But elsewhere (for relevant values of elsewhere), I am mostly known as IMSoP - The name originates on HTwoGTwo, and I am also WikiPedia:User:IMSoP
I'm just graduating in ArtificialIntelligence, and am extremmely interested in SemanticWeb and collaborative information-gathering topics.
That's all for now. This FrontLawn is at least no longer bare.
Welcome, Rowan! I hope you like the place. MartinHarper is also an HTwoGTwo contributor, although I think he mostly focuses on WikiPedia these days. -- StephenGilbert
Welcome, Rowan! -- SunirShah
Hello! Nice to see MeatBall grow. Welcome. -- MattisManzel
Gosh, fancy seeing you here, Rowan. :) We WelcomeWikipedians?, of course. Seeing your name again (and in AnotherPlace) makes me want to reminisce about old h2g2 events in the context of meatball's philosophy. Fun times. :) --MartinHarper
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! And especially thank you Martin for the links you added on HTwoGTwo - I'm afraid I appear to be leaving a trail of BrokenLinks in my wake, as I try to get a feel for what pages exist (and attempt to absorb as many of them as possible!). Hopefully, my intention will be clear enough that someone more seasoned will be able to find more appropriate targets. - RowanCollins [D'oh! Even DeadLink is a dead link]
By my back of the napkin estimations, there's roughly 6 trillion SemanticWeb specialists here. That's 1000 semantic web specialists per person living on earth! You might want to put up some ideas to see what invigorates their fancies. -- SunirShah
I may like that WhatIsMultiplicity, but six trillion is stretching it... --MartinHarper