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Click on the title to see all pages related to mapping space; i.e. cartography. Mostly this means "cybercartography."

In particular, please read the excellent AtlasOfCyberspace and MappingCyberspace by Martin Dodge and Robert Kitchin on which a bulk of the material here is based.

CategoryNavigation CategoryInformationVisualization CategoryCategory


Cyberspace is not like the real world as there is no external frame of reference. We can construct one falsely, but that is only an illusion and itself is subvertible (e.g. teleports). Thus, while the Western perspective of mapping is one of rationalizing space and orienting ourselves against this rationalization (the grid), we lose this rationalization in cyberspace. This initially leaves us "lost in space", but we quickly relearn prior mapping skills based on semantic constructions. Now that the sign and signifier collapse, the semantic constructions can themselves become the space, just as the map becomes the territory. Finally, we can use social navigation to orient ourselves through this space as semantics defined as social constructions.

I'm doing a term paper on cybercartography, so hopefully I'll actually write interesting stuff here. -- SunirShah

I'll post my presentation at http://sunir.org/meatball/CategoryCartography/presentation.ppt. It's 2MB, so don't download it a hundred times! I'll likely delete it or move it to another location in the future, so don't make links to this location without providing sufficient warnings. Later... I got an A; nice! -- SunirShah






Mark Smith's NetScan? project: mapping UseNet.


Anders, P. (1999) Envisioning cyberspace: designing 3D electronic spaces. New York: McGraw?-Hill.

Batty, M. (1997) Virtual geography. Futures, 29(4/5), 337-352.

Batty, M. and Barr, B. (1994) The electronic frontier: exploring and mapping cyberspace. Futures, 26(7), 699-712.

Benford, S., Brown, C., Reynard, G., and Greenhalgh, C. (1996) Shared spaces: transportation, artificiality, and spatiality. In Proceedings of the 1996 ACM Conference on Computer supported cooperative work, Boston, MA, 77-86.

Börner, K. (2002) Twin Worlds: augmenting, evaluating, and studying three-dimensional digital cities and their evolving communities. in M. Tanabe, P. van den Besselaar, T. Ishida (Eds.): Digital Cities, LNCS 2362, pp. 257-269. Available from http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/562495.html

Börner, K., Hazlewood, W.R., and Sy-Miaw L. (2002) Visualizing the spatial and temporal distribution of user interaction data collected in three-dimensional virtual worlds. in Proceedings. Sixth International Conference on Information Visualization (IV'02). July 10-12, London, England. pp. 25-31. Available from http://vw.indiana.edu/cive02/004_borner_VisSpatialTemporal.pdf

Bowers, J., Pycock, J., and O'Brien, J. (1996) Talk and embodiment in collaborative virtual environments. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems: common ground, April 13-18, Vancouver, British Columbia, 58-65.

Boyd, D., Lee, H-Y., Ramage, D., and Donath, J. (2002) Developing legible visualizations of online social spaces. in Proceedings of the Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, January 7–10, Big Island, Hawaii. Available from http://smg.media.mit.edu/papers/danah/HICSS2002.pdf. [***]

Chen, C., L. Thomas, et al. (1999). Representing the Semantics of Virtual Spaces. IEEE Multimedia, April/June: 54-63.

Cockburn, A., and McKenzie?, B. (2002) Evaluating the effectiveness of spatial memory in 2D and 3D physical and virtual environments. in Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems: Changing our world, changing ourselves table of contents, April 20-25, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 203-210.

Couclelis, H. (1998). Worlds of information: the geographic metaphor in the visualization of complex information. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, vol. 25, no. 4: 209-20' Dodge, M., and Kitchin, R. (2001) The Atlas of Cyberspace. London: Pearson Education.

Dodge, M., and Kitchin, R. (2001) Mapping Cyberspace. London: Routledge.

Fitzpatrick, G., Kaplan, S., and Mansfield, T. (1996) Physical spaces, virtual places and social worlds- a study of work in the virtual. In Proceedings of the 1996 ACM Conference on Computer supported cooperative work, Boston, MA, 334-343.

