Here's how I did it in NetscapeSix?.
Here is an example of an empty sidebar except for the Meatball entry. The idea is by DaveJacoby and the content is from his [portal].
<?xml version="1.0"?> <RDF:RDF xmlns:NC="" xmlns:RDF=""> <RDF:Description about="urn:sidebar:current-panel-list" NC:version="0.1"> <NC:panel-list resource="rdf:#$wjDdh"/> </RDF:Description> <RDF:Description about="file:///C:/WINNT/Profiles/ASC.000/Anwendungsdaten/Mozilla/Profiles/alex/zvh4usjb.slt/" NC:exclude="navigator:browser" /> <RDF:Description about="" NC:exclude="navigator:browser" /> <RDF:Description ID="meatball" NC:title="MeatballWiki" NC:content="" /> <RDF:Seq about="rdf:#$wjDdh"> <RDF:li resource="#meatball"/> </RDF:Seq> </RDF:RDF>
I managed to get this working in MozillaBrowser 0.9.7 - very neat, thanks for documenting this. I have now done a basic sidebar for TWiki as well. You can also use a URL to auto-add a panel to the sidebar - see the javascript: URL used to add the TWiki sidebar in TWiki:Codev/MozillaSidebar. -- RichardDonkin
OperaBrowser has a similar feature - see OperaHotList?.