
MeatballWiki | RecentChanges | Random Page | Indices | Categories

1 April 2024 -- RichardL. Preferring not to use my last name, but hey!
19 April 2021 -- JobBautista. Lurked here in 2019-2020, when this wiki was read-only. Glad to see this being open again to editing!
3 July 2020 -- JeromeDelacroix. Message to the Outer Space : hello there!
15 November 2011 -- DavidMeyer. Hello, Meatball! RecentVisitors is back after more than a year.
29 August 2010 -- JaysenNaidoo. viva the WikiWay!
25 July 2010 -- KarstenHoffmeyer. It is good to be here. Hello and all the best to all of you out there!
4 June 2010 Kiran Kumar Patel. Hi wikiers. I was looking for some startup knowledge which 'll help me to build a wiki site for my team. Getting user's knowledge atleast :)
31 March 2010 AaronChow. Hi there, I'm a founder of http://www.geckogo.com. It's a user-generated travel guide, so I'm trying to learn more about best practices for our wiki sections.
15 January 2010 - JimBrewster exploring wikis. Have a great day!
22 June 2009 - ChristiGinger: saying hello, really great and thoughtful site. Can't wait to contribute.
20 May 2009 - TimPersinger: exploring the wiki. Thanks for making this available.
16 May 2009 - NatalieBrown stopping by, just for the heck of it. What a site!
10 May 2009 RaffiKojian: I run two pretty large wikis (5,000+ articles) and am interested in learning more about community development. I had visited Meatball years ago and just rediscovered it today.
4 May 2009 EricDaams: Hey there! Just discovered this excellent site.
20 April 2009 LiseBroer: Not anonymous anymore at Wikipedia; might as well join.
19 March 2009 PaulMitchell: Long time reader, now here to contribute.
25 Feburary 2009 GavinPrice: Great site!
7 February 2009 NathanielThurston: Hello! What a fantastic site, wondering why it's been down.
3 February 2009 MatthewSheahan: Hey. Just a niche-topic wiki admin here (http://lostsouls.org/wiki).
3 February 2009 FedericoLeva: MeatBallWiki is great, thank you. In these days I'm MeatBallWikiAddicted?, I've read over 250 pages. We (MeatBallers and WikiMedians) can still learn a lot from each other.
17 January 2009 Hello Meatball Wiki from WikiTravel:User:Peterfitzgerald. Always interesting reading here.
8 January 2009 hello people! here is Abundance from the ShareWiki.
30 Oct 2008 IwanGabovitch?: I love the meatballs analogy, though I didn't yet get what this is all about. Also I'm O_o by the constant use of <hr /> and the seldom use of ==Headers== here.
3 October 2008 SerenaJoyner?: This looks great guys...... how active is this wiki these days? You're doing stuff I'm doing so glad I bumped into you.
22 August 2008 MarkSchumann: Hi everyone. I'm a refugee from WardsOriginalWiki (Wiki:MarkSchumann). I've always wondered about MeatballWiki and have finally decided to look around.
4 June 2008 AaronPoeze: Hello. Just getting used to this wiki concept. Welcome Aaron. -- FridemarPache
JorchWalter? : Hi all..
18 April 2008 BobTrower -- You can Google for me. I already have an article here, but wanted to create other pages and felt it only mannerly to come aboard officially. Uh, the end.
10 April 2008 LiefLarson?: Hello. I've been on Wikipedia for three years, and I'm active on a site called [Lyro.com] that is trying to make the concept of business networking a little easier, so I'm hoping to learn what I can here at Meatball.

March 18, 2008 JoeMurray: Hello everyone. I'm new to the site and I'm searching for best practices for how to manage and online community. What are the key processes such as content moderation, membership management, etc. ? What are the key roles in a mature community management team such as community manager, moderator, etc. ?

Feb 3 2008 KooroshHaghighi : Hi guys. I'm new in this subject, but i found it intresting and educative in all aspects of life. GOOD LUCK.

Welcome, KooroshHaghighi. Your RealName should be a link. To make links here, we use CamelCase, so ThisIsALink. I've corrected this for you. --JonasDaltonRand

Jan 12 2008 KirkBailey : Hello all! Wiki's are hugely useful, I am big in favor of everyone using one.

