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This is a page where wikis needing a bus connection for their communities can give the basic information needed to the BusManagement. See also HowToForTourBusConnections. The TourBusMap shows existing tours.

 TourBus Template:
 tour bus stop URL:  
 host and e-mail: 
 wiki-software (clone) used:
 geographical location:
 date of birth: 
 open or closed:
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: 
 date of last update (this template): 

 Template (example):
 name: MeatballWiki
 tour bus stop URL: http://meatballwiki.org/wiki/TourBusStop
 host and e-mail: SunirShah ...
 language: English
 mission: all aspects of online communities...
 wiki-software (clone) used: UseMod
 geographical location: North Amerika
    WikiWikiWeb (mother)
    UseModWiki (father = WikiSoftware)
    WhyClublet (stepbrother)
    DseWiki (cousin in the GermanWikiWorld?)
 date of birth: early 1998 ???
 pages/homepages: 1650 / 168
 open or closed: open for everybody
 tour connections / current: GRAND-WIKI-COMMUNITY-TOUR

 tour connections / wanted: 
 date of last update: Jul 7, 2002

Place new information below (First addition is most recent, use a copy of the template above):

 name: WikiQueer
 tour bus stop URL:  http://www.wikiqueer.org/w/WikiQueer:TourBusStop
 host and e-mail: http://www.wikiqueer.org/w/WikiQueer:Contact
 language: English
 mission:  free encyclopedia and resource hub for the queer communities that you can edit
 wiki-software (clone) used: MediaWiki
 geographical location: United States
 date of birth: October 11, 2010
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: 
   MediaWiki Tour
   Eclectic Wiki Tour
 date of last update (this template): 8/8/2011

 name: V.F.D. Wiki
 tour bus stop URL: http://vfdwiki.dyndns.org/wiki/Wiki:TourBusStop
 host and e-mail: VanceMudgeman? (DagothUrMadGod?) <vfdwiki@gmail.com>
 language: English
 mission: This wiki aims to be the defining Lemony Snicket and Elder Scrolls encyclopedia.
 wiki-software (clone) used: MediaWiki
 geographical location: Australia (although hosted on American servers[?])
    UseModWiki (father = WikiSoftware)
 date of birth: 4.10.08
 pages/homepages: 27 
 open or closed: Open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted:
  Eclectic-Wiki Tour
  MediaWiki Tour 
 date of last update (this template): 14.10.08
 remark to the bus managers:
  I can't link to external images, so I copied the image to that wiki.

 name: WikiFur
 tour bus stop URL: http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/TourBusStop (do not use furry.wikia.com)
 host and e-mail: Laurence "GreenReaper" Parry <greenreaper at hotmail dot com>
 language: English (main), German, French, Czech, Portuguese
 mission: Recording information of interest to the furry (anthropomorphic animal) community
 wiki-software (clone) used: MediaWiki
 geographical location: USA
 neighbourhood: Wikipedia?
 date of birth: July 24, 2005
 pages/homepages: Over 9000 (not including stubs)
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: Eclectic, MediaWiki, possibly Grand
 date of last update (this template): 2 July, 2008 

My comment three sections below about Grand Wiki tour applies here also. As for MediaWiki tour, I've no objections to adding WikiFur though I'll need to work out where exactly to place it in the tour.

We probably fit somewhere close to HomestarRunner? or MemoryAlpha. I have a few comments myself about the Grand Wiki tour, but they apply generally, so I'll put them over on the discussion page. --Laurence "GreenReaper" Parry

 name: ikiwiki
 tour bus stop URL: http://ikiwiki.info/TourBusStop/
 host and e-mail: Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
 language: English
 mission: Support, documentation, and collaborative development for ikiwiki.
 wiki-software (clone) used: ikiwiki
 geographical location: Virginia, USA
 date of birth: March 9, 2006
 pages/homepages: 500 pages.  Currently 12 user pages, though most editors do not create user pages.  See http://ikiwiki.info/plugins/pagecount/ for current statistics.
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: Wiki Developers Tour, Software Developers Tour
 date of last update (this template): April 29, 2007

