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Following are links to news items related to wikis. Ci-après quelques liens sur l'actualité internationale traitant des wikis.

Links by date / Liens par date

October, 2006
[Le Figaro (national daily paper) Qu'est-ce qu'un wiki ?]

October 28, 2006
[01 Informatique - Claire Chevrier. Ils pilotent leurs projets avec les wikis]. [4] pages in french dedicated to corporate uses of wikis. The article mentions a [comparison of 4 wiki-engines] : TwiKi?, SocialText, Confluence and XWiki

August 29, 2006
[Edit the Article with Wired News]: In an experiment in collaborative journalism, Wired News is putting reporter Ryan Singel at your service. [This wiki] began as an unedited 1,059 word article on the wiki phenomenon, exactly as Ryan filed it. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to do the job of a Wired News editor and whip it into shape.

August 28, 2006
[Wiki site aims to boost patent review process]: WikiPatents? is a new website allowing community review of patents. Only problem? It's not a wiki! C.f. WhatIsaWiki: it doesn't have universal editing, even on the community-maintained bits, only a voting system; and it doesn't have pervasive peer review a la RecentChanges, as there's no central logging for changes. It's SlashDot for patents.

August 10, 2006
[Apple to use wikis to implement Groups, a Mac OS X Server feature] (Via Mac Rumors)

August 9, 2006
[Stephen Colbert Sparks Wiki War] - Bloggers Buzz Over Satirist's Claim That Wikipedia Blurs Lines Of Truth. See also the WikiPedia [Elephant/Colbert talk page].

[Le Paris de A à Z c'est wiki ! (Nouvel Obs Paris) - pdf]. Lise attended a french WikiSchool? in Paris last May and reported on the wikipedia-party in Paris. Nice conclusion mentioning that WikiPediaNestPasTypique and "les blogs ne sont que les HLM du CyberEspace !"

November 29, 2005
[Les Echos] - Wiki : oui qui ? - Luc Fayard used LogicalFallacy to describe WikiPedia & wikis. Luc has been very provocative and should be invited in any wiki-meetup.[1]

November 18, 2005
[Business Week] - wiki replaces email and meetings.

November 17, 2005
[Yellowikis] - An article about 'Yellowikis' a replacements of yellowPages (classified advertising).

November 16, 2005
Article at Ajaxian.com: [Meatball wiki adds asynchronous updates to recent changes]

November 15, 2005
[wikis are changing our view of the world]

October 13, 2005
[Sur Wikipedia, un article écrit à 150 mains] (Libération - EmmanuelleRichard? about the Esquire experience)

September 29, 2005
[Esquire wikis article on Wikipedia]
[SAP invests in SocialText]

September 28, 2005
The Onion, [Congress Abandons WikiConstitution]

September 9, 2005
At Technology Review (June 2005), [Michael Fitzgerald writes about GroupRethink] and mentions wiki in that context
Also mentions earlier article: [Larry Sanger�??s Knowledge Free-for-All]

June 18, 2005
LA Times experiment -- Wikitorial -- http://socialsoftware.weblogsinc.com/entry/1234000850047198/

June 08, 2005
http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,67765,00.html a Wired article featuring wikiHow, with other links too.

May 10, 2005
[Le WIKI, c'est acquis ?] - Newzy - a french business people magazine distributed freely in the main french organizations.

May 4, 2005
[Slate: Wikipedia is a real-life Hitchhiker's Guide: huge, nerdy, and imprecise.] Mention of SwitchWiki - "wiki of wikis"

April 12, 2005
[Wikipedia �?? first with the news] "Guardian Unlimited reported Dworkin's death, confirmed by her agent, shortly before 1800 GMT yesterday, the first major news outlet to do so, though the correct date of her death was posted at the top of her Wikipedia biography at least 24 hours earlier."

March 10, 2005
[Blogging clicks with colleges]. An article entirely about wikis, with 'blog' in the title.

March 2005
[Blogs & Wikis: Technologies for Enterprise Applications?] by Lauren Wood at the Gilbane Report

January 22, 2005
[Jon Udell's Weblog: Heavy metal umlaut: the movie]. A popular ScreenCast? regarding PageChurn.

January 3, 2005
From the February 2005 issue of PC World, wikis (and MeatballWiki, sadly) are mentioned as an online encyclopedia. Yay, lazy journalists. http://www.pcworld.com/reviews/article/0,aid,118794,pg,13,00.asp

December 13, 2004
[Forbes article] "Extreme blogging"

September 26, 2004
Associated Press article. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20040926/ap_on_hi_te/sharing_knowledge_online (including pointing to SwitchWiki)

September 26, 2004
New York Times article http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/technology/AP-Sharing-Knowledge-Online.html?ex=1097221885&ei=1&en=ae82074a786e8b3a

June 7, 2004 (web published May 28, 2004)
[Wikis' Winning Ways] in BusinessWeek gives an actually pretty good overview of wikidom, featuring WikiWiki, WikiPedia, MeatballWiki, the TourBus, OpenGuideToLondon, TolkienWiki, etc, etc.

