[microBlog] | [1] - Foreword | [2] - Table Of Contents | [Introduction] | [Goals2006] | [HwoEnd] |
Below "The fold"...
For particular blocks, go to:
The current Heading structures and the Table of Contents is an experiment to see how the additional use of these types of navigation aids affects the ability to create larger pages, while also trying to rationalize markup use between a couple of wikis.
... Just a placeholder, at this time).
Go to: ..., [2] - Table Of Contents, ..., [HwoEnd]. |
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hwobbe@datafix.com is my primary email address. I have posted it before in various places and welcome its use. SPAM has, however, forced me to use an extensive set of filter technologies to avoid handling the several hundred messages a day that get sent to that address, so I occassionally miss a 'first-contact' email or one from an infrequent mailer that I am not expecting.
-- Hans
This material would normally be in the Forward, but page design considerations are somewhat different for electronic pages such as these.
This location avoids cluttering the Foreward, pushing the TOC down out of view. This preamble may be refined to provide the other material usually in a Foreword, such as: the 'typograpghic conventions' used on this page.''
Eventually, these thoughts may 'grow' to be a worthy start for a WikiPageStyles? page.
Goals2007 may be as simple as striving to improve the SignalToNoise ratio on the Meatball pages that I refer folks to. Goals2006 removed to an 'attic'.
In my experience, the words Goals and Objectives are context sensitive. That is to say different groups use one or the other to imply short-term or long-term undertakings in an inconsistent manner.
In a business context (which I am adopting here), Objectives imply an annual persepctive given the pervasive awareness of "Management By Objectives". Goals, therefore, will have a longer-term connotation, with:
At meatball, community members are encourgaed to state their Goals since this allows others (who, according to this site's mission statement, wish to help via 'barn raising') to contribute to the achievement.
Assuming I have gotten this right, I can now proceed to try to define my Goals for in the context of this community.
... Draft proposed text and to deliberating - as of 2005-01-05...
Polite practice within the meatball community generally includes signing posts with a full, real name. Within this page, however, I am adding named anchors that appear as wikiWords (Please note that I have a tendency to supress link creation by simply using an initial lower case letter when I am refereing to a link by name, without wishing to create it.), by using FreeLinks.
I am considering the implications of adding similar anchors to other pages, in which case I would use my usual shortSignature of Hwo, concatenated with a second wikiWordSegment that is a simple sequential alphabetic counter starting with Aa, to denote the number of such anchors that I have placed on a page. Various factors I am considering include:
The following material was written as part of a reply to HelmutLeitner regarding a thread on Brainstorming on BrainstormMode. I posted it here since it seems to provide more introductory details.
With respect to my current Interests, I am presently focusing on Collaboration and Communities and the forces that motivate Individuals to Act more or less independantly. This is a part of my way of pondering how I can extend my various Interactions and Partnerships with others to make them more valuable to one and all. I've formed a few tentative conclusions, and started to spend a bit of time trying to figure out how I might apply them. During the past several months, I have been paying attention to WardsWiki, which is how I came to have some awareness of (and hence perhaps even Trust in) some of the people that I eventually followed to this site.
Throughout all of this, I've also learned a lot more that I consider to be of value. For example; I started using PhpWiki about two years ago in a very small way since it gave ne the opportunity to co-operate outside of the corporate firewalls. That annoyed the Security people enough that they insisited on giving me a different Wiki that met their 'standards' as an intranet tool. What happened instead is that I learned about the diversity in wiki technologies (which has really become quite amazing to the point of being confusing). Hence, I found Eddies Wiki and its various forks, of which RyanNorton's version has provided me with major provements in my personal productivity. So, I've gotten more than enough 'payback' to justify my continued interests in Collaboration using all of these Environments and Tools.
Current (or Initial) Problems or Objectives may also be a valid way of identifying an initial focus for some BrainStorming, especially since (as I understand it) Brainstorming is supposed to be a collaborative way of expediting solutions.
For my part, the problems I am pondering include those that I think affect the very few Clients I still strive to serve ( Canada Post and its largest mailers, several Banks, a couple of telephone companies, and aspects of the three levels of government that have jurisdiction in Canada). Obviously this is still far too big a list, so for the last decade I have focused quite specifically on some of the aspects of Data quality (especially Names and Addresses) which are still generally considered to be a way of identifying Individuals.
In spite of my attempts to focus as tightly as possible, the real challenges of validating changes in Address information to mitigate Fraud, establish Trust in E-commerce, confirm eligibility to Vote, etc., all manage to create a lot of redundant work since there are few generally recognized (much less 'accepted') "patterns" to all of this.
Hopefully I have managed to provide some information may help you identify Topics of mutual interest.
Broad areas of interest may be listed here, while current items or those that presently have a higher priority are specifically listed under subordinate headings.