 name: Simopedia
 tour bus stop URL: http://simopedia.servopro.com/wiki/Simopedia:TourBusStop (does not exist yet)
 host and e-mail: Ronald Chan ronalchn@ (Googles mail service)
 language: English
 mission: Sims 2 Information
 wiki-software (clone) used: MediaWiki
 geographical location: New Zealand
 date of birth: start of 2007
 pages/homepages: 39
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: MediaWiki Tour, Game-Wiki Tour, New-Wiki Tour
 date of last update (this template): 4/2/2007

 name: PlasticsWiki
 tour bus stop URL:  http://plastics.inwiki.org/Plastics_Wiki:TourBusStop
 host and e-mail: Alex Flow sasha_l@usa.com
 language: English
 mission: to make the best website about polymers adn plastics
 wiki-software (clone) used: MediaWiki
 geographical location: US
 date of birth: 
 pages/homepages: 1200
 open or closed:
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: Grand Wiki Community Tour, International Wiki Tour, MediaWiki Tour
 date of last update (this template): 10/14/2006

Thanks for submitting this. The Grand tour is reserved for the big vibrant wikis that have been around for a good while. The international tour is for wikis that have a big international flair to them. You might want to talk to MarkDilley about the Eclectic tour. You still want to go between Homestar Runner and Wiki Travel in the MediaWiki tour? --SeanFennel

Yes, please. And electric tour seems to be a good variant also. Sasha

name: KristyandRick?

 tour bus stop URL:  http://wiki.kristyandrick.com/
 host and e-mail: Rick Waller webmaster@kristyandrick.com
 language: English
 mission:  Personal web wiki
 wiki-software (clone) used: 
 geographical location: Florida, USA
 date of birth: 08/01/2006
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: 
 date of last update (this template): 08/23/2006

Could you fill in the entire template? It's hard to know where to add your stop when we don't know hardly anything about it. --SeanFennel

 name:  KielWiki
 tour bus stop URL: http://www.kielwiki.de/TourBusStop
 host and e-mail: Thilo Pfennig <tpfennig@gmail.com
 language: german
 mission: a wiki for the city Kiel in Germany.
 wiki-software (clone) used: MoinMoin
 geographical location: Germany
 neighbourhood: LinuxWiki
 date of birth: 2003-08-01
 pages/homepages: 946
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: #03 GERMAN-COMMUNITY-TOUR
 tour connections / wanted: #101 MoinMoin-WIKI-TOUR
 date of last update (this template): 2006-05-29

 name: OpenOfficeWiki
 tour bus stop URL: http://www.ooowiki.de/TourBusHaltestelle
 host and e-mail: Martin Bayer <info AT ooowiki DOT de>
 language: German
 mission: German language wiki about StarOffice and OpenOffice.org
 wiki-software (clone) used: MoinMoin
 geographical location: Germany
 neighbourhood: LinuxWiki, DeWikiPedia, TuxFutter?
 date of birth: 2005-05-02
 pages/homepages: 482 (excluding system/help pages) / 17
 open or closed: open (read/write) / free (license)
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: #03 GERMAN-COMMUNITY-TOUR, #101 MoinMoin-WIKI-TOUR
 date of last update: 2006-03-27

Martin, what locations in these tours would you prefer? -- HelmutLeitner

 name: HomestarRunnerWiki
 tour bus stop URL: http://www.hrwiki.org/index.php/HRWiki:TourBusStop  
 host and e-mail: Joey Day, contact for TourBus connection: Sean Fennel (email:scf002 at shsu.edu)
 language: English
 mission: To be the best place to learn everything about the cartoons (and just about anything else) on http://www.homestarrunner.com
 wiki-software (clone) used: MediaWiki
 geographical location: Utah
 neighbourhood: WikiPedia, HomestarRunnerFanstuffWiki?, ThisMightBeAWiki
 date of birth: 10/07/2003
 pages/homepages: 11766/1214
 open or closed: recently re-opened
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: ECLECTIC-WIKI-TOUR and any other tour that seems appropriate (is there a MEDIAWIKI-TOUR?)
 date of last update (this template): 12/30/2005

