Vous pouvez vous abonner à la liste de diffusion en envoyant un message à mailto:meatball-subscribe@egroups.com .
La liste de diffusion est publiquement archivée sur http://groups.yahoo.com/group/meatball/.
Cependant, cette liste semble abandonnée dans l'InstantWiki. Cette page demeurera t'elle une PageAbandonnée? ?
Après que Yahoo ait racheté egroups, j'ai eu beaucoup de problèmes. Je ne pouvais même plus me connecter dans le site comme administrateur de la liste de diffusion. J'ai reçu beaucoup de spam à travers meatball-owner@yahoogroups.com. Maintenant il me semble que je ne puisse plus envoyer d'email vers la liste de diffusion que je possède et que j'administre. Je hais Yahoo !. Je les hais vraiment, vraiment. -- SunirShah
Mise à jour : I cracked my way into my own account. So, now I can send notices again. Joy to behold! --ss
Thanks, Adam! Would you mind if I hold that as a raincheck? I don't want to touch it for the moment as it's working and it's low traffic anyway. It's also redundant with the WikiForum Yahoo! group at the moment, so maybe it would be prudent just to terminate it. -- SunirShah
Should we mothball this? People seem to still be joining it, although I'm remiss to think of what I would write on it these days. Perhaps we could start a monthly State of the Site synopsis. It would be an interesting chronicle of the site's history from now on, and it could be valuable PublicArt to write monthly status reports about ourselves. -- SunirShah
See MeatballDigest
A non-Yahoo mailing list with monthly reports would be nice. How would you feel if other online communities start sending a CC to the meatball list with a monthly report of their community? Could be a wiki, for example. Just be prepared -- since Meatball is already growing into central hub for wikidom. -- AlexSchroeder
That would be an interesting MeatballOutreach project. OnlineCommunityDigest?? -- SunirShah