October 18, 2007 JonasDaltonRand: Hello, everybody! I know the way Wikis work (I can teach if anybody needs help, it's my first time, but there's a first time for everything!), and I really, really like it! And, this reminds me of the old Wikipedia before MediaWiki. I am new here, and am known other places as Ionas68224 (Jonas/Ionas/Yonas [hebrew letter Yodh/Iota/Jot] and my IP address, 68.224'.239.145), including Wikipedia. I am blocked there, and on the [Simple English Wikipedia], however on SimpleWP?, I would like to join the project after a year-long break (er... forced break)

I am known internet-wide for my (sometimes doubted) young age of 11. I am homeschooled (not to be confused with Private School)and have lots of time to play, however it bites me back in the ass when I waste too much time and have to cram all that 6TH grade studying and work in to one or two days. I sternly believe in the UseRealNames thing, because unless you're being stalked or have an entry in the municipal phone book, you should not be afraid to tell who you really are. After all, this is the internet and you can be anybody hiding behind an alias.

In Nevada, where I am its 1:51 AM and the teacher (who comes to the house every week) is coming tomorrow, so I'll have more time soon, but for now, greetings! --Jonas Dalton Rand

Why does some wikitext not work? (like [[ link ]], [external link] [http://external.link text], ~~~~, etc.? What does and what doesn't?--Jonas Dalton Rand

You may have a look at the TextFormattingRules -- MarkusLude

How does one create an account around here? --JonasDaltonRand

JudyJohnson?: Hi, I'm trying out various wikis and this one looks interesting

Artie: People! Hello. I got here doing some search about organizing community. i'm currently working on a constitutionally formed traditional community. Kind of like anything you'd find in Hometown, USA (PTA, Elks, Jaycees, GreenPeace?, NOW, Toastmasters, Rotary)Here's what I have so far: http://discussionworkshop.googlepages.com/

14 August 2007 BenjaminMakoHill: Greetings!

31 July 2007 RobbertRaets?: Thought I'd say hi as well

10 July 2007 JerryAndrews: Uh... hiya!

07 June 2007 JohnCroft: Hello Folks. I am a newbie trying to learn Wiki Editing skills for the GaiaFoundation of Australia. Can anyone help me? My email is jdcroft@yahoo.com. No problem, we always help each other preferably in an OpenProcess. So feel free to ask in your public contributions in Wiki. This way we can be much more efficient, because each public question and each public answer helps at the same time not only the involved conversation partners but also many other peers. -- FridemarPache

Yes, I can help you along. --Jonas Dalton Rand

06 June 2007 PatrickAnderson: Hello. I'm working a bit on CreatingAndSharingWealth.

03 June 2007 MichelDegener: Hi there! Just here to say hello! :-)

24 May 2007 AnaisStarr: Just came on this page. Looking for good, helpful info on managing a wiki community.

17 May 2007 HilarioJCarrillo: Whilst traipsing the internet for information on windows server hardening, I came upon this web site.

13 May 2007 AndrewHoerner: Various folks over at CommunityWiki suggested that folks here might be able to help with a project to create a software support system for a large strategic dialog. I'll describe it a bit on my name page. Hi everybody!

6 May 2007 ArtVerso

21 April 2007 GordonJoly

12 April 2007 YauKwanKiu:

6 April 2007 JossiFresco: from Wikipedia, someone gave me an award pointing to BarnRaising, so here I am.

26 March 2007 MatthewJacobs: Stumbled across this place while following Wikipedia links from article to article. I find online communities a fascinating subject, and I think RadicalInclusiveness is an excellent page.

5 March 2007P Roberts from no place in particular: stumbled onto wiki while researching something else. i like this better than Wikipedia, only because there is no sense that this is authoritative. One tends to think of Wikipedia as an authoritative source when it might not be.

28 February 2007 ElizabethHerrick from WikiHealth: Interested in learning how to get past the SeedPosting stage. Feedback much appreciated!

11 February 2007 SeanWhitton from WikiPedia: Interested in online communities; how they are run and what they can achieve.

08 February 2007 FredBauder: from WikiPedia and WikInfo

04 February 2007 AdamKao: from WikiPedia

23 January 2007 TedCoombs: I am interested in the idea of Barn Raising. I have spent the last two months building a wiki site by myself, which of course, is not the idea of a wiki. I really need ideas to make a technically better wiki, and of course, get people to begin adding content.

15 january 2007 verena-e.leitner: oh madness... it is impossible to get an overview on this site... I have spend only a little while here but cannot tell what is serious or if all is a complete joke (which I do not assume). is there something like a "core" somewhere or just tons of communities unattached. really I do not consider myself a netfailure... anybody of you still got the clue? my interest is primarily in social aspects of forming groups - where do I find an anchor to start with? not common, but a heartly hi from vienna, austria.

13 January 2007 MatthewSmalley: fairly new to online communities. Optimistic about emergent functions and communities of wikis and interested in development of english wikipaedia, simple.en and wikiprojects within them.

