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See Wiki:WikiBrowser

It seems to be a hot topic behind the scenes, deriving it from email reactions (in contrast to nearly no reaction in Wiki:WardsWiki). To stimulate community driven browser addons as preparation for a Wikibrowser (or as a sitekick) a free (Windows-) BrowserAutomationTool could help. -- FridemarPache

I've been fantasizing about making a DHTML, frame heavy wraparound to improve my wiki browsing experience for a long time. One thing I'd like to do is detect the type of wiki on the other hand and give me a formatting rules sheet. I have a hard time remembering the various rules for the various clones. Of course, I had scheduled to write this in my infinite free time. -- SunirShah

I have a simple way of using JavaScript, served up via a hacked UseMod wiki script (using the links database functions) in order to provide a collapsable directory view of the current link map (up to 3 levels) from the specified page. I have a patched version of UseMod v0.92 - details may be found on the UseMod:WikiExplorer page. -- KevinTaylor

Something I'd like to see is a basket or cart for WikiLinks? which you see on the page you are reading, which intrigue you, but are not strictly germane to your reading objective at that time. That is, distractions you want to avoid for the moment, but not entirely, intending read on a later visit. See http://www.iht.com/ for an interesting implementation. These links fall into that nether space between links to follow *now* and links to bookmark *forever*. My current coping strategy is to open up new windows with the distracting but intriguing links, but to then minimise them. Works fine, until my session is interrupted (eg. crash, or quit) -- EricScheid

I use "copy this link" from the context menu and then paste the URL to my local wiki, for later consumption. -- jh

I laugh, what a coincidence I was thinking about a prototype browser in my head on the car coming back from Deep River. A basket for links is exactly what I want; it fact, shopping carts in online retail are used frequently just to keep track of merchandise as a user moves from page to page. The other thing I'd want is a either a stack-based or tree-based history view, a visualizer, and an in-place editor. I'd also want some mini-spider behaviour so that the browser preemptively goes out and retrieves pages and information nearby, which would be most useful for the visualizer. The user should also be able to control how much bandwidth the spider takes up naturally. -- SunirShah

I discovered tonite that the [javascript for the link basket] at IHT is available under GPL. Now to think more on the specifics of how it could be implemented...

Whether it appears as a pop-down, or as a side-bar, could be a UserPreference?.

-- EricScheid

See also: WikiClient, TinderBox

Have a look at MozillaSidebar as well - this could be used to store links in a basket or whatever. The TWiki implementation linked from there includes useful features such as a search box and list of all pages. --RichardDonkin

(Nov 2002) Rumblings at WikiPedia of a wiki text editor: MetaWikiPedia:Dedicated_Wikipedia_editor



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