It would be an honor to have HomestarRunnerWiki on the EclecticWikiTour?, even if only for a short while while MediaWikiTour? comes together! I would love to start you off first, I think that might be a pattern I like for new additions to the tour... hmmm.... Best, MarkDilley
That'd be great!

 name: StadtwikiKarlsruhe
 tour bus stop URL: http://ka.stadtwiki.net/Stadtwiki:TourBusHaltestelle
 host and e-mail: Hauke Löffler, contact for tour bus connection: Michael Kauffmann, wiki@ikar.us
 language: German
 mission: CityWiki? with encyclopaedian information as well as news
 wiki-software (clone) used: MediaWiki
 geographical location: Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany. Europe
     GermanWikipedia (it looks like the Wikipedia and aims to be a local, more detailed version)
     MünchenWiki? (similar project for Munich, http://monacomedia.de/muenchenwiki/ )
     StadtwikiDresden? (same for Dresden, http://dresden.stadtwiki.de/ )
 date of birth: 2004-07-22
 pages/homepages: 1184/99
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: 
    OPEN-CONTENT-TOUR (if it is launched)
    TOURISM-TRAVEL-COMMUNITY-TOUR (perhaps, since it is local)
 date of last update (this template): 2005-06-16

Heike (or Michael), thank you for your entry and for preparing the TBH page. For the TTCT you need to prepare an additional English TourBusStop page. Are there special positions where you would preferred to be linked in? -- HelmutLeitner

OK, done. For the TTCT I'd prefer to NOT be a neighbour of YpsilantiEyeball?, because it uses a DynDns? hostname and a weird port. (And doesn't work at the moment.) Otherwise, I don't have preferences.

 name: krass.com
 tour bus stop URL: http://krass.com/wiki/TourBusStop 
 host and e-mail: Christof Damian <damian@krass.com>
 language: English
 mission: krass is about techno music in Barcelona, London and Germany.
 wiki-software (clone) used: mediawiki (with calender extension)
 geographical location: server is in London. I am in Barcelona.
 neighbourhood: -
 date of birth: krass.com is around since 1996, it is a wiki since early 2004
 pages/homepages: total:2774 real:296 from 19 users (thats from http://krass.com/wiki/Special:Statistics )
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: 6 ECLECTIC-WIKI-TOUR, 35 MUSIC-WIKI-TOUR, maybe 7 CREATIVE WIKI TOUR
 date of last update (this template): 15. July 2005

 name: wikihost.org Wiki Hive
 tour bus stop URL: http://www.wikihost.org/?action=TourBusStop
 host and e-mail: Thomas Friebel tf@tdb.de
 language: English
 mission: This is a wiki hive hosting currently round about 40 public wikis 
 wiki-software (clone) used: GeboGebo
 geographical location: Europe, Germany
 date of birth: March 2005
 pages/homepages: 200 public / 100 private
 open or closed: open for everybody / depends on wiki
 tour connections / wanted: well, what would you suggest? GRAND-WIKI?
 date of last update: April 08, 2005

From the named TourBusStop a wikihost.org internal shuttle service takes the visitors to the different wikis that take part.

 name: GeboGebo
 tour bus stop URL: http://www.gebogebo.org/wiki/TourBusStop
 host and e-mail: Thomas Friebel tf@tdb.de
 language: English
 mission: Full documentation off GeboGebo
 wiki-software (clone) used: GeboGebo
 geographical location: Europe, Germany
 date of birth: January 2005
 pages/homepages: 50 / 1
 open or closed: open for everybody
 date of last update: Jan 23, 2005

Thomas, thank you for the preparations. Sorry, the GRAND-WIKI-COMMUNITY-TOUR is only for big estabished communities, WIKI-DEVELOPERS-TOUR for developers of wiki engines. I would suggest the ECLECTIC-WIKI-TOUR (talk to MarkDilley) and later - when the wiki has grown a bit - to the SOFTWARE-DEVELOPERS-TOUR. What do you think? -- HelmutLeitner