30 December 2006 AnneStallybrass: I'm only semi-techie but I want to understand how wikis function, especially the building of a community that is both friendly and sustainable.

23 December 2006 MarkMayhew: I just stumbled in. I'm coming back.

12 December 2006 RicoAguirre: Research on various wiki servers for application to public library sites dedicated to community councils. I'm very gung-ho about the whole project and look forward to successfully utilizing this technology which, by the way, is totally new to me. Ahoy, mateys!

07 December 2006 MikeMcGregor?: Mostly looking for info on Online community social dynamics, conflict resolution online, etc... I've been on Wikipedia for awhile, and I'm active on a site called [LondonCommons.Net] that is currently going through some growing pains. I hope to breing some useful ideas from here to there. Hello!

06 December 2006 DaveGoodman: Aside from correcting spelling mistakes on Wikipedia, I've been slow to get the wiki thang. Having taken a quick look around, I feel this may change things. Hello!

30 October 2006 RobCollins: Strayed over here from Wikipedia, where meatball pages are linked to provide us with creative thinking about handling conflict. This site also helps me think more positively about the social poison in the veins of a political movement I care about that tries to do its business online. I have felt helpless there. This is already helping.

26 September 2006 KeithHopper: IdeaFarming? is fun - looking for contributions around different online contribution structures, motivation and incentive frameworks, organizational innovation, etc.

25 September 2006 ChrisPicone: Mmm... community

14 September 2006 MarkJones: Interested in how groups with particular critical mass are affected by the difficulties of maintaining that mass, and protecting it from those who are less interested to the cultural norms of the group than the committed members of the community. Debian is one example I have in mind. Wikipedia is another.

29 August 2006 DanielSchuman: I am here to read, read, read.

28 August 2006 MichaelMaranda: What took me so long to get here? I regret not following up on the mentions of my friends these past 2 years ... I'm actively organizing around very similar issues through the community networking, technology and media sector. Digital Literacy, Access & Equity!

27 August 2006 MarkGaved: I came across MeatballWiki sometime ago but I'm looking around a little more closely because of conversations at WikiSym 06. I'm co-admin of the Open Guide to Milton Keynes [1], part of the Open Guides family, wikis for localities. At the moment I'm really interested in the discussion about the development of Creole Wiki markup, I think wiki markup is still a barrier for computer novices to contribute. I think this might be a way to reduce that barrier.

24 August 2006 MichelleTetreault?: I work for a nonprofit and we a looking to have a site we can all work in and have info in. I am not really sure which one to use but I like this style and hope to learn more. We have about 100 people who work here in four differnt buildings and we really need away to comunicate better and I think this maybe it. I would welcome any info or help. Thank you

23 August 2006: CurtBeckmann: First time I've seen your site, and it's a godsend (cap?)! I recently (yesterday? day before?) started WinWinWiki? in the scratchpad of Wikia.com, which kindly linked to the "seedposting" page. I've got tons to learn!

20 July 2006: JamieQuinlan: Been reading MeatballWiki for a while, finally decided to join in. I'm glad to find a good resource on how to manage communities.

14 July 2006: KirillMaslinsky: There are people and ideas here I wish to comment and recieve comments! I'm interested in WikiSyntax, WikiParserModel and related things.

03 July 2006: MikeSweeney: This community has an original approach and values I can agree with, but I became frustrated eith the lack of information navigation features (compared with MediaWiki, MoinMoin, TikiWiki, TWiki, ZWiki, or even TiddlyWiki). This is probably not a problem for regular users of the community, but does present a barrier to new users. I applaud your human centered philosophy and wish you continued success, Mike.

11 June 2006: KHKua: This is a fantastic wiki! A treasure chest of WikiPedia philosophy.

01 June 2006: JustinMcMurtry: Hello! I'm very glad to have found this great resource about how to cultivate healthy communities.

May 18, 2006: MiloszBiedrzycki?: Great site. Actually got me thinking about starting a wiki of my own (of our own, with a group of friends interested in Polish poetry).

May 06, 2006: SamRose: Hi Folks. Nice to be here.

April 28, 2006: TimKeller - Looking at various wiki communities, to see if there's any that fit my needs & talents.

April 27, 2006: Uel Archuletta: just stopped by to learn something Thanks

April 14, 2006: SantiagoCapel: Maintainer of two social wikis (Spanish): [2] and [3]

March 27, 2006: AlainDésilets: Interested in the discussion about MultilingualWiki.

February 28 2006 WillLakeman: Hi, I thought I'd say hello to say thanks for the inspiration I got from the content here when thinking about how to write an MA dissertation on wikis. I'm happy with what I did, and am spending the time in between degrees trying to work out ways to introduce wikis to people generally excluded from the Internet. I hope to spend more time here.

