I'd like to build a sort of online gathering place for a small group of friends. It seems like wikis are't very conducive to transient items or conversations, while blogs are a little too undemocratic and rigid for my taste. Right now I am working on extending Wiki:CgiWiki, with the idea that it would be easier to make a wiki "toolkit" do what I want than try to start from scratch or modify an existing wiki or blog program.
Welcome to MeatballWiki! Have you seen DigestedChanges? I want to build such a thing and see if it doesn't create an elegant WikiLog solution. -- SunirShah
Thanks guys. I'm busy with midterms at the moment, but a few first impressions and comments... Re: PeriPeri (PageClusters? FacetWiki?), I'm not too clear on the details but would it be accurate to describe the approach as classifying pages with keywords/categories/topics and using these to both sidestep namespace issues and automatically build specialized RecentChanges pages (PageClusters)? It seems pretty nifty. Re: DigestedChanges, is the CategorizedEdit the key idea to this? -- JustinKao