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A wiki which has now been WikiShutDown

It used to be a wiki devoted to practical knowledge. A place to share your how-to advice. Meant to be a WikiForRegularPeople.

The URL used to be: http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~paquetse/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi?Know-how_Wiki

It was hosted by [Sébastien Paquet].

A fair quantity information was added to it over the years, but it seems it never really took off as a community, and instead became a GhostTown. Recently it was attracting a lot of WikiSpam.

A few months ago (approx December 2004) it suddenly went offline, so sadly the content is not even available read-only...

Except on [this WayBackMachine page], and other web-caching services. Except that the site blocks robot spiders and that link doesn't work anymore.


Voir une traduction en LangueFrançaise déposée sur CraoWiki:KnowHowWiki à rapatrier ici. Comment récupérer quelques contenus ne figurant plus sur les cachettes qu'elles soient chez google ou la WayBackMachine? ? Certains auraient vraiment valu la peine d'être traduits. Si vous avez une idée ? -- ChristopheDucamp (alias RegularPeople qui sera traduit par GensNormaux)


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