February 23 2006 Confusion

February 21 2006 MatthewBrown: I've been reading for a long, long time and thought it about time to contribute. I'm recently elected/appointed to WikiPedia's Arbitration Committee.

February 16 2006 ConchitaVaricak

February 9 2006 I'm coming from WikiServer and looking to resolve some bugs with 1.6.RC11 or 1.6.RC12 CliffHemstock

February 9 2006 FrankPurcell

February 8 2006 MikeCox? - I'm experimenting with WikiServer for a departmental homepage, particulalry with a view to sorting out our mess of files and resources that are scattered (undocumented) over 2 shared harddrives, various resource cds etc. I've got a couple of questions to ask already, and i'm bound to have more soon!

January 22 2006 AndyRoberts - Hi, I use mediawiki for [ukcider wiki] and [DARwiki] and I've arrived here to get some ideas about barnstorming.

December 21 2005 MikeMyers? - I'm exploring wiki's trying to figure out if they'd been a good too to track some documentation in my work environment. Anyone use them that way?

December 8 2005 JayWilliams? - I'm setting up a new public wiki in a few weeks. I currently use one for work intranet and love it. I'm sure I'll have some issues and problems trying to get things the way I want. I'm right now very curious in setting lock outs for editing certain pages.

December 4 2005 PhilSlade? - I'm trying to get a Yahoo Group going to help people in a similar line of work/location (working gardeners in Sussex U.K.) to communicate Google SussexGardener? we had a wiki but it wasn't used much and was deleted- I don't have much success. Advice appreciated

December 2, 2005 HanosYoon - Make #131 for Corean Wikij! Edit on #80 For Corean Wikipedia! -_-; and so on... for.. NewComer..

November 23, 2005 DavidPinto - thanks to all founders and contributors; for what purpose is the community built?

November 1, 2005 JimLynch I use UseMod for keeping personal notes so thought I'd see what this site was about.

October 31, 2005 MarkMangano?

October 27, 2005 BrentSimpson Wikis for education, and community/city wikis.

October 22, 2005: DelphineMénard wondering if the accent will go through

October 11, 2005: ThomasSchandl with an idea for a "inter community". Discussion would be very welcome!

October 3, 2005: AnttiKapanen. Adding to both supply and demand...

September 16, 2005: nmw is shorter than [nmw]

September 16, 2005:JudithHerr ... signing in and looking for help to improve communication and collaboration for the special interest group I'm leading

September 12, 2005: BrandonCsSanders, prefer the term NewComer to visitor ;)

August 23, 2005: SteveBaker signing in to do some work on the OpenAL 'ALUT' documentation.

July 28, 2005: Hello from PaulGaskin

July 15, 2005: TimBonnemann

July 7, 2005: Thanks for the information!! I am interested in connecting with others who have experimented with the use of wikis in higher education, although, since I work for a school of Education (University of Virginia - http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu), I am actually interested in how others may have used - or are thinking of using - wikis at any level of schooling or in training environments. BillBooz

July 7, 2005: Thanks, Meatball. I'd like to connect with others who've started a wiki at work for and from salespeople. Any one out there done this? Thanks. And - I can't figure out how to get my username linked ..... ???? GigiShamRaye

July 4, 2005: Howdy. I found the MeatballMission very compelling. What an interesting community. AndreasDuusPape

June 11, 2005: I just came in from the TourBusStop. JohnSchmidt

Jun 04 2005: Hi! [Queda Livre Paraquedismo Salto Duplo Fun - Paraquedas].

May 31 2005: Hi, Just doing some testing before i change anything in the ubuntu wiki -- David Giard

May 25 2005: LarsOlson. Yoohoo!

May 18 2005: Hullo from British Columbia, Canada! -- Craig C

April 18 2005: LouisKyuWonRyu?. Just visiting.

April 18 2005: Allright back Online! - Not much changes here as I see.. --~~~~

April 15 2005: Hello from Proteus, developer of [GetWiki]. After lurking, decided to jump in! - GetProteus

April 12 2005: Hello from Cambridge, England. We love the wiki way! -- MorganPage?

2005 March: -- DavidCary, StevenMelenchuk, ...

March 21 2005 Merci de votre aide. Ici quelques ressources au cas où...

Merci, mais vos ressources semblaient ici HorsSujet.

