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WikiBlogging (new approach, Nov. 2006) is a method to take a snapshot of a complete wikipage in its HTML format and forward it to a BlogService.


Currently the author has not yet found such a practise in the blogosphere, but he would be happy to WikiWeave with similar minds there (2006/11/13). -- FridemarPache


Due to heavy spam attacks in this wiki forum, the following ForwardLink to the resp. blog needs the manual help of the administrator to become a real link. Thank you, Admin. Please, delete this italicized text after deleting the blanks in the following AutoMutilatedLink?, in the case you help the author.

About a month ago, I've started to copy source from some wiki pages, and post them to blogs that I write for. This tries to bring blog readers into wiki to communities. Example: http://www.smartmobs.com/archive/2006/11/11/citizenengagedg....html

actually did this 1 day before you wrote this page! :) Looks like we were thinking along the same lines. I think it's an interesting way to try and pull people from the blogosphere into wikis. -- SamRose

Hans, not in the way that Fridemar is doing here. Instead, I am writing wiki pages in my bliki, with NearLinks to Community and meatball, and then posting that to my blog. -- SamRose

Also, due to spam attacks on Meatball, recommend/suggest maybe creating an OddWiki instance for WikiBlogging, and creating NearLinks or InterWiki links to Meatball from that. This can take some of the pressure off of Meatball, but still allow Meatball to be a source/resource for WikiBlogging. Plus, OddWiki and OddMuse is set up to be a blog itself. -- SamRose

Welcome Sam, it's great to hear from you, that we are realizing the same idea of WikiBlogging. Best thing is, that the more people are in resonance with this idea, the more efficicient it will be. Meanwhile I am studying your hints in the CommunityWiki and learn to apreciate your suggestions. I need some time yet to make me full compatible. Thank you for your warm welcome on [SocialSynergy:OpenBusiness] -- [fridemar]



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