I've long enjoyed reading Meatball without actually getting involved - I'm more involved in WikiPedia, studying it as a LearningCommunity - but I'm starting off now to see what I can do here in a productive or interesting way. I met SunirShah, FlorenceDevouard and DelphineMénard at Wikimania (August, 2005) which was a phenomenal experience. Sunir's a great guy, really different to what I thought he was going to be (I thought he was middle-aged and would have a beard - shows how much I know!) More to come..
No one said that was the real SunirShah you met. I could be a gestalt collective. Welcome to Meatball. ;) -- SunirShah
That's what's great about Meatball - I get welcomed on the first day of log in - by Sunir themselves :-)
One thing though that strikes me as deficient in the UseMod language is that there is no way to cancel an edit - or is there? I learned so much on WikiPedia through being able to go into edit mode on any page and see how a particular edit was done, then hitting cancel and going off to do the same thing where I wanted to do it. I suppose I could just save the page after making no changes or even close the window but neither of these seem very elegant. It looks like this is the only thing to do though - unless someone enlightens me, or until I figure it out. --CormacLawler
I find the back button works just fine - or, indeed, following any link off the edit page apart from the "Save" and "Preview" buttons. Welcome to MB, by the way! -- ChrisPurcell
I'd like video record of that please ;) -- Chris
I like your LearningCommunity page, Cormac. The link to it rather breaks up the text on MeatballMission ("teaching and LearningCommunity"), though - we should find a way to rephrase that bit. -- ChrisPurcell
We don't allow renaming of internal links for the same reason that we use CamelCase - to promote the building of a PatternLanguage. WikiPedia, which uses only predefined terms, doesn't have this issue.
It seems like LearningCommunity covers teaching, so one option would be to remove "teaching and". Another option is to pull the LearningCommunity link out of the flow of the text into brackets ("teaching and learning community (LearningCommunity)"). In general, the third option, and the hardest, is to rewrite the text completely to flow naturally with the new piece of our PatternLanguage in place. Don't think we need that here, though. -- ChrisPurcell
I haven't really been active on Meatball recently (not even reading it much) but I've noticed that, when I edit a page, I am identified by something like my ISP number in the RecentChanges - is there any way of changing this, ie logging in..?
Just discovered the MessageBoard
Pages I'm interested in here include:
BarnRaising | WikiVersity | WikiResearch | UniversityWiki | Everything in [CategoryAcademia] and [CategoryEducation] | ConflictResolution | HealthyConflict | ProductiveControversy | PostModern | TheIndividual | CollectiveIntelligence | WikiDesignPatternsDiscussion | CommunityLore | CommunityOverContent | PatternLanguage | WikiPatternLanguage | CaseOfMidAughtFive | StartingPoints | WhatIsaWiki | WikiPractices | GuestRole (hmmm)
People I'm interested in talking to more include:
SunirShah | XiongChangnian ...