March 19 2005 i discovered wikis about 1 year and a half ago, and i immediatly felt like it would be a "key" as a different way of using, getting benefits out of, and sharing/building knowledges over the internet. i keep on trying to understand what really it's all about. And as i learn, i'm trying here and now to help translate some of the materials into french. Given i don't know much about licences and legal stuff, i promise i'll do my best to respect the meaning of original texts and not to steal anything in a way or another ! i've just realized that i hadn't said "hello" when i came in, so... Hello! :-) -- SebastienSauteur

"March 11 2005" Anto - yes it is ! this is the great think about it. Look for tutorials if you need help with it like Ben

"March 3 2005" JerrySwatez? - So, Wiki is a self-correcting information system, yes?

Just wondering how the whole "wiki" thing works. Scott B

Feb 15 2005 Ben Richard - I try the best but it's difficult with wiki

Jan 19 2005 Is anyone in Oregon using wikis at work? If so, please contact me as I am writing an article for Oregon Business Magazine Pat Buescher info@furzwo.com

5 January 2005 RobertWest - eep.

31 December 2004 MartinWallace - Learning as much as I can about the Wiki Way. This is my favorite one so far. I will create a page for myself and help others raise barns very soon.

26 December 2004 Ove Bergersen - [Gdańsk] E-learnings courses in Norwegian offered by the University of Gdańsk, Poland. In a couple of months I hope to present a more professional site. Trying out Wiki at the moment...

24 December 2004 ChrisHuson? - Xmas eve and I'm waiting up for Santa, reading up a bit on wikis, thinking of setting one up for my [family website] or the kids' [school]. I noticed the WikiSchool? project and plan on investigating further.

4 December 2004 Ken Weide -[State Republican Parties] Information about the Republican Party of USA.

1 December 2004 BarreBarrett? -[4] Hello to everyone. Just discovered Wiki and find it fascinating. Hope to contribute soon.

23 November 2004 FrankPennycook joining in.

18 November 2004 ChristinaPikas? - [my blog]. Hi all! Just checking in. I'm trying a few wiki things when I get a chance. SunirShah - enjoyed meeting you in RI, I'll send an e-mail when I get caught up.

12th November 2004 MarkHarmer - Very similar to Ben below me, I'm also running several online communities and working with organisational development. It seems to me that most online stuff works when you get the social bit sorted! I'm looking forward to romping through Meatball and learning more. I also play in a [Celtic Band] and have an [online shop] - however, the community aspect of the web is what's really starting to interest me.

7 November, 2004 BenSamples -- I won't pretend that I'm not bewildered by all this and I hope to Whatever Powers That Be that I'm doing this right. I'm new to Wikis but old to online communities -- the articles here about power are incredible and are making me do some serious thinking. Thank you!

6th November, 2004 [Steve Gargin]

29th October, 2004 [Barry Kukkuk] - Point-of-sale software for Retailers in South Africa

25th October, 2004 Wiki:SusanRoy; lurking from c2 and reverting evil spam.

3 October 2004 Richard Felkins was here from San Diego

10 October 2004 EricBowersox - remembered this site and added some updates to info that someone else inserted on my behalf, long ago...

30 September 2004 PedroJorgeAdler passed by! WikiWiki!!! my favourite application on the web

13 September 2004 Jason Tipton, Mantua, OH - check out [Hil-Jacks]

26 August 2004 Doug Durham, Sunnyvale, CA - The thoughts on software design a great! There are people out there who make sense.

03 August 2004 JeffreyRea was here! -San Francisco, CA

22 July 2004 Got pointed here through SelvakumarGanesan. Fascinating! - PrashantMullick

22 JULY 2004 MikaelHermansson My first visit.. exciting

16 JULY 2004 ED LADON, DENVER ... I'm intrigued. See U.

13 july 2004 Susan, Los Angeles....need to investigate this

07 July 2004 At the rsik of being reiterative, this sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out sometime when I'm not supposed to be working - RickPreston

05 July 2004 Interesting, i'll be back - [AndyRoberts]

05 July 2004 NiCky? ..sound is life

07 June 2004 WIKI WIKI WIKI WIKI WA!!!! "If at first you dont succeed, you can brush urself off and try again". AznForcez? from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

04 June 2004 The first appearance of [Nick D] in a wiki. Nice.

04 June 2004 Like Sean Carson said... 'baby steps.' Vash from Singapore

01 june 2004 so how can i add this cool thing to my own pages? http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~lmoussu/myblogger1.html -- this cool thing being what, a wiki?

29 May 2004 [Bernie Goldbach] - taking some lessons from this community and infusing them into our emerging visual arts group. 2004-05-28 BisonPilot? - A dramatic step toward solving the mysteries of the universe

2004-05-25 MarkMcCartney

20 May 2004 LeighHoneywell poked around after a long absence from the wiki world.

18 May 2004 LAXMI WAS HERE

14 May 2004 Dude, Irwin juliandi was here finally.... , just start to enter wiki world.

11 May 2004 Hey! DanPupek was here!

8 May 2004 JustinKao is trying to simultaneously learn Perl and come up with a WikiLog / GeneralWikiLog that isn't a kludgy hybrid.

