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Cyborg Manifest Mark I


Haraway, Donna J. 1991 (1985). "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century." Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. New York: Routledge. pp.149-181

Cyborg Manifest Mark II


From the website (or not--see below)...

When machines first started computing, we said computing was not central to being human. When machines started assembling objects, we said assembly was not central to being human. When machines began to listen, talk and engage in advanced tactics and strategies (as in games like chess), we said these cognitive skills were not central to being human. All technological progress is now geared towards the redundancy of the human being as we currently know it. Does this scare you?


What is "life"? The definition shifts and expands. The line between natural and artificial is fading. Every day we negotiate more intimate kinships with machines of all kinds.

I had to hand type the snippet above because the idiots who designed the website made the text all images. And those images are larger than my window, so I can't even type them in because I can't read them. Thoughtfully, they left the window maximizable, but the image is still cropped to fit. So I reamed it in from my copy of AdbustersMagazine. Ironically, their technical incompetence only underscores why TheSingularity will never happen. Of course, the manifesto is a gigantic troll. I think. -- SunirShah

By the way I even couldn't read the manifesto, because this site demands some unknown ActiveX control to offer the picture. (And it takes a good deal of trustbuilding to lower my resistance to grant ActiveX access to my computer ;-) -- FridemarPache

I tend to run two browsers, InternetExplorer and MozillaBrowser, when I'm online, and by chance, I chose Moz when I typed in the URL, and it said "You don't have Flash." I suddenly had a mental change that made it possible to care less about reading the content than I had previously, so I took advantage of that and hit the back button. --DaveJacoby

I can't read the original either. The part quoted reminded me of Hofstadter in GodelEscherBach?, about "AI is whatever hasn't been done yet". He devised an English-spouting program and then commented to the effect, "When it was done, it become clear it wasn't AI".

In other words, the people closest to AI are often its harshest critics. They best appreciated how much further computers have to go.

MindForth is a very simple AI.
We are explorers by nature, but the nature of exploration is changing.

comments: http://cyborgmanifesto.org/readcomment.html

yes, the manifesto is a gigantic troll.. but an interesting read nevertheless.


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