Sorry, I did not realize the GRAND, thought it was the BIG tour, not the tour to BIG wikis; my fault. But isn't WIKI-DEVELOPERS a matching tour? I mean, GeboGebo is a Wiki-Engine in development. I'll talk to MarkDilley, thanks for your advice, Helmut. -- ThomasFriebel?

 name: JaWiki?
 tour bus stop URL: http://www.schmiereck.de/jawiki/user/main/TourBusHaltestelle 

 host and e-mail: Thomas Schmiereck <thomas@schmiereck.de>
 language: german
 mission: a Wiki about my programming projects
 wiki-software (clone) used: JaWiki?
 geographical location: Germany
 neighbourhood: http://www.htmlwiki.de/TourBusHaltestelle ?
 date of birth: Dez 2004
 pages/homepages: 30 / 1
 open or closed: closed
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted:
 date of last update (this template): August 7, 2004-12-05

a english available BusStop? is http://www.schmiereck.de/jawiki/user/main/TourBusStop

Thomas, sorry, closed wikis - whether technically or by content - are not joined to the bus routes. Just as a real bus doesn't support a single house. There is the idea of a similar net of personal wikis, though. -- HelmutLeitner

 name: WikiStarfrosch
 tour bus stop URL: http://wiki.starfrosch.ch/index.php/TourBusHaltestelle
 host and e-mail: MarkusKoller
 language: German
 mission: All aspects of German Netaudio
 wiki-software (clone) used: MediaWiki
 geographical location: Europe
    WikiWikiWeb ?
    UseModWiki ?
    WhyClublet ?
    DseWiki ?
 date of birth: November 2004
 pages/homepages: 1650 / 168
 open or closed: open for everybody
 tour connections / current: GERMAN-COMMUNITY-TOUR
 tour connections / wanted: 03
 date of last update: 6. Nov. 04

 name: HTMLWiki
 tour bus stop URL: http://www.htmlwiki.de/TourBusHaltestelle 
 host and e-mail: Peter Henschel <Progman2002@gmx.de>
 language: german
 mission: a Wiki about HTML, CSS and webauthoring
 wiki-software (clone) used: MediaWiki
 geographical location: Germany
 neighbourhood: ?
 date of birth: May 2004
 pages/homepages: 174 / ?
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted:
 date of last update (this template): August 7, 2004

Peter, thank you for preparing everything so perfectly. I'll suggest to add HTMLWiki to the tours you requested. About neighbourhood: DseWiki and LinuxWiki come into my mind. -- HelmutLeitner

Sounds good. Maybe HTMLWiki can also be added after or before CssDiscussWiki 'cos the close relationship between HTML and CSS. --[Progman]

Peter, I forgot that the SOFTWARE-DEVELOPERS-TOUR is an English tour. If you want to join it, please prepare an English TourBusStop page. You could connect these pages in a similar way as we did on DseWiki. As a first step, I'll suggest you now to the GCT. -- HelmutLeitner

I have created the english [TourBusStop]-Page with my basic school english ;)

 name: e-politik.de-Wiki
 tour bus stop URL: http://wiki.e-politik.de/index.php?TourBusHaltestelle
 host and e-mail: Gunnar Herrmann, gherrmann@e-politik.de
 language: German
 mission: To build up an online-reference for political science
 wiki-software (clone) used: php-wiki
 geographical location: Germany (Munich & Berlin)
 neighbourhood: www.e-politik.de
 date of birth: February 2004
 pages/homepages: 50 / 0
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: German-Community-Tour
 date of last update (this template): July 14, 2004

Gunnar, you will have to grow a little in content and community to be joined. Typically 300-500 pages and 10-20 homepages is a good to join the TourBus. -- HelmutLeitner

 name: JuggleWiki
 tour bus stop URL:  http://www.jugglingdb.com/jugglewiki/index.php/TourBusStop
 host and e-mail: Jack Boyce <jboyce@gmail.com>
 language: English
 mission:  Juggling-related information and animations
 wiki-software (clone) used:  PhpWiki
 geographical location:  United Kingdom
 date of birth: July 14, 2001
 pages/homepages:   660 / 44
 open or closed:  open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: ECLECTIC-WIKI-TOUR
 date of last update (this template): May 14, 2004

