Thank you Hans for this shorter WikiPragma and Diigo tag. -- FridemarPache
The following WikiPragma, at the bottom of the page, indicates actually that there are annotations on this page, tagged appropriately with the tags of the DiigoService.
Annotation Down Copy:
<copy> For convenience of the annotation-blind-people and because the Beta of Diigo sometimes doesn't display the annotations, here is a downcopy of my last annotation for translation into French. Only annotation-enhanced people can see the formatted annotation in its full glory. Sorry.
Bonjour, Christophe ( ChristopheDucamp): congratulations: you, HansWobbe and myself appear to be the first three people, who realize SocialAnnotations, i.e. interacting via annotations, communicating useful ideas, concepts, collaborating in this new public space of DiigoAnnotations?.
There are three methods to make your annotations private:
1. In the DiigoToolBox?? there is a resp. option box 2. In your DiigoBookmarksSection?? there are actions ("convert to private/public") 3. In the DiigoAnnotationDialogWindow??, when making a StickyNote?, there is an option box.
It could be possible, that you don't have the newest DiigoToolBox? FireFoxPlugin?? installed.
Of course, if there is another SocialAnnotationPartner??, you are welcome to join true SocialAnnotating?.
As soon as Diigo has enhanced its annotation service by a WikiEngine, we could easily find SocialAnnotationPartners?? by clicking the automatic link: SocialAnnotationPartnersWanted?.
Note: All CamelCaseWikiWords? above got an automatic wiki link by DownCopy? and UpCopy? of the annotation into the MeatballWiki.
Post by fridemar 12-13-2006 Delete Edit
Workaround for the missing WikiEngine in Diigo Annotations:
===End of Screenshot============================================================================================
Welcome Diigos, invited via the [WorkaroundForMissingWikiEngine Tip]
Tip: Workaround for the missing WikiEngine in Diigo Posted by Fridemar Pache on 13.12.2006 16:37
Dear Diigos, dear Maggie, dear Diigo programmers:
on the wiki page MeatballWiki:DiiGo (if we had already a DiigoWiki?, I wouldn't be forced to write explicitly the following ugly URL :-)
I demonstrated a workaround, enhancing the DiigoAnnotationSystem? by WikiFeatures, not yet implemented.
The DiigoAnnotationSystem?, enhanced by a WikiEngine, is a BreakThroughTechnology?, allowing true social annotations, where a rich context of accumulated community wisdom allows efficient collaboration by annotation.
I see a future, where the annotations become full blown up Webpages, with their own URLs, that can be annotated themselves.
Thus the annotations over a base Web page can evolve into something, that is of much higher value, than the underlying base page.
I envision a future, where the AnnotationSphere? becomes even more important than the current BlogoSphere.
DiiGo appears to be the first, realizing this goal.
I love DiiGo.
PS.: Dear Diigo programmers, please don't forget to give exact UTC Date/Time stamps for serious collaboration, because "time counts".
On the [Diigo Sign-in page] you can find an annotation with the topic: CollaborationByAnnotation. As this is relevant for MeatballWiki and currently annotations cannot be addressed individually, the author copies it down to an addressable WikiPage for further elaboration.
Test if it is possible to use the following script here, in Diigo or FireTrail annotations:
<a href="#" onclick="var s=document.createElement('script');s.type='text/javascript'; s.src='';document.body.appendChild(s);"><img style="border:none" alt="diigo it" src="" /></a>-- fridemar Negative! So we can only use this icon , to signal, that Diigo annotations are on the page.
This next block of text has been removed here from a prior annotation.
I absolutely agree that Edit functions are essential.! I also think that is essential to be able to insert a link (like previous releases used to allow). And I find my self only using DiiGo for (non) Business purposes, since they cache the full contents of any page that is annotated and a lot of what I work on is constrained by Non Disclosure Agreements.
I quite like the idea of annotating and I am hopping to convince Maggie to release a "client side" version or a "firewalled" version, when I'm on the west coast next month. -- HansWobbe