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The BiggestWikis from 2002 - 2004. Some of these wikis have had their size over time graphed.

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1.1. Biggest wikis by page count on July 3, 2004
1.2. Biggest wikis by page count on Aug 2, 2003
1.3. Biggest wikis by page count on May 15, 2003
1.4. Biggest wikis by page count on January 11, 2003
1.5. Biggest wikis by page count on November 18, 2002.
1.6. Biggest wikis by page count on September 1, 2002:
1.7. Biggest wikis by page count on July 30, 2002
1.8. The growth of WikiWiki

Suggestions for next count

Please fill in suggestions for wikis to be considered by next count.

This is just a suggestion: NSWiki, is expanding rapidly and I look near the bottom of the latest list and see that NSWiki would fit, it currently has 4649 actual pages and 2256 probably legititmate content pages according to its statistics page, at :http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Special:Statistics

Christopher, I don't think that it is a good idea to put in the SkotosWiki in this list with a page count from end of November 2004 in a list of biggest wikis counted an July. There's a lack of about five month, so there's no clear statement of this statistic any more if you mix the dates of count. I suggest to make a list here on this page with all wikis who should be considered when someone makes a new statistic. --BerndSchiffer

Page count as of 2/1/2005 of the SkotosWiki is 20,827. This is the combined players wiki (12,717 pages, wiki open to all skotos members), and the developers wiki (8110 pages, wiki open to skotos game developers under NDA). I list this here primarily as an example that "big" wikis are not always "public" wikis. -- ChristopherAllen

1.1. Biggest wikis by page count on July 3, 2004

A more up to date list can be found at [List of largest wikis on Meta Wikimedia]

Ordered by conservative count, where available. For the purpose of readability, all Wikipedias larger than 5000 articles are summarized under one count.