ROCKIN Jack!! When I first learned of wikis in Jan 2002 - The webmaster of the Unions website, knew of the Juggling Wiki. Happy you like the idea! Your wiki is great! Where would you like to be placed? check TourBusMap, for a quick overview. Best, MarkDilley

Very cool idea, thanks for letting us know about it! I'll defer to you regarding placement in the route; I agree that the ECLECTIC-WIKI-TOUR is probably most appropriate. Take care -- Jack

 name: Memory Alpha
 tour bus stop URL:  http://memoryalpha.st-minutiae.com/wiki/Memory_Alpha:TourBusStop
 host and e-mail: Dan Carlson <minutiaeman@st-minutiae.com>
 language: English
 mission:  a collaborative project to create the most definitive, accurate, and accessible encyclopedia and reference for everything related to Star Trek.
 wiki-software (clone) used: MediaWiki
 geographical location: United States
 neighbourhood: WikiPedia (step-parent)
 date of birth: November 2003
 pages/homepages: 1800/~100
 open or closed: open to everyone
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: ECLECTIC-WIKI-TOUR, REFERENCE-WIKI-TOUR
 date of last update (this template): March 25, 2004

Update: We've just suffered an extremely unfortunate database erasure that will hopefully soon be fixed by our host. It's hopefully going to be fixed in the next day or so.

Update 3/25: Okay, we're back online now... although we've lost close to 400 articles because our most recent backup is six weeks old! *grumble* -- Dan Carlson

3.27: Added you into the Eclectic Wiki Tour - let me know what you think about the location where I placed you. Best, MarkDilley

3/27: Thank you, Mark! Looks great to me! -- Dan Carlson

 name: FacMan
 tour bus stop URL: http://www.redsquirrel.com/cgi-bin/facman?TourBusStop
 host and e-mail: DaveHoover (dave AT redsquirrel DOT com)
 language: English
 mission: To increase the quantity and quality of online resources for retrospective facilitators.
 wiki-software (clone) used: UseMod
 geographical location: I'm near Chicago, Illinois, USA.  Hosted somewhere in Maryland, USA.
 neighbourhood: WardsWiki, http://www.ayeconference.com/wiki/scribble.cgi
 date of birth: September 24, 2003
 pages/homepages: 45 / 9 (appx)
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 date of last update (this template): November 6, 2003

Dave, welcome. Typically we expect that wiki is well established and living as a community before it is joined to the TourBus. The ideal time would be 3-6 months after founding, when you have 10-30 contributors and 300-500 pages. The only tour for very young wikis is the ECLECTIC-WIKI-TOUR. MarkDilley is the driver for it, but he's current absent. Neither the SOFTWARE-DEVELOPER-TOUR nor the GRAND-WIKI-COMMUNITY-TOUR will fit very well. I don't see that you are writing about SW development. The GWCT is the backbone for old and large communities that are meant to connect to large semantic areas. To go for it is not impossible, but it would mean to grow for 1-3 years to at least 100-200 contributors and about 1000-3000 pages, and become the center for wikis about something like "management and organization". If you have grown a little, you could join to the long and winding Route 66. What do you think? -- HelmutLeitner

Helmut, I can definitely wait until FacMan grows up a bit more. Thanks for filling me in on the traditions and norms of the TourBus. My hope is that FacMan will grow into the hub of information for facilitators and managers, but it has a long way to go before then. --DaveHoover

Dave, I'm happy that you are not too disappointed. If you need information, help, or advice to reach your ambitious goal - that's what MeatBall is for. -- HelmutLeitner

Tried to link this up on 3.27 - but server is not available - Best, MarkDilley

 name: Aniki
 tour bus stop URL:  http://www.aniki.info/TourBusHaltestelle
 host and e-mail: Aniki administrators (wikiadmin at aniki.info)
 language: German
 mission: Build an encyclopedia about Anime and Manga.
 wiki-software (clone) used: Wikipedia
 geographical location: Germany
 date of birth: 2003-07-21
 pages/homepages: 300/7
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: GERMAN-COMMUNITY-TOUR
 date of last update (this template): 2003-09-29

Does the administrative contact have to be a single person? If not, you should use (wikiadmin at aniki.info) so that you get all admins at once.