May 3, 2004
Le Wiki, le tableau blanc de l'intelligence collective[2] - MichelDumais? - Le Devoir. Un Wiki est un outil de travail collaboratif permettant à n'importe quel internaute armé d'un fureteur Internet de créer ou de modifier à volonté une page Web. Some good and innovative verbatims about CorporateWikis? : un wiki c'est une séance de remue-méninges avec des stéroïdes !

April 27, 2004
Over very own MartinHarper figures prominently in a Salon [article] on the pitfalls of Wikipedia. Also some guy named Samir Shah from MeatballWiki. Corrected. But just call me [Doc].

April 23, 2004
Green Party of Canada uses a TikiWiki to build their "living platform." While a GatedCommunity for only Green Party members, it is as we say (cf. PoliticalAction), about time it happened, even if it is for a unelected fringe party. [3] [4]

April 7,2004
Robin Good interviewed RossMayfield via WikiInterview? for the MasterNewMedia site : How Working Groups Can Further Connect Without Adding Further Technology. [5]

April 1,2004
Weave a wiki web - It started out as a one-man band, but there are now wikis - websites that anyone can edit - on everything from Tolkien to travel, writes Giles Turnbull ...(...) Imagine: a web where anyone can add opinions or facts to your carefully crafted musings. It'd never work. (...) - TheGuardian? - [6] See also the rest of the [interview] with Ward.

March 11,2004
SocialText in The Economist - [7]. A short and interesting article, 'The Vision Thing', (available in full only to subscribers or for a one-off payment[8]). Visionaries get things wrong because they concentrate too much on the technology, and fail to take into account the way it is shaped by social forces as it spreads. Indeed, it would seem that the more wrong the original vision, the more important the technology. Perhaps the ultimate example is the internet: its power derives from the fact that its original architects, Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn, made no assumptions at all about the ways in which it might be used, and so placed very few constraints on its development. To be sure, this �??no vision�?� vision is not much help when it comes to raising venture capital or attracting buyers for a new gizmo. But it is a powerful reminder that the ultimate yardstick for a successful technology is how well it is accepted in the marketplace�??not how well it conforms to the original vision of its proponents.

February 25,2004
WikiPedia atteint 500000 articles (LinuxFr? [9] - YannForget)

February 19, 2004
MeatBall:WikiLog scores a mention on Jack Schofield's [article] Blogging business in the Guardian Unlimited (The Guardian's WebLog)

February 16, 2004
WikiRemarks? - The Internet Column By Giles Turnbull, PA Features [10] - Despite this, notebooks expert LionKimbro loves wiki. He calls them �??the hottest thing in social software right now�??.

January, 2004
OnlineCommunityReport? [interviews] RossMayfield over SocialText's wiki work.

December 10, 2003
Net Territorial - CraoWiki:BrunoOudet speaking about Autrans organisation... and the leading part of AutransWiki to build the programme. - On peut dire que 60 % au moins du programme est le résultat direct du wiki. Quel sang neuf ! [read the article] (in LangueFrançaise)

November 30, 2003
PCWorld provides a mostly bogus (for $$$) [review] of wikis. The date on the article reads December 30, 2003, but that's wrong.

November, 20, 2003
Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération [Jimmy Wales : "Wikipedia sera la référence à laquelle se mesureront les autres encyclopédies"]. Interview of JimmyWales (fr).

November, 20, 2003
Journal Du Management [Wiki, le summum du collaboratif]. Some words about using wikis in french corporations.

November, 14, 2003
Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération - Les wikis : groupware nouvelle génération. A really good [WikiDossier] in LangueFrançaise written by CraoWiki:CyrilFievet. Cyril could be the first french WikiJournalist? opened to WikiInterview?. MeatballWiki quoted as a vaste "méta-communauté" de wikis. [Read the french article]

October 2003
Courrier International - Mais qu'attendez-vous pour donner votre avis.(Hors série oct-nov-déc - page 25) mentions a swedish article of Dagens Nyheter speaking of P2PJ. SunirShah is quoted Celui qui vient sur un wiki à la recherche d'une information spécifique sera rapidement frustré. On doit aimer se perdre...(...). According to the journalist, weblogs and wikis will be essentially focused on programmers for a long time.

September 20, 2003
[Internet Blogs à part] in Le Figaro Magazine. ([audience details] Saturday French NewsMag?) Wikis are qualified as collaborative blogs ? (...) D'autres vont encore plus loin, avec les wikis, des blogs qui se veulent collaboratifs. Ils tirent leur nom du mot hawaïen wikiwiki qui signifie «vite» et sont utilisés par des communautés pour élaborer, par exemple, des projets collectifs. A la différence des blogs, ils peuvent être mis à jour par tous les internautes qui consultent le site. Ainsi, les visiteurs ont la possibilité de créer leur propre page. Cette pratique a connu un véritable essor dans l'univers de la création de logiciel, où chacun des informaticiens peut apporter sa contribution en temps réel. La création de blog et de wiki est aujourd'hui facilitée par des outils dédiés qui permettent de les mettre en ligne sans compétences techniques majeures.(...)