Pos. Conservative Inclusive Site URL Notes
1. 792000 N/A WikiPedia (all languages) http://www.wikipedia.org/ A good source for Wikipedia-related statistics is Erik Zachte's [Wikistats page].
296628 697844 EnglishWikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/ Started on January 15, 2001
108394 224135 GermanWikipedia http://de.wikipedia.org/ Started in May 2001
57064 103285 JapaneseWikipedia http://ja.wikipedia.org/
42100 78413 FrenchWikipedia http://fr.wikipedia.org/ Started on March 23, 2001
33195 58642 PolishWikipedia http://pl.wikipedia.org/ Started on September 26, 2001
32832 51674 SwedishWikipedia http://sv.wikipedia.org/ Started on June 3, 2001
30330 60775 DutchWikipedia http://nl.wikipedia.org/ Started on August 31, 2001
24561 43157 SpanishWikipedia http://es.wikipedia.org/ Started on May 20, 2001
19130 31897 DanishWikipedia http://da.wikipedia.org/ Started on February 1, 2002
13539 24008 ItalianWikipedia http://it.wikipedia.org/
13172 20918 EsperantoWikipedia http://eo.wikipedia.org/ Started on November 15, 2001
11429 23393 ChineseWikipedia http://zh.wikipedia.org/ Started in May 2001, active since November 2002
8880 16534 PortugueseWikipedia http://pt.wikipedia.org/
7732 14898 HebrewWikipedia? http://he.wikipedia.org/ Started on July 8, 2003
7232 15763 BulgarianWikipedia? http://bg.wikipedia.org/ Started on August 3, 2003
7010 9874 RomanianWikipedia? http://ro.wikipedia.org/ Started on June 19, 2003
6944 11683 CatalanWikipedia http://ca.wikipedia.org/
6515 11302 FinnishWikipedia http://fi.wikipedia.org/ Started on February 21, 2002
6125 10832 NorwegianWikipedia? http://no.wikipedia.org/ Started on November 26, 2001
2. 56440 81518 SusningNu http://susning.nu/ Started on October 1, 2001
3. N/A 50000 World66Wiki http://www.world66.com/ Data from June 1, 2004 press release [1]
4. 41154 48410 EnglishWiktionary? http://en.wiktionary.org/
5. N/A 28282 WikiWiki http://c2.com/cgi/wiki/ The first and oldest wiki, created by WardCunningham
6. 28101 38804 WikInfo http://www.wikinfo.org/ A fork of the EnglishWikipedia, with some different policies
7. 22645 30222 EnciclopediaLibre http://enciclopedia.us.es/ A fork of the SpanishWikipedia
8. N/A 22000 TWiki http://www.twiki.org/ Data comes from the statistics box on the TWiki frontpage
9. N/A 9199 SenseisLibrary http://senseis.xmp.net/ Data comes from the bottom of the frontpage
10. N/A 6882 NoSmoke http://www.no-smok.net/ Data comes from [RecentChanges page]
11. 6093 7614 PolishWiktionary? http://pl.wiktionary.org/
12. N/A 6059 IndymediaWiki? http://docs.indymedia.org/view/Main/WebHome WebIndex? from all webs except user, TWiki and help
13. 5472 5680 FoxWiki http://fox.wikis.com/ Data from personal correspondence. Conservative count includes all namespaces, does not include UnderscoreTopics? [2] [2]
14. 5000 7976 DisinfoPedia http://www.disinfopedia.org/
15. N/A 4304 WhyClublet http://clublet.com/c/c/why
16. N/A 3995 Toothywiki http://www.toothycat.net/wiki/wiki.pl
17. 3445 3645 BeofenTV? http://www.beofen-tv.co.il/cgi-bin/chiq.pl
18. 3443 10994 WikiBooks http://www.wikibooks.org/
19. 3348 5843 MemoryAlpha http://www.memory-alpha.org/
20. 2742 4200 KameloPedia? http://kamelopedia.mormo.org/ Joke wiki, not ranked
21. 2595 6253 TclWiki http://wiki.tcl.tk/ Data comes from http://wiki.tcl.tk/404, apparently hard to retrieve, last updated on January 2003. Inclusive count includes blank pages.
22. 2463 2917 MeatballWiki http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl
23. 2433 4719 WikiSource? http://www.wikisource.org/
24. 2358 2712 UnrealWiki http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/
25. N/A 2324 FuckupWiki? https://fuckup.homeunix.net/ Joke wiki, not ranked
26. 2242 7150 Flexicon http://flexicon.doccheck.com/ Medical Dictionary
27. 2122 2777 LinuxWiki http://www.linuxwiki.org/
28. N/A 2060 OsafWiki http://wiki.osafoundation.org/ Counts from WebTopicList? of all webs except user pages
29. 1960 5127 WikiTravel http://www.wikitravel.org/
30. 1949 3296 InfoAnarchyWiki http://www.infoanarchy.org/wiki/
31. 1882 2729 ThisMightBeAWiki http://www.tmbw.net/
32. 1845 3248 EvoWiki http://www.evowiki.org/

Runner-ups: EmacsWiki, CunNan?, SourceryForge?, DseWiki, dKosoPedia, DebianWiki, Aniki, TolkienWiki, LojbanWiki?

Needs closer examination: WikiFish (1971 pages, seems to be mostly nonsense though)

1.2. Biggest wikis by page count on Aug 2, 2003

DisinfoPedia, UnrealWiki, EmacsWiki added on Aug 6.

Pos. Cons. Total Site URL
1. 145360 269799EnglishWikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/
2. 31215 44586SusningNu http://susning.nu/
3. 25507 44379GermanWikipedia http://de.wikipedia.org/
4. N/A 24985WikiWiki http://c2.com/cgi/wiki/
5. 15600 N/ATwiki http://www.twiki.org/ (their own report for July 1, 2003)
6. 14841 18969EnciclopediaLibre http://enciclopedia.us.es/
7. 14811 22343FrenchWikipedia http://fr.wikipedia.org/
8. 14171 19898PolishWikipedia http://pl.wikipedia.org/
9. 11822 15376SwedishWikipedia http://sv.wikipedia.org/
10. 11596 15721DanishWikipedia http://da.wikipedia.org/

