I wrote some Perl to retrieve the TourBusMap, parse it and put it through GraphViz?. You can see the results at http://downlode.org/perl/TourBusMap/ . -- EarleMartin
Warning, it's a huge file. It is really cool though! - Great job Earle!
Thanks! It's never going to be a Harry Beck, though (which irks me, because I'm a Tube map fanboy), so kudos to Tarquin for his attempts below (which I never saw at the time). -- EarleMartin
That's the picture so far. There's no hope of fitting in the International Tour because it includes all the Grand stops, but backwards. Other suggested routes are in danger of making the above even more spaghetti-like...
Both the GWCT and the IWT represented as loops. I doubt the Moinmoin tour can be fitted in there without considerable entanglement (it needs to go to the right to take in Linux, then the left for PersonalTelco, then right again for Python &c... One thing that map shows is that the routes are a bit heavy on one side -- nothing yet that starts off from Meatball for example.
Tarquin, this is great. Also I think that my thoughts of a Tour Bus Central are peaked by looking at the map, there is no central platform, which I think is needed. -- md
How about letting each tour be managed on a station site of its own within the wiki, which should in turn link back to a master or central site with a list of tours (possibly back here on Meatball?). The station site for the tour would be responsible for the image of the bus and managing the sites/wikis on the tour leaving the master or central to only deal with the list of stations and not every site of the tour, nor ensuring the bus completes its route (thats the job of the station sites). In other words, distribute the management. These graphics here are nice, and could be placed on the station site. Assuming the station site for a tour is also a stop on other tours, you'd have the multiple-route maps shown here. You could also gives a different bus image for each tour if desired, again, with the site station, and not the master/meatball providing the URI. -- EvanLanglois