You can also give more than one names or point to a page listing administrators. It's just in case we need to contact someone that acts for the community. Do you prefer a special position within the GERMAN-COMMUNITY-TOUR? Between BücherWiki and JuraWiki? -- HelmutLeitner

Between BücherWiki and JuraWiki sounds fine. I've changed the contact address to the admin address. This way you should always reach somebody with a more technical background (we coordinate server administration through local newsgroups, your mail will appear there). If a mail is not of "technical" nature, it will be forwarded to the Aniki user's mailing list. -- Christian

name: SelfproviderWiki?
 tour bus stop URL: http://www.seedwiki.com/page.cfm?doc=TourBusHaltestelle&wikiid=2747&wpid=0
 host and e-mail: Mischka (mischka@synoo.com)
 language: german (deutsch)
 mission: collect ideas and practical building guidance for selfproviding (i.e. windenergy,  cheap housebuilding, solar-energy, growing, ect.
 wiki-software (clone) used:  CFWiki (cold fusion clone of WardsWiki - hosted by SeedWiki)
 geographical location: germany
 date of birth: 6.8.03
 pages/homepages: 30/0
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: Deutscher Community Tourbus
 date of last update (this template): 10.08.03

 name: ChicagoHumanist
 tour bus stop URL:  http://www.globalchicago.net/humanist/wiki/wiki.cgi?TourBusStop
 host and e-mail: TedErnst [=tedernst] 

 language:  English
 mission:  To be a resource for members and friends of the Humanist Movement in Chicago and around the world
 wiki-software (clone) used: UseMod
 geographical location:  Chicago, USA
 neighbourhood:  GlobalChicago?.net
 date of birth:  September 2001
 pages/homepages: 73/9
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: ECLECTIC-WIKI-TOUR 
 date of last update (this template): 30 July 2003

Thanks for considering us!

Hi Ted, I think a great place to put this wiki is after the AndStuff wiki. If that works, I will do so by August 5. Best, MarkDilley

Sure, Mark. That's great. What else do I have to do on my end to make this work? --TedErnst

Ted, Umm, I will try to do it by August 5 (it should have read :-) - I will get to it, but if you want, please link it up! ;-) MarkDilley

I think I've done it correctly. I changed the AndStuff page to point to ChicagoHumanist, I made the ChicagoHumanist page point to Nomic and then I changed the map here on Meatball so ChicagoHumanist is in the right spot. Could you please check to make sure I did it all right? -- Perfecto! ;-) md

 name: FluxDepository
 tour bus stop URL:  http://flux.jonnay.net/?name=TourBusStop
 host and e-mail: Wiki:JonathanArkell jonnay@jonnay.net
 language: English
 mission: a colaborative electronic music site.
 wiki-software (clone) used: ErfurtWiki
 geographical location: Calgary Alberta Canada
    ErfurtWiki (father)
    Ujknown Mother
 date of birth:  2003-06-26 00:27:02
 pages/homepages: 77 / 2
 open or closed: open to all

 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: ECLECTIC-WIKI-TOUR, NEW-WIKI-TOUR (if available)
 date of last update (this template):  Created 2003-07-14

Jonathan, everything looks ok. Is there a special place where you want to be inserted into the ECLECTIC-WIKI-TOUR? -- HelmutLeitner

Heh, I would love to be closer to the front of the tour, at least, until I can get my wiki up to critical mass, but other than that, I have no preference. -- Wiki:JonathanArkell

What about going after YpsilantiEyeball?? Should we prepare for a MUSIC-WIKI-TOUR? -- HelmutLeitner

Awesome. MUSIC-WIKI-TOUR would be cool too! -- Wiki:JonathanArkell

Thanks Guys! -- JonathanArkell?