11. 9939 16277DutchWikipedia http://nl.wikipedia.org/
12. 8078 12412 JapaneseWikipedia http://ja.wikipedia.org/
13. 7735 11605 EsperantoWikipedia http://eo.wikipedia.org/
14. 6081 N/A NoSmoke http://no-smok.net/
15. 5534 7144 SenseisLibrary http://senseis.xmp.net/
16. 5207 8557 SpanishWikipedia http://es.wikipedia.org/
17. 3658 6253 TclWiki, a.k.a. WiKit? http://wiki.tcl.tk/ (January 2003 figures)
18. 3446 4180 FoxWiki http://fox.wikis.com/
19. 3243 3727 WhyClublet 19.
20. 3093 4060 CatalanWikipedia http://ca.wikipedia.org/
21. 2625 3504 ItalianWikipedia http://it.wikipedia.org/
22. 1854 2275 MeatballWiki 22.
23. 1767 1954 UnrealWiki http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/
24. 1539 2269 DisinfoPedia http://www.disinfopedia.org/
25. 1504 2801 ChineseWikipedia http://zh.wikipedia.org/
26. 1443 1780 LinuxWiki in German http://linuxwiki.org/
27. 1439 1895 DseWiki 27.
28. 1272 1624 EmacsWiki http://www.emacswiki.org/
29. 1206 2102 InfoAnarchy http://www.infoanarchy.org/wiki/
30. 1043 1356 FinnishWikipedia http://fi.wikipedia.org/
31. 1000 1496 PortugueseWikipedia http://pt.wikipedia.org/

As of 9 Oct. 2003, there are 2808 pages on [ToothyWiki], of which 2320 contain commas.

As of 24 Dec. 2003, there are 2778 pages on the Hebrew site [BeofenTV], 2651 of which contain commas. The angin of this site is [ChiqChaq]. This is the bigges ChiqChaq? based site.

As of 31 Dec 2003, there are 15098 pages at SkotosWiki, a private and semi-private wiki for a small online game company which uses TwikiClone. This is a conservative count.

1.3. Biggest wikis by page count on May 15, 2003

  1. 120687   EnglishWikipedia (conservative count, really 215746 pages)
  2.  24178   WikiWiki, http://c2.com/cgi/wiki/
  3.  22500   SusningNu, http://susning.nu/ (conservative count, really 34000 pages)
  4.  20567   DeWikiPedia (conservative count, really 39756 pages)
  5.  14200   Twiki, http://www.twiki.org/ (their own report for May 1, 2003)
  6.  13914   EnciclopediaLibre, http://enciclopedia.us.es/ (conservative count, really 14851 pages)
  7.  10257   FrenchWikipedia, http://fr.wikipedia.org/ (conservative count, really 6899 pages)
  8.   9880   PolishWikipedia (conservative count, really 16521 pages)
  9.   8552   SwedishWikipedia, http://sv.wikipedia.org/ (conservative count, really 5741 pages)
 10.   6497   EsperantoWikipedia (conservative count, really 10396 pages)
 11.   6089   JapaneseWikipedia, http://ja.wikipedia.org/ (conservative count, really 8828 pages)
 12.   5852   NoSmoke, http://no-smok.net/
 13.   5843   DutchWikipedia, http://nl.wikipedia.org/ (conservative count, really 6703 pages)
 14.   5795   DanishWikipedia, http://da.wikipedia.org/ (conservative count, really 13750 pages)
 15.   4904   SenseisLibrary (May 25 figures, conservative count, really 6369 pages)
 16.   3748   SpanishWikipedia, http://es.wikipedia.org/ (conservative count, really 6497 pages)
 17.   3658   TclWiki, a.k.a. WiKit?, http://wiki.tcl.tk/ (January 2003 figures, conservative count, really 6253 pages)
 18.   3351   FoxWiki, http://fox.wikis.com/ (conservative count, really 4077 pages)
 19.   3127   WhyClublet (conservative count, really 3582 pages)
 20.   2817   CatalanWikipedia, http://ca.wikipedia.org/ (conservative count, really 3485 pages)
 21.   1961   ItalianWikipedia, http://it.wikipedia.org/ (conservative count, really 2630 pages)
 22.   1785   MeatballWiki (conservative count, really 2179 pages)
 23.  ~1500   CaptainCook? (approximative conservative count)
 23.   1395   DseWiki (conservative count, really 1845 pages)
 24.   1323   LinuxWiki (conservative count, really 1659 pages)

