of namespaces. The rest of this page will focus on subwikis.
Possible examples include...
PmWiki has the capability of classifying pages into groups of related pages. WikiWords form links between pages of the same group, ie. the group acts as a namespace. You can link to pages in other namespaces using a GroupName.PageName
or GroupName/PageName
A page group can be password protected, thus allowing private subwikis for individuals (WikiAsPim) or small groups.
Comparing the PmWiki page groups to SubPages: Sub-pages require you to explicitly create a main page for the group. RecentChanges is usually available for pages in that group only. Ordinary page names link into the global namespace per default. Links to pages in the same group require a slash as a prefix:/PageName
. To link to another group, the syntax is practically identical: GroupName/PageName
Helmut, as explained above (by Pm?)I don't think that the Wiki Group is very well understood and I shall see if I can express this difference as compared to a SubPages - To me (as a user) they are not the same idea or function. There is not a "Group Page" that is the parent of child pages. Rather the Group is an independent mini wiki that has its own NameSpace independently of the SolaRoofWiki? main NameSpace, where everyone must use a coherent, community wide system of WikiTopics? with networks of parent and child pages. Thus each personal space is formed with the UserName as the key for forming the Wiki Group. Such as UserName/PageName
or UserNameLog/LogPage
for example [SolaroofguyLog/LogPage] but Andres is doing much more to enhance and extend the communication channels that we can create using basic PmWiki structure.
Therefore, a SubWiki is more like what we are doing for PersonalSpace? but since these spaces are not internal to the Wiki I would not use the term "Sub" since they are not within the Wiki NameSpace. Furthermore, I am not convinced of the merit of SubWiki as an assistance to organizing Topics since the NameSpaces created may easily become incoherent - just like the problem of coordinating "terminology" across Wiki communities. - RichardNelson
I think we are now very close to an understanding of why we would use the WikiGroups
that is, not for a tree structure in the knowledge base (SubPages do this) but to build regions of the Wiki with different purpose. For example, within the knowledge base we will be describing technologies and as a distinct subject we will consider the applications of the technology to various building use - so as the content develops I would consider a WikiGroup
for technology and another for applications. There would be many similar Topics in each Group where the SolaRoofTech/PageName
and the SolaRoofApps/PageName
would be looking at the same subject but from a different ViewPoint - but the similar page names in each section should be helpful. Standards for PageNames? that are consistant across Groups should help with natural navigation. The names for a UserNameLog/LogPage
would be similar across all users' logs, since it is natural to use the yearmonthday designation for Log pages. There should not be a language problem in these situations.
Within the knowledge base subpages should not creat any problem since, if I understand the subpage idea, these are folders of pages that are still in the same name space and we are using name strings in a way that is logical, for example, within structures, we can have aluminum or steel types of parts so these words group pages without creating WikiGroups? and it takes more thought to logically connect topics. This natural, commonsense approach, such as you point out below, makes PageName? creation accessible to most everyone. - RichardNelson