I am planning to describe the way I work for at least two reasons:
I have promised myself that I will look at Emacs as soon as I get a bit more time, though.
This will be described shortly since I have been asked for an explanation of the way I use this Wiki and because I am hoping to be able to provide some supporting documentation for its developer Ryan.
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The "bitter" part is obvious and needs no further comment, especially in the virtual world(s) of the internet.
After feeling a bit 'ghoulish' about blogging about this, I have come to the conclusion there is a "sweet" part that demands our attention. My Observations that support this Conclusion are ...
I'm going to "blurt out" a recommendation here that I will try to support more fully in the future as my time and energies allow.
Wikis are an extremely powerful tool that those of use who know how to use them, should support in the stressful situations where people are literally crying out to collaborate and share their thoughts; their fears, feelings, hopes, ideas, plans, dreams and visions. |
You are more than welcome to review the pages, and I encourage you to do so, since ...
The 5.1.1 [511], 5.1.2 [512], and 5.1.3 [512] sub headings are being used in an effort to test the compatability between the Footnotes supported by WxWikiServer and the usemod ToC? markup. |
The remaining sections are being re-numbered to conform to a standard template.
The following (in particular) needs to be 'demoted'.)
as of ...
... 2007-11
.... 041115 [ByPal] added as a further refinement to this page that is being used to test the limits of the useMod markup.
Browsers reviewing this page can use the TOC link or this [ByPal] link.
It should be possible to:
This list includes pages I am considering, or exploring but have not yet posted a signed contribution to.
(Other pages I have commented on may be found via backlinks.)
I participate in WardsWiki, host several other wikis for various audiences and recently, have started using Ryan's version of Eddies Wiki as a personal Authoring tool. In all, at least five different wiki software packages with significantly different markup approaches. Since quite a bit of the Content I generate makes it into more than one of these environments, the editing differences have been a problem for me personally in the past. I have also had to spend a lot of redundant time helping others learn the various versions.
Lately, I find myself predominantly using Ryan's software to generate my content for all of the environments. This is because the Include feature that was in Eddies Wiki as well as the Table support and Ryan's extensions with Footnotes, subdirectories, style sheets and the pageTemplate have dramatically increased my productivity.
The most recent items are at [HansWobbe#HwoTop HwoTop?]. Add local headers, after suppressing the TOC entries.
Sunir: If you are going to be at Queen and Spadina... || How about we meet at 18:30 at Barrister's Bar, in the Hilton at University and Richmond(?) their number is 416-869-3456 (should you need it). Its a nice, quiet bar. I'll be the tall (6'5") guy (sitting down :-) good luck...), in a blue business suit. I'll probably be there as of about 6:00 P.M., but don't rush on my account since I will be able to take advantage of the quite to get a bit of work done. -- Hwo
Great (both that we have a set location in space-time) and picture (which definitely deserves a frame, even if its just a temporary artifact on this page). Mine are all too old to be recognizable (blush.) Looking forward to tomorrow. -- hwo.
Sounds good. I'm this guy:
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I appreciate you extending Richard some grace. He clearly feels uncomfortable in what perhaps he sees as hostile territory. -- SunirShah
You're welcome. I did but try a little and even that appears to have failed.
Thank you for the offer, Robert. Having just returned from my Montreal annual Board meeting, I am not scheduled to be there again until next September, though. I'll definitely keep your offer in mind.
As for singing, I only do that publically when visiting OktoberFest?.
-- hwo.
Try extending this mini TOC here using named anchor features, rather than cluttering the generated TOC to the point that it becomes necessary to scroll through it. e.g...
Sorry I missed the comment you added for as long as I did. I was travelling, without adequate 'net access and obviously missed it in the slew of Recent Changes, Edits, and my catchup activities that kept me from looking at this page very closely.
Thanks for the addition of the '6 degrees' reference. I'll definitely look into it further. I know one person that uses Linked In and did visit it, but became a bit suspicious of its obvious commercial motives.
I'll check out the other sites you suggested during the next week.
I'd like to catch up, but this may not be the best way to do so. Email? Private Forum? Less-noisy wiki? Your choice, assuming you too are interested. Regards, Hans
Sunir: I enjoyed our chat and did listen enough to at least begin to understand a bit. For now, "take care" (especially since I know you can.) -- hwo.
Sunir: Thanks for take the time to meet. I quite enjoyed in. In fact, probably a bit too much since I recall 'interrupting' far too frequently. (I am trying hard to lisen more and talk less, but there seemed to be an awful lot that we both wanted to say and it just kept bubbling out.) Regards, fo now, -- hwo.
Re "soul crushing week" - hopefully I didn't add to that.