 name: EEKMA Wiki
 tour bus stop URL: http://www.eekma.org/cgi-bin/viktig.pl?TourBusHaltestelle

 host and e-mail: DanKoehl mailto:webmaster@eekma.org
 language: German
 mission: Unite elephant interested people worldwide, increase communication, make database
 wiki-software (clone) used: UseMod
 geographical location: Sweden
 neighbourhood: father UseMod (program) mother WikiPedia (inspiration) stepfather DseWiki (delivered UseMod) 
 date of birth: january 2003
 pages/homepages: ?
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: GERMAN-COMMUNITY-TOUR
 date of last update (this template): 29 jan 2003

Dan, another tour that fits your wiki is the USEMOD-WIKI-TOUR and in the long ran I see a potential for an ANIMAL-WIKI-TOUR (or ANIMAL-KEEPER-TOUR or ANIMAL-LOVER-TOUR). Typically I do not add wikis that have been just founded, because nine out of ten wiki founders run out of steam when they find out that their wiki needs - perhaps like an animal - dayly personal care for an unforeseeable time. Please keep going, grow a small community of members (5-10 are enough), and I'll join your wiki at the end of March. -- HelmutLeitner

Yes, I understand that and I also want to see that the Wiki is developing, but just a question, did I submit all information right here, ist it properly done? DanKoehl

Yes, everthing's perfect. -- HelmutLeitner

 name: Alberg Wiki
 tour bus stop URL: http://www.alberg30.org/collaborate/moin.cgi/TourBusStop
 host and e-mail: GeorgeDinwiddie (gdinwiddie@alberg30.org)
 language: English
 mission: Sailing and sailboats, particularly focused on the Alberg 30 and other boats designed by Carl Alberg
 wiki-software (clone) used: Moin-Moin
 geographical location: United States
 neighbourhood: ?
 date of birth: 2000
 pages/homepages: 122/?
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: ?
 date of last update (this template): October 3, 2002

 name: KnowHowWiki
 tour bus stop URL: http://www2.iro.umontreal.ca/~paquetse/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi?TourBusStop (renamed by BusManagement)
 host and e-mail: SebPaquet
 language: English
 mission: Place to give and seek advice on anything
 geographical location: North America
 neighbourhood: MeatballWiki (godfather), KmWiki, IaWiki
 date of birth: Nov 2001
 pages/homepages: ~300 / 2
 open or closed: open 
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: GRAND-WIKI-COMMUNITY-TOUR
 date of last update: 2002/7/8

BusManagement comments:

BusManagement comments: prepared for IWT.

 name: [IaWiki IAwiki]
 tour bus stop URL: http://IAwiki.net/TourBusStop
 host and e-mail: EricScheid, mailto:eric@ironclad.net.au
 language: english
 wiki-software (clone) used:

 mission: InformationArchitecture community and knowledge repository
 geographical location: Sydney, Australia
 neighbourhood: MeatballWiki, WeblogKitchen [1], KmWiki
 date of birth: November 2001
 pages/homepages: 468/70
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 date of last update (this template): Jul 9, 2002

BusManagement comments: (currently only personal opinion -- hl)

 name: UnrealWiki
 tour bus stop URL: http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/Tour_Bus_Stop
 host and e-mail: Tarquin & Mychaeel: tarquin@beyondunreal.com
 language: English
 mission: anything about the Unreal game engine: mapping, modding etc. 
 wiki-software (clone) used: UseModWiki

 geographical location: server: USA, community: all over
 neighbourhood: games, programming, architecture.
  Wikipedia was our inspiration,
  MeatballWiki our guide along the rocky path of WikiZen?,
  we deal with programming in Unrealscript, so we're maybe in the fringes of the programming neighborhood
 date of birth: January 28 2002.
 pages/homepages: ~850 / ~60
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: SOFTWARE-DEVELOPER-TOUR,
 date of last update (this template): 10 July 2002

BusManagement comment (currently only IMHO -- hl):

It appears that Netscape 4.7 isn't loading the CSS stylesheets. I tested with Mozilla, Opera & IE, I'm afraid I assumed Netscape users (such as myself) had moved to Mozilla. There isn't much I can do short of reverting to the UseModWiki 's built-in headers. Is there a way to make perl browser-sniff? Those bus routes sound great, BTW.