1.4. Biggest wikis by page count on January 11, 2003

  1.  98311   EnglishWikipedia (conservative count, really 160811 pages)
  2.  22653   WikiWiki, http://c2.com/cgi/wiki/
  3.  16461   SusningNu, http://susning.nu/ (conservative count, really 24954 pages)
  4.  12167   EnciclopediaLibre, http://enciclopedia.us.es/ (conservative count, really 14851 pages)
  5.  12000   Twiki, http://www.twiki.org/ (their own report for January 1, 2003)
  6.   9058   DeWikiPedia (conservative count, really 15378 pages)
  7.   6310   PolishWikipedia (conservative count, really 9782 pages)
  8.   5331   NoSmoke, http://no-smok.net/
  9.   4412   EsperantoWikipedia (conservative count, really 6874 pages)
 10.   4099   SwedishWikipedia, http://sv.wikipedia.org/ (conservative count, really 5741 pages)
 11.   3875   SenseisLibrary (conservative count, really 5064 pages)
 12.   3658   TclWiki?, a.k.a. WiKit??, http://wiki.tcl.tk/ (conservative count, really 6253 pages)
 13.   3750   FrenchWikipedia, http://fr.wikipedia.org/ (conservative count, really 6899 pages)
 14.   3299   DutchWikipedia, http://nl.wikipedia.org/ (conservative count, really 6703 pages)
 15.   3202   FoxWiki, http://fox.wikis.com/ (conservative count, really 3909 pages)
 16.   2801   WhyClublet (conservative count, really 3205 pages) 
 17.   2849   SpanishWikipedia, http://es.wikipedia.org/ (conservative count, really 4355 pages)
 18.   1632   MeatballWiki (conservative count, really 1993 pages)
 19.   1277   DseWiki (conservative count, really 1665 pages)

1.5. Biggest wikis by page count on November 18, 2002.

(30k new pages on WikiPedia are bot-generated articles on all US places. Each is about 2 KB in size and has detailed US Census demographic and geographic information. A few of these articles have been edited to provide extra information.):

  1.  91004   EnglishWikipedia (conservative count, really 143002 pages)
  2.  22102   WikiWiki, http://c2.com/cgi/wiki/
  3.  14000   SusningNu, http://susning.nu/ (conservative count, really 21227 pages)
  4.  11000   Twiki, http://www.twiki.org/ (their own report for November 1, 2002)
  5.  10926   EnciclopediaLibre, http://enciclopedia.us.es/ (conservative count, really 13077 pages)
  6.   7003   DeWikiPedia (conservative count, really 12023 pages)
  7.   5773   PolishWikipedia (conservative count, really 8293 pages)
  8.   5041   NoSmoke, http://no-smok.net/
  9.   4605   TclWiki, a.k.a. WiKit?, http://wiki.tcl.tk/
 10.   4073   EsperantoWikipedia (conservative count, really 6298 pages)
 11.   3170   SenseisLibrary (conservative count, really 4132 pages)
 12.   3145   FoxWiki, http://fox.wikis.com/ (conservative count, really 3836 pages)
 13.   2718   FrenchWikipedia, http://fr.wikipedia.org/ (conservative count)
 14.   2662   WhyClublet (conservative count, really 3039 pages) 
 15.   2367   SpanishWikipedia, http://es.wikipedia.org/ (conservative count)
 16.   2150   DutchWikipedia, http://nl.wikipedia.org/ (conservative count)
 17.   1569   MeatballWiki (conservative count, really 1906 pages)
 18.   1224   DseWiki (conservative count, really 1594 pages)

1.6. Biggest wikis by page count on September 1, 2002:

  1.  40381   EnglishWikipedia (conservative count, really 75825 pages)
  2.  21251   WikiWiki, http://c2.com/cgi/wiki/
  3.   9590   SusningNu, http://susning.nu/ (conservative count, really 14735 pages)
  4.   9338   EnciclopediaLibre, http://enciclopedia.us.es/ (conservative count, really 11089 pages)
  5.   9200   Twiki, http://www.twiki.org/ (their own report for August 2002)
  6.   4656   NoSmoke
  7.   4414   DeWikiPedia (conservative count, really 7645 pages)
  8.   4048   PolishWikipedia (conservative count, really 5807 pages)
  9.   3511   EsperantoWikipedia (conservative count, really 4803 pages)
 10.   3045   FoxWiki, http://fox.wikis.com/ (conservative count, really 3859 pages)