8 May 2004 JamesGreen passed through, looking for inspiration on making his wiki more useful/successful.

27 April 2004 hmmm...<Zhu Zhu strokes her chin> i 've tried crawling around the place and i feel dizzy even though i haven't moved from my chair for a good hour or so. i think it is an awesome idea, but just a little too haphazard to me. i am a livejournal.com girl. it is much easier to keep track of a discussion. i confess that i can be a neat freak. as a person interested in almost everything, blogging and wiki are taking linguistics, sociology, everything you can think of into a whole new dimension.

26 April 2004 ToivoLainevool joined the Meatball.

22 April 2004 JeremyZimmer finally posted to visitor's log after almost a month of exploring Meatball.

14 April 2004 AndrewCates just joined this Wiki

11 April 2004 DickWillis - I am using a Wiki Community in my Science Class for my Honors students at [BayHiCoach] I'm new but I was totally amazed at what you are saying here about non-violence. All of these things I am struggling with as I attempt to teach teenagers that there is a better way to live.

04 April 2004 RichardNelson - I am building a Wiki Community for Solar & EcoLiving? at the [SolaRoofWiki] using PmWiki

April 2004: SelvakumarGanesan. Came over after [Evan's] recommendation. I am building a [science site] for fun of it (and a bit more).

30 March 2004 Hermes. Could I create my own Wiki site? how does this works? (check out http://www.seedwiki.com/ )

30 March 2004 ZviLandsman. I hope I'm doing this rite.

30 March 2004 MatthewLloyd. BayleShanks recommended me this site!

23 March 2004 AndySmith. Testing testing

18 March 2004 IanMariano. Just saying hullo and watching the evolution.

18 March 2004 MurrayAltheim. Looking at ways that wikis can interoperate with other collaborative technologies. I'm also interested in InterWiki ideas.

15 March 2004 AntoineBrocard

11 March 2004 PoulStaugaard, apparantly also known on the net as cpe.atm2-0-1141221.0x50c4bd8a.boanxx9.customer.tele.dk (I couldn't help jumping at the chance to create version 500 of MeatballWiki, although it was just to revert a bad edit).

28 Feb 2003 AmeedSaabneh. I love the idea, still need to learn more.

26 Feb 2004 IsaacFreeman. I've recently fallen in love with wiki, esp Wikipedia, et al.

24 feb 2004 DaveFairchild. Intreagued with the concept. Think I'll hang around for a bit.

25 jan 2004RobGraves. Hi. Checking out Wiki. Exciting concept.

22 dec 2003 [Tony Laszlo] Congratulations for the great job you are doing with the MeatballWiki.

21 dec 2003 [Paul] Wishing for my own WIKI server in Wisconsin.

29 Nov 2003 [Jean-Charles de Longueville] founder of the ReseauCitoyen wiki

27 Nov 2003. StijnSanders. I'm getting used to my own wiki that does HTML, not good.

23 Nov 2003. EvanProdromou, co-founder of WikiTravel. Trying to learn more WikiTheory so I can help our project through its first few difficult months.

7 Nov 2003 Ok i signed this before but someone deleted it, so i'll sign it again :) -- Raaabo

5 Nov 2003 Anthere. Yet Another Wikipedian. Hi. French. Woman. Here AntHere. Admin of fr, en and meta. Been here and there for a year now, since the day I had to block someone in phase I and did not know how to do it :-) Discovered meatball though Koyaanis and TheCunctator, following bread crumbs. Having troubles with Security and CommunityBuilding. Often lurk here and there to try to find inspiration. Need inspiration.

5 Nov 2003 JussiVilleHeiskanen aka Cimon Avaro. Another wikipedian. An admin on the English Wikipedia. Martin Harper's sneaky, but persistent sprinkling of bread crumbs (i.e. external links to MeatballWiki pages), finally did its job, and tickled my curiosity. Mostly lurking.

31 Oct 2003 PoorSand? I am trying to add something for the first time. Does it work?

yep, it worked!

8 Oct 2003 EdPoor (aka UncleEd?). Hi, I'm a sysop at WikiPedia and I have several questions about community, consensus, and how to write articles about controversial topics.

22 Sept 2003 JoelDowns. Thought you guys might be interested in my community-oriented site, AnswerBag - http://www.answerbag.com. It's something of a user-generated FAQ that allows people to create new categories, questions, and answers, and to rate other people's answers.