No, you actually helped a lot. I told you a little about my crushed soul last night though. Thanks ever so much for inviting me out! -- Sunir
You're welcome.
Thanks for the personal reminder. I noticed this yesterday but did not have time to really investigate what was going on at the time. I'm still a bit rushed, but should be able to work around the new filter.
Thanks, again. -- hwo.
There's a new spam filter that only allows you to add up to three http's at a time. Try submitting in segments. I know it sucks, but it's a stop gap until I can implement something better. -- SunirShah
It may make sense to classify Other Topics' by Subject.
You're welcome. I've provided a couple of links to additional history on the ElectricMinds page as well, which you might be interested in. - EJB 20 Oct 2004
Hans, welcome here, too. With respect to you invitation to BrainstormMode: I'd like to jointly create some pages, yes, why not. Where are our common interests? -- HelmutLeitner
... removed to BrainStorming.
Wiki:FreeLink (s) act differently in usemod than in wxWikiServer. Testing... [HansWobbe-6- 6] [[HansWobbe-6-6]]
Go to: ..., [2] - Table Of Contents, ..., [HwoEnd]. |
This is especially true given the current 'anti spam' filter precludes adding (or deleting) more than three links per edit, making it very difficult to use internal anchors.
This page has evolved to have a relatively elaborate structure, if only as part of a set of tests into what is possible and what parts of that are practical. Specfic examples include:
Go to: ..., [2] - Table Of Contents, ..., [HwoEnd]. |
It is possible to define a common subset of the markups that an individual can use across the most common and popular wikis. This is especially valid given the optional ways that HTML can be generated and given that the objective is only to create effective hypertext that is used to communicate with particular audiences, as opposed to providing a common environment that includes a set of editing procedures, shared by a community of 'posters'.
Go to: ..., [2] - Table Of Contents, ..., [HwoEnd]. |
This 'Forward' appendix was created primarily to avoid pushing the Table Of Contents (TOC) down the page and hence, out of immediate sight. A secondary reason is that the usemod markup that creates the TOC relies on the position of headers to genberate the associated numbers. Since this page is part of a experiment in page design that is being used to test markup and its effect on style, especially with respect to other tools that may be used to create and maintain a standard, structured document, it became convenient to make this an Appendix.
One purpose for this section is to experiment with the common aspects of some of the more esoteric aspects of wiki markup (particularly usemod's and wxWikiServer's) to see how I can construct pages as efficiently as possible.
Integers in the range of 0-9 have been introduced to investigate their impact within usemod's headings and toc capabilities, in conjunction with their use as wxWikiServer footnotes.
This page includes an experiment with named anchors and internal links to create named Segments. Examples, listed in apparent alphabetic sequence, include:
Go to: ..., [2] - Table Of Contents, ..., [HwoEnd]. |
Testing the use of WxWikiServer footnote markup in conjunctions with usemode toc markup.
This list of named anchors within this page, is being created to support automated maintenance of the page.
Hello, Mark!
It is a pleasure to hear from you here, in addition to having seen a few of your virtual "footprints" at AboutUs during my explorations of that site during the last week.
I've just returned from California and a couple of the other south western states, but I've got to admit, I enjoy that area and am looking for an excuse to go back, so perhaps the RCC camp may be it. I'll look into when that will be happening and consider what else I might be able to do in that part of the world at that particular time.
Most of my "wiki" time during the past year was spent setting up a series of OddMuse WikiHives?. Now that I've got them operational, I am contemplating what I may be able to do with them. I know that sounds a bit backwards, but I became convinced that I should use the OddMuse engine as a Server-side wiki, and integrate that as tightly as possible with TiddlyWiki which I use as a Client-side engine. Inevitably, that took a lot more time than I expected so I am only now starting to think about how to best use these new capabilities. :-)
Are you still most active at WikiIndex? Is there something there that is particularly attractive?
Regards, -- Hans
Hi Fridemar...
I agree with quite a bit of what you think a proper annotation service should include. Lately, though, I've been looking at these needs from the perspectives of MicroContent? (the components that make up larger Pages) and especially in the contexts of TiddlyWiki (which is evolving very rapidly from its original "all in one" AJAX design, into a full blown set of widely "distributed MicroContent?" components that can be collected to build documents dynamically). I am sufficiently impressed by evident power the AJAX Client-Side capabilities and the evolving Server-Side support being produced by the very active community, that I think I will be investing in this approach quite a bit more. (I am certain that it does everything in your list, as well as a whole lot more!)
I remain very interest in "changing financial services". For the moment, however, it seems much easier (for me) to work at this top-down by helping the existing institutions compete with each other more effectively, than it does to work at it bottom-up from initiatives such as MicroLending?. Inevitably, the two approaches will meet in the middle, but based on the rate of progress I've observed in the last 50 years, I doubt this will happen within the rest of the time at my disposal (in spite of the fact that the rate of change is actually "accelerating".)