Harpold, T. (1999) Dark continents: a critique of Internet metageographies. Postmodern Culture 9(2). [dubious?]

Harrison, S., and Dourish, P. (1996) Re-place-ing space: the roles of place and space in collaborative systems. In Proceedings of the 1996 ACM Conference on Computer supported cooperative work, Boston, MA, 67-76.

Hillier, B. (1996) Space is the machine: a configurational theory of architecture. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Jiang, B. and Ormeling, F. (1997) Cybermap: the map for cyberspace. Cartographic Journal, 24(2), 111-116. Available from http://www.hig.se/%7Ebjg/cj1.PDF.

Jiang, B. and Ormeling, F. (2000) Mapping cyberspace: Visualizing, analysing and exploring virtual worlds. The Cartographic Journal, 37(20), 117-122. Available from http://www.hig.se/~bjg/cybermap2000.pdf

Kitchin, R. (1998). Cyberspace: The World in the Wires, Wiley, Chichester, U.K [Robarts, HM221 .K584 1998X (***)]

Kraak, M-J., and Brown, A. (eds.) (2001) Web cartography: developments and prospects. New York: Tayler & Francis. [GA 102.4 .E4W43]

MacEachren?, A. M., 1994, Visualization in modern cartography: Setting the Agenda. In Visualization in Modern Cartography (A. M. MacEachren? and D. R. F. Taylor, Oxford, UK: Pergamon), pp. 1-12. [often cited]

MacEachren?, A. M. (1995). How Maps Work: Representation, Visualization, and Design. New York: Guilford Press. [GA105.3 .M32]

McBeath?, G. B. and Webb, S. A. (1995) Cities, subjectivity and cyberspace. in Proceedings of Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of Leicester, April 10-13. Available from http://www.usyd.edu.au/su/social/papers/mcbeath.txt

Minar, N. and Donath, J. (1999) Visualizing the crowds at a web site. CHI 1999. Available from http://xenia.media.mit.edu/~nelson/research/crowdvis/socvis-final-color.ps.gz

Robinson, A. H. (1952) The look of maps. Madison: University of Wisconson Press.

Skupin, A. (2000). From Metaphor to Method: Cartographic Perspectives on Information Visualization, Proceedings, IEEE Symposium on Information Vizualization (InfoVis) 2000, Oct. 9-10. Available from http://www.geog.ucsb.edu/~sara/teaching/geo234_00/papers/skupin.pdf

Slocum, T. A., Blok, C., Jiang, B., Koussoulakou, A., Montello, D. R., Fuhrmann, S., and Hedley, N. (2001). Cognitive and Usability Issues in Geovisualization. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, Vol. 28, No.1: 61-75.

Smith, M. A., Farnham, S. D., and Drucker, S. M. (2000) The social life of small graphical chat spaces. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, April 1-6, The Hague, The Netherlands, 462-469. Available from http://research.microsoft.com/scg/papers/vchatchi2000.pdf

Taylor, J. (1997) The emerging geographics of virtual worlds. Geographical Review, 87(2), 172-192.

Tilton, D. W. and S. K. Andrews (1994). Space, Place and Interface. Cartographica, 30(4): 61-72.

Turnbull, D. (1994) MapsAreTerritories: Science is an atlas. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Wexelblat, A., and Maes, P. (1999) Footprints: History-rich tools for information foraging. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems: the CHI is the limit, May 15-20, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 270-277. Available from http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/cache/papers/cs/7250/ftp:zSzzSzftp.media.mit.eduzSzwexzSzCHI-99-Footprints.mak.pdf/wexelblat99footprints.pdf



We all love JudithDonath and her Sociable Media Group. ;)

Social network analysis


Use of maps on the Web, chapter 3, Web Cartography, Corné PJ.M. van Elzakker p.21-36

web index or category maps


Construction/subversion of space (Anders, 1998)

Teleportation hack; prevents socialization by random encounters on the street.

Logical Adjacency Maps (Anders, 1998)

Visual MUDs

[Quotations on the use of Place]


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