1.7. Biggest wikis by page count on July 30, 2002

  1.  35324   WikiPedia (conservative count, really 63811 pages)
  2.  20967   WikiWiki, http://c2.com/cgi/wiki/

  3.   8911   EnciclopediaLibre, http://enciclopedia.us.es/ (conservative count, really 10073 pages)
  4.   8100   Twiki, http://www.twiki.org/
  5.   7739   SusningNu, http://susning.nu/ (conservative count, really 11853 pages)

  6.   4474   NoSmoke
  7.   3797   DeWikiPedia (conservative count, really 6344 pages)
  8.   3660   FoxWiki, http://fox.wikis.com/
  9.   3612   PolishWikipedia (conservative count, really 5058 pages)
 10.   3167   EsperantoWikipedia (conservative count, really 4384 pages)
 11.   2604   TclWiki, http://wiki.tcl.tk/ (conservative count, really 3846 pages) [3]
 12.   2153   WhyClublet (conservative count, really 2467 pages) 
 13.   1826   SenseisLibrary (conservative count)
 14.   1600   KmWiki (estimated count)
 15.   1548   CoForum
 16.   1400   MeatballWiki (conservative count, really 1716 pages)
 17.   1200   DseWiki  (conservative count, really 14xx pages)

1.8. The growth of WikiWiki

  4970 pages on June 30, 1999 (earliest saved list)
  5858 pages on October 25, 1999
  8674 pages on April 13, 2000
  9622 pages on May 27, 2000
 12599 pages on October 14, 2000
  (page deletion feature added in December, a few hundred pages deleted)  
 14071 pages on February 12, 2001

Tcl'ers Wiki -- http://wiki.tcl.tk/

As of August 07, 2002 there are 3846 pages in the Tcl Wiki, of which 1242 hold no useful information. (2604 pages) [3]


In the interest of getting more wikis on the list, how about unifying the WikiPedia page count? I'm a highly active Wikipedian but I think that would only be fair; we could still provide a breakdown on the page about WikiPedia.--ErikMoeller

They're still technically separate wikis. If and when the databases are merged, the counts should be merged. -- StephenGilbert

I think keep the wikipedias seperate - they're seperate wikis, even if they're the same project - not least because the communities (with a few exceptions) are very disparate. Similarly, CommunityWiki and MeatballWiki should have seperate counts. When thinking about the scalability of wikis, I don't think the page count of an entire project is particularly useful. --MartinHarper

Erm where are the wiktionaries??? English wiktionary is about 39,000 entries.

I (BerndSchiffer) send an email to Erik and here are some of the answers:

I have a question about the last list update: World66Wiki, located on position 3, seems to be not a wiki rather than a application development framework known as Zope. That is what they wrote on http://www.world66.com/about/technology . I have not found a source describing that ZWiki, the WikiEngine based on Zope, was used to build Word66. Is World66 really a wiki? --BerndSchiffer

Yes, it is. See http://www.world66.com/africa/southafrica/johannesburg/history/modify or http://www.world66.com/about/changes .

Generally asked, Erik: how have you made this list? Just looking around the net or do you have a personal collection of wiki URLs which you had to browse manually to collect all the data or something else? And how do you calculated the conservative and the inclusive count? I mean there's no functionality in the different wiki engines for these different counnts, only for something like the inclusive count aka index. How did you count the pages? --BerndSchiffer

What WikiEngine is behind BeofenTV? ( http://www.beofen-tv.co.il/cgi-bin/chiq.pl )? I can't read that :-) --BerndSchiffer

It is ChiqChaqWiki. And it's in hebrew. --BerndSchiffer

TWiki's count should be listed in the conservative, not the inclusive, since the TWiki.org's home page lists the number of physical pages, of which nearly 100% contain a comma. Each page includes discussions, meta data (forms, links to attachments etc). --PeterThoeny


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