Thank you for sharing your views of AboutUs. I've been watching MarkDilley's work there with some interest, and they do seem to be making good progress.
For your information, I'm thinking about meeting with the DiiGo folks while I'm in their neighnorhood next month. If I do so, I am planning to discuss the idea of having them create a version of their software that can be hosted on other sites, since I like their annotation ideas, but cannot use their site for many of my business activities due to the restrictions inherent in the various Non Disclosure Agreements that most large companies require folks to sign.
-- HansWobbe
Hello Hans ...
on the page WikiBank I was asked about my next steps in the WikiBank.Biz process. As mentionned in my last Wikimail on this page, I am ready for the transfer of the domain WikiBank.Biz into your account, when done in a PR-efficient way for the symbolic price of 100US$.
This is supposed to be a prototype for similar transactions in form of OpenBusiness, such that other peers can build on this.
In case you opt for this solution, please let me definitely know it in the next week.
You can deduct 10$ for my pledge to the CommunityWikiBank and position it under your account, referring to me. The other community-friendly alternative is, that I offer it afterwards for selling it to the maximal price to be realized in the free domain-market and pledge 10% of its sell-price to the CommunityWikiBank.
I hope to have your support and the support of the community in both cases.
-- Fridemar
Hans, I am waiting for your statement in WikiBankOpenNegotiation. I see at least two options for me to build. Posing the question of IntraRegistrarTransfer? in AboutusOrg, with or without your personal involvement. If you have an account at name.com, the transfer process should be easy, useful as a template for similar-minded peers. -- FridemarPache PS.: By the way your cheque is taken into the bank and needs, as they say, ca 9 days to convert into cash. So the money transfer via cheque appears to be a sub-optimal template (because a successful Domaining, especially a SocialDomaining needs fast transfers). Imagine how boring this special kind of reality-tv is for the watchers, if it takes too long :-) -- FridemarPache
My apologies for not having responded in a way you find adequate on WikiBankOpenNegotiations?, but I did not realize that I needed to provide more. If you think it necessary to post something at AboutUs, you are quite welcome to do so. For my part, I consider these notes at MeatballWiki to be quite public and more than sufficient as a record of our open transaction.
For the record, I do not have an account at 'name.com' and would prefer not to create (yet another) account that I an unlikely to ever use again. If you think it is necessary, I can have someone create an account and take responsibility for managing the process.
As for the time needed to clear my check... It seems to be yet another reason to hate banks!. Based on what I see, the funds were withdrawn from my account within 24 hours. Now, for you and me, the daily interest is not significant, but imagine what the cumulative value of the "float" is to a bank since "the interest on a million dollars is $28 / day" and I assure you they have many millions of dollars tied up in "clearing system float". If I have a bit of time within the next 90 days, I'll try to trace the transfer so we can see who benefited more (my Bank our yours). If you are iterested in this, it would be helpful to to me to know the name of the Bank and the Branch at which you tried to cash the check. It will also be informative to track the "Foreign Exchange charges. Then we will have some hard numbers to base a business case on for entering into the business of Foreign Exchange processing as a Transaction Clearing Intermediary. After all, those are two services that I think WikiBank should offer (quite profitably) at a lower rate than the current monopolies do.
-- Hans
Thank you Hans for the fast response. My bank is addressed as "RaiffeisenVolksbank? e.g. Gewerbebank BLZ 76560060". Yes, due to the historical context, I suggest to let you someone create a free account there. This registrar with the nice easy memorable name "name.com" makes ads on over 15 million pages on Aboutus.org and is the first registrar, who appears to appreciate the wiki business model. On the other hand, if you have already a good connection to another registrar, who (preferably) has the spirit to interact on AboutUs.org or a similar big wiki, then this would be great. Anyhow I need your registrar to transfer the goods, you have paid for :-) This is independent of the technical delay of clearing the cheque; so I can reciproque the trust you gave me. -- Fridemar
Username does indeed work properly, now. Thank you very much for letting me know!
In short, if you want me to consider doing something, it has to be extremely well defined, so I can either "delegate it" or decide to scavenge time my own time from my other activities.
The people I delegated this to people who also appear to be "too busy". It will obviously have to cascade further down the hierarchy, or wait until we next have an intern with a bit of extra time available.
-- Hans
Welcome back!
I hope all is well for you and yours.
I am slowly remembering how to work in these environments. I guess its been a while :-)
contemplating if I should start contributing once again.
Deciding that this page really needs refactoring - ( perhaps during the 2023-12 holidays? )
I am going to start refactoring this page, if only to reduce some of the Cruft.
2024-07-17: Decided to update this if only to track how often I refer to this sites content