19 Sept 2003 CharlesWeir. Love the topic! I got here wondering what what communities mean when they're using mobile portable PDAs as community things. Like the CellPhone, but PDAs.

8 Aug 2003 FredrikPetersson?. Seems I end up at MeatballWiki every time I Google for stuff I'm interested in right now. I have a homepage at http://pesononline.com but it doesn't really contain anything you guys would be interested in. Perhaps the place I work, [the smart studio] can be of interest. Anyway, great work everybody.

Question: has anybody given much thought on how to extend you wiki onto other media formats? Primarily I'm thinking about how to add annotations to printed books. Using ISBN I guess, but then what?

28 July 2003 Luis E. Hernandez. I'm in Venezuela, south america. You've probably heard about us because of our president, Hugo Chavez. I was up late looking up definitios and articles about demagogues and I came up with this page. Nice community you have here. By the way, any thoughts on DemaGoguess?

23 July 2003 Billie Hughes. I learned about this from Alan Levine (MCCD) URL: http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/ and George Seimens' newsletterURL: http://www.elearnspace.org. They are quite interesting and might be a tool we could use for strategic planning.

19 July 2003 TedErnst - I heard about this site from http://www.openspaceonline.net and I also run a wiki site at http://www.chicagohumanist.org but mostly it's just me writing and editing there. I related my recent BarnRaising experience on that page before I found this page.

25 June 2003 Hello. I like the BarnRaising page. Good stuff. I had my wiki going for a little while. Ended up making a horrible mistake.. (rm -r *). Learned my lesson. It's back up, but doesn't have much going on. http://madwiki.neuralevolution.net/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi if you're interested.

11 June 2003 Hi. Ruby Sinreich coming atcha from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. http://www.lotusmedia.org/blog Where are all the spaces going? I found the bit about voting interesting, but the page is hard to follow. Is that a liability with Wiki's?

10 June 2003 IvanPope?, Brighton, England: Working with others to create an online culture community and thought I'd drop by the Wiki world to see how it fitted. My home site: http://ivanpope.com

30 May 2003 Nelson Ferreira Alves, Macau. My sites: http://home.macau.ctm.net/~vicente/

May 27, 2003 JasonTromm from Greenville. You can find my Wiki [here] or read [The Trommetter Times].

May 15, 2003 EvgenyPatarakin from NizhnyNovgorod? and Pereslavl Zalessky, a small old town in the center of Russia. Very digital town anyway with Internet access in many houses - http://www.botik.ru. We try to create CollectiveHypertext with a different vision of the same words: http://www.iatp.nnov.ru/cgi-bin/linknet.pl?Story=13

May 13, 2003 RichardBWoods : Just getting started

May 06 2003 JosefDaviesCoates of UnitedDiversity

April 24 2003 AlleVanMeeteren: Wiki looks like an interesting tool for the philosophical discussion I'm interested in. It will be a discussion in Dutch and linked with news:nl.filosofie. I will use it on http://www.ankervoorfilosofie-nl.com/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi. I hope I will meet there some people, working on interesting texts. It is a pity it will be in Dutch, but that is the language in which I live.

April 22 2003 GinoTocchetti - exploring/experiencing the WikiSpace.

April 18 2003 ChristopheDucamp - a bit fed up with weblog... and now Wiki CategoryAddicted? . The best content management I've ever seen with real people inside to kill weblogpromotion in organizing some french real meeting points of new-wikists. Would be very interested to share any experience of WikiWebLifeTimeCycle. ;)

April 17 2003 DaveChristenson wanting to make one Wiki home page, planning to do it here, feeling like WardsWiki wants very brief user pages

April 14 2003 JoiIto Still getting familiar with Wiki's. Running MoinMoin (recommended by Robert Kaye) on my laptop and thinking of setting something up a public server. Found Meatball from JohnAbbe's Wiki after meeting him on the ED Happening... my main output is my blog. http://joi.ito.com/

April 10 2003 PhillipBannigan Interested in developing a true distributed nation using wiki and tikiwiki technologies. http://www.anewgo.com

April 01, 2003 coucou c'est encore PST : Alors, c'est toi, adresse à supprimer :-). RAS FDE.

March 30, 2003 coucou c'est PST. ? alors ?

March 30, 2003 BruceMcHenry Developing semi-open environments for collaborative document production and ownership using annotations, pay-per-click, and processes for establishing the value of contributions. See [[5]].

March 9 2003: Interesting...

February 25, 2003 CharlesMatthews I'm a go player/writer active on SenseisLibrary; I've been lurking here for a while to find out more about how wikis work in general.

