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- If you want to take the TourBus, go to the TourBusStop. The map is on TourBusMap.
Back in the day, the TourBus was managed by BusManagement. As of TourBusRevitalization times, they seem to be gone. TimurIsmagilov is making decisions until people come back. Contact him on a wiki.
Old list of members
- JohnDeBruyn (thanks for saving me a seat and all that Helmut and the other members have done)
- HelmutLeitner, mail helmut.leitner (a t) chello (d o t) at (active work)
- KrisJohnson, mail tourbus (a t) kristopherjohnson (d o t) net
- KeithBraithwaite, mail keith (a t) (d o t) uk
- MarkDilley, mail markwdilley (a t) gmail (d o t) org (active work, worker-management liaison)
- JürgenHermann, mail jh (a t) web (d o t) de (active work)
- LinuxWiki:ThomasWaldmann (active work)
- IljaPreuß, mail ilja.preuss (a t) web (d o t) de (active work)
- SebPaquet (active work)
- JuneKim, mail june (a t) no-smok (d o t) net
- SenseisLibrary:ArnoHollosi, mail ahollosi (a t) xmp (d o t) net
- WardCunningham, mail ward (a t) c2 (d o t) com (tour maps)
- JohnAbbe, mail johnca (a t) ourpla (d o t) net (active work)
- DenhamGrey, mail dgrey (a t) iquest (d o t) net (KM stops)
- StephanieBooth, mail tara (a t) spamcop (d o t) net (representing Spirolattic)
- SamBower, mail sam (a t) (TourBusArt)
- RustySmith, WikiFish, mail rusty.smith (a t) auburn (d o t) edu (active work)
- ChristopheDucamp (representing CraoWiki, OddWikiCentre?, ProWikiCentre, Socialtext-centre), mail christophe.ducamp (a t) (could be interested to think of a LangueFrançaise adaptation)
- MarkusKoller (representing WikiStarfrosch), mail markus.koller-nospammm (a t) (sleeping cell work)
- RaviArapurakal?, mail to Ravi (a t) - facilitating better comprehension and more effective accomplishment via wikis.
- SeanFennel (representing HomestarRunnerWiki and ThisMightBeAWiki) scf002 at shsu dot edu (semi-active work)
- WolfPeuker mail to peu (murkel) rekob (wurstel) de - only to manage some connections, then I'll go away (for the first)
- HanosYoon, mail lovechri(a341sdgfdstq)
- Rainer, mail chef (a t) wikimannia (d o t) org (representing WikiMANNia)
== Old discussion
After I returned from Europe and finally had a chance to look into the rapidly growing TourBus project, what I saw worried me. I was afraid that the BusManagement may conflict with my goals for MeatBall that I have worked on for the past three years. Most of this was probably due to misunderstanding the state of the TourBus pages at the time. This led to a large argument and falling out between myself and the TourBus people. That I am emphatically not proud of.
While I still feel that more aggressive user empowerment will be the only stable way forward, my goals for Meatball supersede those concerns. As Helmut was trying to point out, Meatball really is responsible to the larger wiki community - or at least I think it should be - and thus it (and I) must remain supportive - and besides, there are better BarnRaising ways of working on this. This is not to say that I now think Meatball should have power over the wiki community; rather that Meatball now serves it. We are here to help.
Conversely, the TourBus will empower Meatball by positioning it closer to the centre of the action and by enriching it with a wider experience. While previously I had chosen to keep MeatballWiki out of the way of other projects' distorting forces, I no longer feel that is necessary. MeatballWiki has matured to the point where it can begin to look outside itself, and thus it should.
This is a confusing mishmash of personal opinions, addresses to the community at large, and core community values. Think of this as a hint of where I want to go next, and I would be pleased if the rest of the community agrees. -- SunirShah
The future of the TourBus - a wiki model institution
I think that the TourBus is bound to become a kind of institution. That means, as we go along, we will have the problem to restrict powers and to find a way for collective decisions. Some may think that this is "not the wiki way", but it may be inevitable. As the wiki grows and gains importance, we will cross the border of the "gaming zone" and come into an area where real interests are concerned. This will happen earlier or later anyway, so I suggest to take the TourBus as a model, where we can design this without much pressure. -- HelmutLeitner
- I think that the wiki way is good enough, and that wikis have crossed the line into real interest a long time ago. I also think that we do not need to restrict power, because we use SoftSecurity. We use it against spam pages, off-topic pages, abuse - why not use it now? I therefore suggest we cut the TourBus model back to wiki dimensions. Wikis do work, we know it. The TourBus model guards against problems that do not even exist yet (you are not going to need it!). But I somehow feel that we are just reiterating our points without making any real progress. Does anybody have a ConflictResolution at hand? -- AlexSchroeder
I agree that we are going in cycles. I thought that now - Sunir being back - might be a good time to discuss and advance the ideas and reach a consensus, but seemingly it isn't. So I think I will turn to the extension of the TourBus again. -- hl
- (march 03) has this issues of wiki-style vs management commi