September 4, 2003
[Online Wiki wants your expertise] in the Honolulu Advertiser. News snippet. Not very significant.

August 20, 2003
[Le Wiki représente une nouvelle façon d'apprendre] - Journal du Net - Raphaële Karayan (LangueFrançaise). Short interview of WardCunningham (via email) .

August 11, 2003
[La révolution Wiki est en vue] - Journal du Net - (LangueFrançaise). Some mentions about MeatBall ("Méta-communauté" sur la culture en ligne, les phénomènes communautaires et de réseaux.) Raphaële Karayan has accepted to be mentioned or corrected on CraoWiki.

August 4, 2003
CNN reports on [Wikipedia: The know-it-all Web site]; [video (WMV)]

July 7, 2003
MeatballWiki's BarnRaising motto scores a mention on ["Wiki in the News"], part of the Blogspotting column on MSNBC.

June 10, 2003
This [Java Today article] announces JavaPedia?, an encyclopedia of Java inspired by WikiPedia. A good introduction to wikis in general is also included.

June 6, 2003
[PC Magazine's Site of the Week] features WikiPedia.

May 9, 2003
Sebastian Rupley, Senior Editor of PC Magazine, [interviews] WardCunningham about wiki and weblogs.

May 9, 2003
ErikMoeller writes an [article] in Heise mentioning UseModWiki and articles on MeatballWiki.

May 8, 2003
Guardian Unlimited mentions MeatBall:WikiLog in an online [article] on SocialSoftware.

May, 2003
[NYT article on businesses using wikis]. Or see [RossMayfield's weblog entry] if the NYT article is gone.

February, 2003
[Cyborg logs and collective stream of (de)consciousness capture for producing attribution-free informatic content such as cyborglogs] by SteveMann?, in FirstMonday, Feb 2003.

January 30, 2003
[The Guardian (UK)]

October 24, 2002
Finally, Oivvio Polite's [article] gets published, which included an interview with SunirShah.

May, 2002
Wikipedia in May/June Utne Reader as an example of copyleft.

New Scientist [Story] on CopyLeft mentions WikiPedia and its roots here.

December 25, 2001
[AP story/Newsday] . Also carried by: [The New York Times] - [Washington Post] - [Yahoo!] - [Excite.com] - [Road Runner] - [ThirdAge] and many others.

December 9, 2001
[Populist Editing] By STEVEN JOHNSON (part of the NY Times magazine [The Year in Ideas])

September 9, 2001
[New York Times] Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You (also reprinted by the International Herald Tribune on September 24)

January 23, 2001
[Making the best of a wiki] the WriteTheWeb interview of SimonMichael by Giles Turnbull. Article discusses http://zwiki.org and Simon's dealing with vandals there.

January 1999
MichaelSwaine? [[links] to WikiWiki in a DrDobbsJournal? article. The article is mostly about trashing the JavaLanguage? for SmallTalk?.

Categorized Links

Direct mentions by household name news sources

August 4, 2003 CNN reports on [Wikipedia: The know-it-all Web site]; [video (WMV)]

May 5, 2003 [NYT article on businesses using wikis]. Or see [RossMayfield's weblog entry] if the NYT article is gone. (or you are adverse to login)

January 30, 2003 [The Guardian (UK)]

October 24, 2002
Finally, Oivvio Polite's [article] gets published, which included an interview with SunirShah.

December 25, 2001 [AP story/Newsday] . Also carried by: [The New York Times] - [Washington Post] - [Yahoo!] - [Excite.com] - [Road Runner] - [ThirdAge] and many others.

December 9, 2001 [Populist Editing] By STEVEN JOHNSON (part of the NY Times magazine [The Year in Ideas])

September 9, 2001 [New York Times] Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You

So, what should we do with this page? -- SunirShah

Time has shown that nobody cares. -- AlexSchroeder

I read the interview of Ward [linked above, April 1, 2004] and was especially fascinated by Ward seeing WikiAsScience. On SunirShah's question above, would WikiInTheNewsDiscussion? help? Any discussion on news can happen there and this page could remain what it is. --SelvakumarGanesan

Since almost every mention of wikis in the mainstream press uses WikiPedia as an example, and Wikipedia keeps track of articles mentioning it, this page is redundant. And since I'm here, what is the title of the Utne Reader article? -- StephenGilbert

I think we may as well keep a list. If there is any wiki that should, it's MeatBall. -- BayleShanks

We are actually trying to push from [WikiIndex:RecentChanges.info] to the weblog, so anyone can add stories, including from here. -- MarkDilley



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