February 20, 2003 Haegendas -- A wiki that work's for me... :-)

Feb 10 2003 Jo Howard - I like your concept of conversations, John. I'd like to hear more

February 3, 2003 SimonKågedal -- hello

February 2, 2003 MikkoMantysaari -- trying to learn.

January 27, 2003 Peter Chubb -- I've set up a Wiki using MoinMoin that should (eventually) be visible as IA64Wiki in the InterWiki. Our group is trying to build a community of Itanium Linux users --- Wiki looked like a good way to build participation and content. So far, almost noone outside of our group has contributed (except one turkey who added URLs of porn sites to the sandbox...)

January 16, 2003 Claus Bratvogel - tried TWiki - but usemod is easier to install :) and have now one running with german translation

Jan 10, 2003 EmilioDavis - phpwiki droped me here

January 9, 2003 : GMT+10.5 - FelipeHoffa - Got here from phpwiki.

January 9, 2003 : GMT+9.5 - DaviddeGroot - just checking out a different wiki - I use phpwiki.

January 8, 2003 : GMT+1 - Scott Edwards - New visitor to Wiki. I have bookmarked it for further exploration.

January 7, 2003 Leo Hourvitz - First entry of the new year. We just set up a meatball wiki for our volunteer work, chasing doc links.

3 de Enero de 2002 DavidGonzález? - Solo sé que no sé nada y que pienso luego existo. Gracias a todos los traductores y creadores en español.

December 2002 StuBaurmann, Matthew MacKenzie?

November 2002: DennisTesting?, DavidPrenatt (NetEsq), Vraeden

October 2002: NathanOllerenshaw, JulieLissner, JuhaKrapinoja

September 2002: RichCasto

August 2002: TomBarron, 9erpete, BogdanStancescu, ManfredR?, Pete Frischette

July 2002: JimScarver

June 2002: RolandLichti, Michael Holtan, ChrisRiddoch

May 2002: PhilHollenback MarkDilley AntonAylward?, ChrisWolske

March 2002: DruOjaJay, limako, ClemensFischer

February 2002: BayleShanks

January 2002: RolandTrique?

December 2001: MicheleBini?, MattBradshaw, ThomasHaukland, KevinBjorke, StephenGilbert

November 2001: MichaelCrawford, AnthonyEden, SebPaquet

October 2001: SamiMaatta DublinFoodCoopLinux?

September 2001: MatthewSimpson

August 2001: LynHeadley, RobHarwood, ThomasBushnellBSG

July 2001: MikePence

June 2001: StevenGibson (Super Ant), PeterLappo? Great software!

May 2001: PatCallahan

April 2001: MarcoMaggesi, EricScheid, JohnDeBruyn, EdwardHuff, AdamShand

March 2001: VageesanSiva, DanKeshet, DavidVivash?

February 2001: ChuckSmith, RobertRead, DwayneCox, AlexSchroeder, KenCaruso, PaulHolbrook

January 2001: ChrisAinsworth, JonathanWright?, JerryMuelver

December 2000: GaryBenson, StevePike, MaynardGelinas, DaveRaftery

November 2000: HelmutLeitner, TravisHallenbeck, RobertBrook

October 2000: ErikDeBill, AnthonyLander?, KlausAlexanderSeistrup, DaveJacoby

September 2000: ScottMoonen

August 2000: DennisConway?, AndrewMcMeikan, TiggerTenango, lars heyerdahl

July 2000: JasonYip ShaeErisson JürgenHermann

June 2000: DenhamGrey, DavidDeLis, AnthonyLiekens

May 2000: GianniBarberi?, ErikMeade, MattBrubeck, BillKelly?, AndreaDalessandro

April 2000: CliffordAdams SunirShah TimVoght? JeroenMostert DaveHarris RichardBash, Namielus

Wow, what a crowd!

Quality over quantity, I'd say.

Ah, but I'm assuming a low participation rate in the guestbook. They tend to be that way, although the ones they put on mountaintops seem to get better percentage (something about being on top of the world and wanting to say "I was here!")

''Well, this feels like another world anyway, and I wanted to say I was the 38th visitor! :-) -- ChuckSmith

mountaintop allegory cont: the view's terrific! David Norris

See also CategoryHomePage.

Ok i dont know if this is going to work but judging by what i'm reading up the page everyone is the same as me & just types something hoping it will save and be legible to others! This is my first time trying this Wiki Thingy and i think its like being in a big chat-room really? Is it? Where does the deleted stuff go though? Ok i'll shut up now and see if this even works for me!

...trying to find a code word...

This isn't WardsOriginalWiki, which currently requires Wiki:CodeWords for editing. This is MeatballWiki. Welcome! -- ChrisPurcell


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