Netscape 4.7 loads CSS, but there are a number of portability problems. I'm no CSS guru, only worked around a number of smaller problems on some of my wikis that use CSS. I vagely remember the background problem, this should be easy to solve (IIRC one takes it from body-tag, the other from body-style). You have the three header parts in "div"-tags (left, center, right), which NS47 puts below each other. What if you use a normal table? I think there are quite a number of NS4X-users out there (IIRC about 10-15%). I only saw that you use Javascript. Be careful to put no vital functionality into Javascript, because a lot of users turn off Javascript because of security concerns. -- hl

fixed. Netscape4.7 will load the built-in UseModWiki header. The content CSS looks ugly, but not disastrous. Really, NetscapeMustDie?.
can someone from BusManagement with NetScape installed please verify this? Thanks! -- ip

JavaScript is used for the "Quick Navigation" pop-up menu in the upper-right corner of the pages; it naturally won't work at all if JavaScript is deactivated or not present, but then again the "Quick Navigation" menu isn't critical functionality either. I'm speaking here as somebody who used to use Netscape 4.7 until I got so annoyed by its bugs that I moved on to Opera; and I've been browsing a long time with everything but HTML/CSS disabled, so I can understand where you're coming from. :-) -- MichaelBuschbeck (a.k.a. Mychaeel)

 name: SpiroLattic?
 tour bus stop URL: http://spirolattic.net/TourBusStop 
 host and e-mail: StephanieBooth (tara@spamcop.net)
 language: French and English
 mission: for the moment, small-scale community space, emphasis on web and language issues
 wiki-software (clone) used: PhpWiki
 geographical location: er... Switzerland?
 neighbourhood: ?
 date of birth: October 2001, as far as I can figure out
 pages/homepages: http://spirolattic.net/ ?
 open or closed: open?
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: er...
 date of last update (this template): 25.09.2002

Stephanie, sorry for my delayed answer (I was for a weekend to Salzburg). Currently it's hard for me to find the right tours for you. Sooner or later there will be a PHPWIKI-TOUR, that's easy. IMO you should perhaps be on the MULTILINGUAL-WIKI-TOUR and the HUMANITIES-TOUR (both are in preparation). What do you think about this? -- HelmutLeitner

No worry - both seem good for me... let's say whichever comes first, how about that? -- StephanieBooth

 name: EsperantoWikipedia
 tour bus stop URL: http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_Haltejo

 host and e-mail: ChuckSmith (msochuck@yahoo.com)

 language: Esperanto
 mission: create an Esperanto language encyclopedia
 wiki-software (clone) used: Usemod
 geographical location: United States
 neighbourhood: WikiPedia (brother)
 date of birth: 15 November 2001
 pages/homepages: 5,000 / 52
 open or closed: open
 tour connections / current: none
 tour connections / wanted: MULTILINGUAL-WIKI-TOUR
 date of last update (this template): 3 October 2002

 name:  Ypsilanti Eyeball
 tour bus stop URL: 
 host and e-mail: 
 wiki-software (clone) used:
 geographical location:
 date of birth: 
 open or closed:
 tour connections / current: none

 name: Gute-News
 tour bus stop URL: http://wikihost.org/wikis/gute_news/wiki/tourbusstop
 host and e-mail: ThorstenOstriga?  webmaster(at)gute-news(dot)de
 language: Deutsch
 mission: Verbreitung positiver Nachrichten
 wiki-software (clone) used: GeboGebo
 geographical location: Germany
    Wikihost.org (father = WikiSoftware)
 date of birth: 23.02.2006
 pages/homepages: 489 / 1
 open or closed: open for everybody
 tour connections / current: GERMAN-COMMUNITY-TOUR (one way, own site not included in busmap )
 tour connections / wanted: GERMAN-COMMUNITY-TOUR
 date of last update: sept 15, 20072

 remark to the busmanagers:
 since november 2006 my wiki takes part in the - GERMAN-COMMUNITY-TOUR - bus no.3
 hope, my site could included in the bustourmap, thanks for your work



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